Journal 1 - March 1982


1.     Editorial

Growing native orchids in New Zealand -Jim Forrest

2.     Odd 'Things‛ about orchids

A matter of Evolution - Phil Tomlinson

3.     Distribution of New Zealand orchids - Gordon Sylvester

4.     Field trip to Puffer Track - Dorothy Cooper

Did you know: Chiloglottis gunnii

Journal 2 - June 1982


1.     Editorial

             Record Sheet - Morley West

2.     To the Editor - W James Harper

2.     General Chit - Chat - Jean Jenks

        The odd ones -Dorothy Cooper

3.     Report from Otago - M.L. Young

4      Notes on the structure and development of terrestrial orchids - E.D. hatch



Journal 3 - September 1982


1.     Editorial

        Prasophyllum suttonii (P. patens) - How do seeds germinate - E.D. Hatch

2.     Orchids of this Coromandel Peninsula - John Smith

3.     Robert Brown and the Corybas controversy - E.D. Hatch

4.     A diary from Dunedin - Ian St George

        Lock, love and leave or "conserve our natives" - Phil Tomlinson


Journal 4 - December 1982


1.     Editorial

        Notes on Bulbophyllum tuberculatum - Michael Pratt

2.     Native orchids found within a day‛s field trip of upper Moutere - Jean Jenks

3.     Beginnings of Pterostylis - E.D. Hatch

4.     Thelymitra - Dorothy Cooper


Journal 5 - March 1983


1.     Editorial


             Hatch replies

2.     Native orchid environments - Gordon Sylvester

        Microtis unifolia the 'tough‛ one - Phil Tomlinson

3.     Two Pterostylids that appear to be 'hooked‛ on kauri - E.D. Hatch

        Pterostylis rooting from cut flower - J. Campbell

4.     Notes from Australian Journals

        On growing of Thelymitra and Caladenia seeds - L.T. Nesbitt

        On growing native terrestrials

4.     From "A field Guide to the native edible plants in New Zealand - A Crowe


Journal 6 - June 1983


1.     Editorial

             North Shore Orchid Society 10th Anniversary seminar

        Pterostylis cardiostigma D. Cooper sp. nov. - a new species of Orchidadeae from Wellington

2.     Notes

             Microtis unifolia - ED Hatch

             Microtis unifolia - Gill Nendick

             Gastrodia - Lucy Moore

             Gastrodia & Thelymitra - Jim Forrest

             Gastrodia - Ian St George

             Drymoanthus - Ian St George

3.     Observations on Caladenia and other species in Big Bush state Forest scrublands - Mark Moorehouse

        Affiliation with New Zealand Orchid Council - Editor

5.     The history of the discovery of Yoania australis - E.D. Hatch

8.     Type of Pterostylis cardiostigma


Journal 7 - September 1983


1.     Editorial

1.     Reports

             Orchids of the Wanganui district - Kevin luff

2.     Papers

             Drying orchids - Chris Ecryod

             Occurrence of Thelymitra in the 'Top of the South‛ Region - Jean Jenks

3.          Comment of Corybas cryptanthus E.D. Hatch


Journal 8 - December 1983


1.     Editorial

             Advertising endangered native orchids for sale

2.     Papers

             Remarkable metamorphosis of Thelymitra pauciflora Cheesem. (not of Rbr) - E.D. Hatch

             Thelymitra-pauciflora complex - Editor

3.     Conservation

             Where do they come from? - some questions and answers - Gerry Walsh


Journal 9 - March 1984


1.     Editorial

2.     Mail box 

             Acianthus in February - Dave Hunt

             From Ruapehu - Kevin Luff

             Pterostylis cardiostigma - Brian torrens

             Acianthus viridis from Tararuas - John Gregory

             Acianthus viridis from Longwoods - Jim Forrest

             Calochilus robertsonii from Ngatea - Bruce Irwin

             Pterostylis foliata from Hawkins Hill - Gill Newdick

             Growing Pterostylis trullifolia - Janet Leanne

             Growing epiphytes - Beryl Findlay

             NZ orchid Council conference - D. Cooper

2.     Papers

             Collection of native orchids could endanger wild populations - John Gregory

             The structure of the orchid flower - E.D. Hatch

             Orchids seen on the Chatham Is - Pauline Mayhill

             Orchids seen on Auckland Is - Pauline Mayhill


Journal 10 - June 1984


1.     Editorial

             Society objectives

             An evening with Warren Stoutamire

             Mark Clements triumphs at Kew

             Recent publications in the micro propagation of orchids from seed - MA Clements

3.     Papers

             Forster‛s orchids - E.D. Hatch

4.          Pterostylis plumosa (P. barbata) in the Cornwallis area - E.D. Hatch

5.          A national botanical society for New Zealand - Anthony Wright


Journal 11 - September 1984


1.     Editorial

1.     Other Journals

             A method to preserve flower colour in Herbarium material of tropical orchids - Olga Chudovska

             Australian deciduous terrestrial orchids - cultural notes - L.T & M.K Nesbitt

             propagating orchids - David Brown


Journal 12 - December 1984


1.     Editorial

2.     Reports

             A trip to Swampy summit - George Gee

             Puffer Track, Kaitoke - Dorothy Cooper

             Gumland orchids in 1948 - L.B. Moore


Journal 13 - March 1985


1.     Editorial

        Mapping of orchids - Ian St George

2.     Reports

             A trampers glimpse of orchids, Mount Aspiring National Park - Kevin Ross

Kakakpanui orchids - Kevin Ross

             Orchids of Herbert Forest - Barbara McGann

             Yoania australis at Karekare - Sandra Jones

             Some orchids of the Taupo district - Max Gibbs


Journal 14 - June 1895


1.     Editorial

        Pollinator on Gastrodia sesamoides - Dean Pendrigh

2.     Papers

             Introducing colour into your herbarium - George Fuller

             In reply - to Yoania australis at Karekare - ED Hatch

             A letter from abroad - Erwin Burmeister

4.     Second international orchid conference October 9-13 - Gordon Sylvester


Journal 15 - September 1985


1.     Editorial

2.     Reports

             Elderly orchids? - Lucy Moore

             Orchid trips 1984 - Beryl & Bob Goodger

3.     Papers 

             Confusing forms of Corybas - Bruce Irwin


Journal 16 - December 1985


1.     Editorial

Name changes in Caladenia

             Bulbophyllum tuberculatum on Lord Howe Is

1.     Reports

             Caladenia iridescens a new record for New Zealand - ED Hatch

             Second International Conference - Gordon Sylvester

             Tongariro National Park, January 1984 - Kevin Luff

             Finds in Egmont National Park, and surrounds - Val Smith

             Orchid trips 1984 (continued) - Beryl & Bob Goodger


Journal 17 - March 1986


1.     Editorial

2.     Reports

             Taupo Orchid Society annual native orchid field days - Max Gibbs

             The distribution of Pterostylis cardiostigma - Chris Ecryod

3.     Papers

             Corybas rivularis - the wet one - Dan Hatch


Journal 18 - June 1986


1.     Editorial

             Mapping scheme

1.     Papers

             Corybas cryptanthus

4.     Reports

             from Oamaru - Barbara Mc Gann

             from Lake Rotoiti - Max Gibbs

             From upper Mouter - Jean Jenks


Journal 19 - September 1986


1.     Editorial

1.     Reports

             Orchid finds - Dean Pendrigh

4.     Papers

             Pterostylis nutans, the case of the wandering gunpost - ED Hatch


Journal 20 - December 1986


1.     Editorial

             Hand over of the Journal to Ian St George

2.     Reports

             from Christchurch - Dean Pendrigh

             Puffer track - Stan Butcher

             Orchids at Iwitahi, Taupo - Max Gibbs

             Notes on Pterostylis plumosa Dan Hatch


Journal 21 - March 1987


1.     Editorial

             Orchid hunting in farthest England

3.     Notes

             Thelymitra formosa

             Taranaki group

             Yoania australis - Maureen Young

             from Upper Moutere and Te Anau trip - Jean Jenks

             Pterostylis graminea - Lucy Moore

5.     Review

             Growing orchids

5.     Historical note

             New Zealand orchids collected during Cook‛s voyages - ED hatch

             The puzzle of Spiranthes our pink ladies tresses orchids - Brian Molloy


Journal 22 - June1987


1.     Editorial

             Orchid hunting in farthest England - part 2

2.     Notes

             Herbert Forest - Barbara McGann

             Native orchid Society of South Australia on Corybas and Gastrodia

             Orchids in Tasmania - R Bates

             Name change Pterostylis mutica to P. tristis

             Past year‛s trips - Val Smith

             Insect records - Stan Butcher

             Membership list request - Frances Nicholls

             Pterostylis graminea at Peria - Doug McCrae

             Seed request - Ranate L de Zacks

5.     Notices

             Index for newsletters 1-20

             13th World Orchid conference Auckland 1990

             NZNOG camp Taupo 5-6 December 1987

6.     Articles

             Altitude range of Chiloglottis cornuta - Bruce Irwin

             Rediscovery of Calochilus campestris in NZ - Dough McCrae & Bruce Irwin

8.          The puzzle of Spiranthes our pink ladies tresses orchids Part II - Brian Molloy

             On Pterostylis coccinea RD Fitzg. - ED Hatch

11.   Individual subscribers


Journal 23 - September 1987


1.     Editorial

             Orchid hunting in farthest England Part 3


2.     Notes

             Lucy Cranwell lecture

             Bulbophyllum tuberculatum

             Perth Orchid show

             Swampy summit report - Lyn Young

             Circular track Days Bay - Phil Chandler

             Orchid finds 1986-7 - Dean Pendrigh

             Spiranthes - PC Reece


3.     Review

             Australian terrestrial orchids - C & D Woolcock

5.     Notices

             Kaitaia Orchid Society field days

5.     Articles

Native Orchid preservation - a personal view - Doug MCCrae

Terrestrial orchid seedlings, anyone? - Warren Stoutmire

Corybas carsei and Corybas unguiculatus - Bruce Irwin

Townsonia viridis (Hook, f.) Schlecter - ED Hatch

Rarities in the south - Ian St George

Names of Orchids - Brian Molloy


Journal 24 - December 1987


1.     Editorial


             Orchid hunting in farthest England Part 4

3.     Notes

             Corybas cheesemani alba - Dough McCrae

             New logo - Bruce Irwin

             Rescue dig - WANOSCG

             Orchid stamp

             Rescue dig - RL Heberle

             Iwitahi proposal to Forestry Corp - Max Gibb

5.     Reviews

5.     Articles

             A rival for Corybas cryptanthus - KF Ross

             Corybas found at Iwitahi - Max Gibbs

             Orchids of Taumatarea - Sd Hatch

             Endangered orchids - Kevin Luff

             Kaitaia Orchid Society‛s native orchid field days - Doug McCrae

             New Zealand Orchid distribution mapping scheme: Instructions for contributors


Journal 25 - March 1988


1.     Editorial

1.     Notes

             Affiliation with ANOS


             Lake Poinui - Phil Chandler

             Has anyone seen this orchid (Corybas orbiculatus) Bruce Irwin

             Corybas cheesemanii - Dan Hatch

             Thelymitra in the south - Ian St George

             Orchid vandalism - Dough McCrae

3.     Mapping

3.      Articles 

              Drying orchids -Chris Ecroyd

             Notes on Pterostylis humilis RS Rogers - ED Hatch

             Letter to editor of NZ Science Teacher - Morely West

7.          Native orchid forum report, Iwitahi 5-6 December 1987 - Max Gibbs

9.          Host Range of native perching orchids - Brian Molloy

             Orchids from Oxford, North Canterbury - Thom Dendrigh

             Some notes on Caladenias - Dough McCrae

12.        Will Pterostylis montana please stand up - Ian St George

15.   Australian Notes

Pterostylis nutans John C Marsh

             Differences preservation and conservation - John Hunwick

             Cultivation of Pterostylis cucullata and P. erythroconcha


Journal 26 - June 1988


1.     Editorial

1.     Notes

             Gastrodia in the garden - Trevor Nicholls

             Te Anau orchids - Lyn Young

             Corybas aconitiflorus in Maratoto Valley

             Corybas - Peter de Lange

             Orchid names to use - Bob Goodger

             Perching orchids - Bob Goodger

             Publication received


Journal 27 - September 1988


1. Editorial

             Dan Hatch FLS

3.     Notes

             Iwitahi and Cyclone Bola - Max Gibbs

             Alpine orchids - Mark Hanger

             Host tees of perching orchids - Maureen Young

             First observations of the new season B Killen

             Orchadian - is the name correct? - Dan Hatch

             Fanny Richardson - Who was she - Ian St George

             Emily Cheeseman - more info required - Ian St George

        Southland native orchid weekend

4.     Mapping

7.     Articles

             Writing about native orchids - Brian Molloy

             Microtis unifolia and microtis oligantha - Ian St George

             Orchid observations in southern Fiordland - Mark Hanger

             Host trees of native perching orchids - Brian Molloy

11.   Australian Notes

             Name changes in Acianthus and Cyrtostylis - Bob bates

             ANOS local groups and afiliated societies



Journal 28 - December 1988


1.     Editorial

1.     Notes

             Oops - Bruce Irwin

             Earina mucronata - Gordon Sylvester

             Botanical terms ss etc - Dan Hatch

             Chiloglottis gunnii transplant at Iwitahi - Max gibb

             Winika - Alex McKay

             Clue to insect pollination - Ian St George

             Cultivation of native orchids - ANOS Vic

             Orchid survey North Cape - Doug McCrae

4.     Mapping


             Orchids of Wilderness Scientific Reserve - Mark Hanger

             Distribution Maps for Chiloglottis cornuta

             Corybas cryptanthus from the Oxford area of Canterbury - Thom Pendrigh

             Some trees that support perching orchids in the far north - Dough McCrae

             Corybas trilobus in Otago - Ian St George

13.   Historical reprint

             On the means of fertilisation among some New Zeand Orchids - GM Thomson

             Papua New Guinea notes Andree Millar

16.   Australian notes

             Variation on Pterostylis cycnocephala Fitz, in South Australia - Bob Bates


Journal 29 - March 1989


1.     Original Papers

             The rediscovery of Thelymitra matthewsii in New Zealand - Doug McCrae

             Iwitahi diary: Corybas trilobus variations - Max Gibbs

             What is the southern Drymoanthus - Ian St George

11.   Notice - Conservation Officer wanted


             Kapiti Island - Gordon Sylvester

             Funding requests

             Corybas oblongus at Waiorongomai - Mary King

             Puffer track orchids - Jean Mowbray

             Pterostylis "Days Bay" - John Dodunski

             Chiloglottis cornuta seeding in bark- Jean Mowbray

             Otago orchids - Ian St George

             Gastrodia species under rhododendrons - Trevor Nicholls

             Kaimaumau Reserve fire - Doug McCrae

             Frank Blackwell negatives of orchids

             Australian orchid conference

             Matata orchids - Tim Funnell

             Flowering at Iwitahi - Max Gibbs

             Yoania australis - Sandra Jones

             Egmont orchid highlights of the year - Val Smith

15.   Mapping

18.   Historical reprint

Excerpt from "Flora of Manganui County" - Henry Carse

20.   Editorial

             International debate on cultivation and propagation of endangered orchids


Journal 30 - June 1989


1.     Original Papers

             Yoania australis at Collingwood

             North Islanders look at orchids in the South - Beryl Goodger

             Orchids on the Chatham Is - Amelda Swney

             Orchids on the Chatham Is - Noleen Clements

             Orchid touring in Victoria and South Australia - Part 1 of four parts - Doug McCrae

8.     Notes

             Grant for orchid survey in Northland

             Orchid of Mt egmont - Val Smith

             Gastrodia sesamoides near Kawerau - William Wright

             Mapping Bulbophyllum tuberculatum and Drymoanthus adversus - Sandra Jones

             Request for spirit specimens of NZ orchids - Darius Szlachetko

             Does Pterostyis tristis grow in deep south - Ed

             ANOS News

             Does Thelymitra longifolia grow in Australia? AP Brown

             Prasophyllum pumilum on kopu-Hikuai - Beryl Goodyer

10.   Notice World Orchid Conference 1990

        Historical reprint  

             Yoania australis - Dan Hatch 

12.   Members of the N.Z, Native Orchid Group 1989 

14.   Mapping


Journal 31 - September 1989



1.     Original papers

             Greetings from Taupo - Max Gibbs

             Orchid touring in Victoria and South Australia - Part 2 - Doug McCrae

6.     Notes

             Gastrodia leucopetala - Bruce Irwin

             Groups Conservation Officer - Doug McCrae

             Yoania australis - Maureen young

             Moonlight Valley Orchids - Muriel Morley

             Kawakawa Bay orchids - Max Gibb

             Bulbophyllum tuberculatum in Australia? - Ian St George

             Taupo Orchid Group grant - Max Gibbs

             Spiranthes australis - Wanyne Burns ANOS

             Catchpoole and Kopu Hikuai orchids; Chatham Is list - Anne Green

8.     Notices

Native orchid weekend - Taupo Orchid Society

             First Australasian Native orchid Conference

             Conservation Badge WA

             Cultivation of Australian Native Orchids

             Electronic data transfer

10.   Historical reprint

             Pterostylis cardiostigma - Dorothy Cooper


Journal 32 - December 1989


1.     Original papers

             The great Taranaki Corybas crawl - Bruce irwin

             Orchid touring in Victoria and South Australia 1988 - Part 3 - Doug McCrae

Caladenia alata r.BR. Syn. C. exigua (Cheesem.) Cheeseman - ED Hatch & Doug McCrae

6.     Notes

             Corybas cheesemanii on Tinui WW and Wairarapa trip - Val Smith

             Amendments - Dan Hatch

             Orchid Smuggling - Kew

             Swapping seed - Bill Poulton

             Orchid paintings - Barbara McKercher

             Bananas again - NOOSA

9.     Historical reprint

             Pterostylis nutans - Hooker WJ

12.   Editorial

        Names of NZ orchids

        Corybas "C" at Skippers


Journal 33 - March 1990


1.     Original papers

             Pterostylis cardiostigma D. Cooper - a new record for the Waitakeres - E.D. Hatch

             Orchid touring in Victoria and South Australia 1988 - Part 4 - Doug McCrae

             Dispersal of Chiloglottis cornuta - Brian Molloy

             Pterostylis foliata J.D. Hook. In Otago - Ian St George

7.     Notes

             Northland block - Noeleen Clements

             First Australasian orchid conference

             Cyrtostylis after fire - Barbara Hoggard

             Thelymitra pauciflora in Otago - Mark Hanger

             Around Wellington - Phil Chandler

             Taranaki roundup - Val Smith

             Mystery Pterostylis John Dodunski

9.     Historical reprint 

             The discovery and re-discovery of Caleana minor in New Zealand

14.   Mapping

             A. Species by District 

             B. Districts by species

23.   Australian Notes

             "Tantalising Terrestrials"


Journal 34 - June 1990


1.     Editorial

Questions about some New Zealand orchids after the recent publication of the "Catalogue of Australian Orchidaceae - Ian St George

             1. Orchids listed as shared

             2.   New Zealand species listed as not shared

             3.   Other species listed as not shared

             4. Conclusions

4.     Original papers

             Annual Taupo native Orchid weekend 1989 - Max Gibbs

             Conservation Comment - Doug McCrae

             Thelymitra decora in Otago - Ian St George

10.   Notes

             Newsletter renamed

             East Coast Trip - Tim Funnell

             Corybas cryptanthus at Te Paki - Doug McCrae

             Caladenia minor in South Australia - Bob Bates

             Flower closure in Thelymitra - Reg Angus

12.   Historical reprint

             John Buchanan 1818-1898

15.   New Zealand Native orchid Group


Journal 35 - September 1990


1.     Editorial

             Lodder Cup to Brian Molloy

             Can we find a black orchid?

             The Te Paki orchid survey

             The aims of the Journal.

3.     Notes

             W.F. Liddy, Dan Hatch, Val Smith,

             Jean Jenks, Ian Rutherford, Max

             Gibbs, Barbara Ledger.

9.     Australian notes

9.     Mapping

             Corybas trilobus

13.   New book announcement

14.   Original papers

From "Annotated list of vascular plants in the Rotorua Lakes Ecological District". Chris Ecroyd

A request for observations on Corybas. Bruce Irwin

Caladenia lyallii - observations and thoughts. Max Gibbs

Thelymitra tholiformis Molloy et Hatch - a new species of sun orchid endemic to New Zealand. Brian Molloy and Dan Hatch

Observations on Corybas cheesemanii. Ken Wilson, Dan Hatch, Max Gibbs

Historical reprints - Corysanthes cheesemanii. Hooker

A survey of the orchid flora of the Te Paki Farm Park. D.P. McCrae


Journal 36 - December 1990


1.     Editorial

Acianthus sinclairii on Stewart Island

4.     Original papers

Corybas cryptanthus (Hatch) in the Far North. D.P. McCrae.

6.          Notes on Thelymitra aemula, T. ixiodes and T. tholiformis. E.D. Hatch

7.     Notes

John Dryden,

             Philip Simpson,

             Noeline Clements,

             Nancy Adye

10.   Conservation comment

             Tim Funnell, Doug McCrae

13.   Historical reprints

Pterostylis tristis (?) near Outram in 1882

The first time Adenochilus gracilis was found in the South Island


Journal 37 - January 1991


1.     Editorial

What you want from your Group

6.     Original papers

The northward march of Pterostylis cardiostigma D. Cooper Maureen Young

Lake Chalice orchid survey. Mark Moorhouse.

Three weeks in the South Island. Val Smith.

The flowering times of southern orchids. Ian St George.

10.   Notes

Nancy Adye; Thelymitra pauciflora and T. formosa near Dunedin;

John Dodunski; Gordon Sylvester; Bruce Irwin; Lyn Young;

             Dan Hatch on the new New Zealand genus, Genoplesium

16.   Letter to the editor

Ken Wilson

18.   Australian notes

             Papua-New Guinea; Cryptostylis subulata; Pterostylis nana.

19.   Historical reprint

Pages from Charles Darwin.


Journal 38 - March 1991



1.     Editorials

A loose-leaf treatment of the NZ orchids?

3.     Notes

Review of NZNOG book;

             Max Gibbs; Dan Hatch on Pterostylis cardiostigma, Thelymitra aemula, Pterostylis areolata;

             Ron Maunder on deflasking;

             Noeleen Clements and Bruce Irwin on P. bmmalis.

4.     Original papers

Dan Hatch on Corybas rotundifolia

Bruce Irwin on Gastrodia cunninghamii’s labellum

Bruce Irwin on four species of Pterostylis.

12.   Mapping Scheme update

16.   Australian notes

R.D. FitzGerald lithographs;

             Pine plantations and native orchids by Mark Phillips.

9.     Historical reprint

Count Ferdinand von Mueller’s Pterostylis silvicultrix

21.   Subscribers in 1991


Journal 39 - June 1991


1.     Editorial

             The specific names

2.     Original papers

Attempts at cultivating Pterostylis banksii. Tim Funnell

Identification of Thelymitra flowers. Bruce Irwin and Beryl Goodger

.            Australian Orchid Research

             Volume 2 - a New Zealand perspective. Brian Molloy

10.   Notes


             Ken Wilson on Corybas cheesemanii (and pantyhose).

             Orchids in the iron curtain.

             The "viscarium". Wilbur Wright on Acianthus viridis.

             R.D. FitzGerald’s Australian Orchids at the National Museum.

             Bruce Irwin on Norfolk Island

             Dendrobiums. Gordon Sylvester.

Kapiti Island trip.

             Has Chiloglottis formicifera reappeared in New Zealand?

        Photographic competition.

15.   Australian notes Thelymitra pulchella in Victoria.

        The Australian Botanic Gardens.

        When Thelymitras open.

        A.N.O.S. news

17.   Historical note

        Robert Desmond FitzGerald


Journal 40 - September 1991


1.     Editorial

             The names

             Classification of the NZ orchids

3.     Original papers

             Notes on native orchids of Hanmer Forest B. Molloy

8.     Notes

             J.W. Dawson on Orchids on the Chatham Islands;

             Bev. Woolley on Pterostylis plumosa in the Coromandel;

             The NZ Herald on Corybas carsei;

             W.F. Liddy on Hawke's Bay reserves;

             Gastrodia cunninghamii tubers wanted;

10.   Australian Notes

             Badges available;

             Where is Australasia?

             R. Bates on Pterostylis nana

             Collecting orchid seed.

13.   Mapping

             Lottery grant for the Mapping Scheme.

             Under-reported Regions.

14.   Historical reprint

             Elizabeth Johnson.

18.   Notices


Journal 41 - December 1991


1.     Photo competition

2.     Editorial:

             The curious "exploded"

             Pterostylis of Upper Morrison's Creek

4.     Notes:

             The Hobart Mercury on Corybas carsei.

             Pat Enright from Borland Lodge.

             Ian Rutherford from Taranaki.

             Bruce Irwin on Corybas.

             Maureen Young on Yoania.

9.     Mapping Scheme

13.   Australian note

             Reg Angus on the labellum of Caleana major.

             North Tasmanian ANOS Group.

             Warringah Group Show.

             RJ Markwick on photographing orchids.

             Bob Bates on Pterostylis foliata.

14.   Historical reprint

             G.M. Thomson's Introductory Class-book of Botany for use in New Zealand Schools, 1891


Journal 42 June 1992


1.     Editorial

             We need to hear from you

             The flower of Bulbophyllum pygmaeum does open

4.     AGFA/NZNOG photo competition

5.     Notes

             Pterostylis nutans,

             Bruce Irwin on a strange Pterostylis;

             Pterostylis cardiostigma in the Hunuas;

             Noeleen Clements on a Gastrodia in Northland;

             The seed of Pterostylis banksii;

             Mark Moorhouse on orchids in the Inland Kaikouras;

             award to Bruce Irwin.

10.   List of subscribers

12.   Historical reprint

             Dan Hatch on Corybas cryptanthus.

15.   Australian notes

             ANOS Council contact:: Michael Harrison,


Journal 43 - September 1992


1.     Editorial

             Pronunciation of the generic names of the NZ orchids

2.     Original papers

             Some success at cultivation of native orchids - and a dilemma. Ken Wilson

A brief history of Corybas cheesemanii. Ian St George

Corybas carsei and the World Wide Fund for Nature.

10.   A list of the NZ orchids

12. Notes

             Karlie Birchall,

             Phil Chandler,

             Nancy Adye,

             LP. Chrystall,

             Maureen Young,

15.   Australian notes

P. Lavarack, C. French, Owen Andrews,

             Sealing shadecloth,

             Birds eat tubers

18.   A.N.O.S. conservation policy

19.   Book sale notice

20.   Mapping scheme

20.   Historical reprint

             Allan Dockrill on Drymoanthus adversus

24.   Native orchid weekend: Iwitahi 1992


Journal 44 - December 1992


1.     Editorial

             NZ native orchid artists: - Frank Blackwell (1862-1934)

             A glimpse of Aussie Caladenias

6.     Original papers

             Conservation of the NZ orchids by Brian Molloy

             The Maori and the orchid by Ian St George

             Further observations on Corybas by Bruce Irwin

14.   Notes

             Steve Savage,

Nelson Barbara McGann,

Oamaru Dan Hatch on Thelymitra cyanea

             Errors in the last issue

17.   Conservation comment

Threatened orchids

21.   Australian notes

             Jim Lykos

             Mapping scheme Progress report

22.   Historical reprint

James Cook on NZ insects

23.   Christmas offer

24.   NZNOG publications


Journal 45 - March 1993


1.     Editorial:

             Chiloglottis valida

2.     Original papers

             The annual Taranaki Corybas crawl: Audrey Eagle

Orchids recorded from gum-scrub areas near Whangarei: Noeleen Clements and Dan Hatch

The cantankerous Corybas - C. cryptanthus -. Bruce Irwin

Growing New Zealand epiphytic orchids from seed: T.R. Wilms

Focus on orchids: Gordon Watson

12.   Notes:

             Maureen Young,

             Karlie Birchall,

             Pat Enright,

             Margaret Menzies,

             Bruce Irwin.

18.   Australian notes

             Rachel Oddie and Letitia Quay on the propagation of terrestrial native orchids;

             Western Australian orchid tours;

             AOF publications; of ibises and orchids.

20.   Orchid artists

             Matilda Smith and John Nugent Fitch

23.   Historical reprint

             from Marguerite Crookes's Plant life in Maoriland


Journal 46 - June 1993

1.     Editorial

             Caladenia carnea/catenata complex

3.     Original paper

             Focus on Orchids - Gordon Watson.

5.     Help wanted

             How far north is Corybas macranthus?

             Which of the Corybas elongate in fruit?

             Two forms of Thelymitra pauciflora?

6.     Notes

             Green Gastrodia cunninghamii forms;

             Two Caladenia lyallii at Iwitahi;

             Orthoceras novae-zeelandiae pollination;

             Nelson Botanical Society field trips

             Flasked Australian species available

             Graham Marshall on Yoania australis

             Pat Enright on Otago field trips

             Bulbophyllum tuberculatum at Taneatua

             Allan Docker in the Waitakeres.

12.   Orchid artists:

             Jessie Brownlee.

13.   Australian notes

             Thelymitra matthewsii on Kangaroo Is

             Pollination of Australian terrestrials

             Pterostylis plumosa in S. Australia

15.   Historical reprint

             Bulbophyllum tuberculatum near Paraparaumu in 1968.

18.   N.Z.N.O.G. membership


Journal 47 - September 1993


1.     Editorial

             Women and orchids in NZ.

A list of the NZ orchids.

6.     Original papers

Corybas. longipetalus (Hatch) Hatch by Dan Hatch.

Notes on seven forms of Corybas rivulare by Bruce Irwin

             A possible pollinator of Calochilus robertsonii by Cath Wilson.

             Focus an orchids - part 3 by Gordon Watson.

13.   Help Wanted

             Northern extent of Corybas macranthus

             Elongation of Corybas in fruit.

15.   Notes

             NZ species and seed wanted abroad;

             Dan Hatch on Buulbophyllum tuberculatum in the Waitakeres;

             Willie Shaw's Te Urewera orchid list;

             Orchids in the 1993 threatened list;

             Tim Funnell growing Earina autumnalis in the shade;

             Bulbophyllum tuberculatum;

             Ken Wilson on white Corybas cheesemanii

             Pat Enright rupestral Drymoanthus "spotted leaf"

18.   Orchid artists

             Nancy Mary Adams.

20.   Close relations

             Malaysian Corybas.

21.   Australian notes

             John Donovan on conservation;

             Toowoomba show.

21.   Historical reprint

             Edith Coleman on the pollination of Spiranthes sinensis.


Journal 48 - December 1993


1.     Editorial 

             Report; Second ANOS. Conference,

             Toowoomba, Queesland, 1993.

             Pterostylis linearis

5.     Close relations

             Acianthus and Corybas species from the Solomon Islands

6.     Original papers

             Corybas longipetalus (Hatch) Hatch nom. Illeg. Brian Molloy

8.     Orchid artists

             Owen Gibson.

             Eric Godley

             Digby Graham

18.   Historical reprint

R. R. Rogers the description of Caladenia iridescens

22.   Notes

             Tongariro N.H.S. Award

             Vandalism in Austalralia

             Maureen Young on Corybas

             Dan Hatch on Pterostylis "ellisonii",

             Nancy Adams's P. patens.

24.   Australian cultivation notes

             Leo Cady

             Neil Finch

             Lorraine Marshall

             Spiro Kasomenahcis


Journal 49 March 1994


1.     Editorial

             NZNOG celebrations, December 1994

             William Colenso's Hawke's Bay orchids

12.   Original papers

             Iwitahi Native Orchid Reserve: proposed heritage park. Trevor Nicholls

             The annual Taranaki Corybas Crawl. Audrey Eagle

             More about that cantankerous Corybas - a diary. Margaret Menzies

17.   Notes


             Cath and Ken Wilson on Caladenia iridescens.

             Steve Savage on Gastrodia.

             Max Gibbs and native snails.

             John Dodunski on "impossible" terrestrials.,

             Nelson Botanical Society field trips

             Calochilus in Te Kopia Scenic Reserve

             Betty Seddon on Pterostylis patens from Westland.

             Corybas cryptanthus near Wellington.

             Robert Macnab on Tangarakau Bush Walks

             Allan Ducker's field trips

             Ian Rutherford in Taranaki 

             Bruce Irwin on "Pterostylis epiphyticus

WWF on Corybas carsei.

22.   Help wanted

             What are the ranges of elevation and its effects on orchid species? Mark Moorhouse

             Red and green forms of Orthoceras Ian Rutherford 

23.   Orchid artists

             Hugh Dale Wilson 

26.   Australian notes

             Andrew Batty, on Caladenia propagation.

             Bob Bates on mice that eat tubers.

             Bob Bates on forms of Pterostylis nana.

27.   Close relations

             Gastrodia javanica and G. verrucosa


Journal 50 - June 1994


1.     Editorial

             The Pacific genus Earina

7.     Close relations

Corybas saprophyticus from PNG

8.     Original papers

             A Pterostylis from Taranaki in I860. I.M. St George, E.D. Hatch

Synonyms. E.D. Hatch

.            George Forster's print of Earina autumnalis. Ian St George.

Pterostylis micromega and other wetland plants near Waverley. Colin Ogle.

22.   Australian notes

             A walk in the black forest. Reg Angus.

             New Address for A.N.O.S. Native orchid shows.

             Flasks of Australian natives available.

24.   Orchid artists

             Fanny Eva Richardson

             Spiranthes sinensis in Malaysia by Gunnar Seidenfaden

27.   Notes

             Dan Hatch on Corybas cryptanthus and epiphytic terrestrials

             Bruce Irwin on Colenso's Corybas papillosus

28    New Zealand Native Orchid Group members, 1994


Journal 51 - September 1994


2.     Editorial:

             If it is self-pollinating why does Calochilus robertsonii look like an insect?

5.     Close relations

             Gastrodia orobanchoides and Spiranthes sinensis from Pakistan.

6.     Notes

             Eric Scanlen offers orchid photography.

Dan Hatch on an extension of the range of Yoania australis.

Pterostylis tasmanica in New Zealand.

Pterostylis irsoniana and "Siamese twins" of P. patens, Mt Taranaki.

Val Smith on Thelymitra pauciflora.

Dan Hatch on the leaf anatomy of Aporostylis bifolia.

News from Iwitahi.

Obituary: Eric Adye.

Cath and Ken Wilson in Next.

Brian Molloy in Pacific Way.

Pat Enright's field trips.

Colin Ogle on Gastrodia sesamoides auct NZ.

Allan Ducker's favourite haunt in June.

             Randal Springer on Edwin B. Dickson.

             Corybas cryptanthus above Days Bay.

             Gal Donaghy & Graeme Jane on Bulbophyllum pygmaeum at Croisilles Harbour.

             Corybas rotundifolius near Warkworth.

             Betty Seddon on the orchids of Little Barrier; and Pterostylis 'epiphyticus' on Whale Island.

12.   Original papers

Reinstatement of Corybas orbiculatus (Colenso) L.B. Moore. Brian Molloy.

Pterostylis tasmanica D.L. Jones - a new name for the bearded greenhood indigenous to New Zealand. Brian Molloy.

             Research projects and orchid badges. Heather Crofsky.

18.   Orchid artists

             Claire Scott, Eleanor and Lydia Blumhardt

20.   Australian notes

             Alec Pridgeon puts the misnomer "tuberoids" to rest.

Coming A.N.O.S. group shows.

Australasian Native Orchid conference and show for Flinders in 1996.

             How can orchids and fungi live together? Heinrich Beyrle.

             CMV in Australian Pterostylis.

Queensland views on new orchid names.

Historical reprint: Swartz's orchid classification of 1800.


Journal 52 - December 1994


Papers and abstracts for the first New Zealand Native Orchid Group Conference, Iwitahi, December 1994

             2.   The various contrivances by which New Zealand orchids are fertilised by themselves. Ian St George.

             13. Hybrids using Drymoanthus adversus. Malcolm Campbell.

             15. Seek and ye shall find. Bruce Irwin.

             18. Observations on the pollination of Corybas “A”. George Fuller.

             23.  Vegetation of the Central Volcanic Plateau. Cathy Jones.

             23.  Corybas in New Zealand, Dan Hatch.

31. A Pterostylis from Taranaki in 1866 - a sequel. Randal Springer.

             34. Caleana minor: will it survive in New Zealand? by Chris Ecroyd

             34. Ecology and conservation of Corybas carsei in restiad bogs. Bruce Clarkson, Peter de Lange, Beverley Clarkson.


36.   Orchid artists

             Fanny Bertha Good (1860-1950)

             Eric Scanlen on Eleonore and Lydia Blumhardt, and Claire Scott.

38.   Notes

             Eric Scanlen and John Dodunski on a Waitakere Ranges classic.

             Yates Green Earth sponsorship and threatened orchids.

A white Corybas trilobus at Waikaremoana.

Barbara Hoggard on Thelymitra in the far north.

             Allan Ducker in the Hunua Ranges.

             Pat Enright’s finds.

             Fungus gnats pollinating a curious Corybas trilobus.

41.   Australian notes

             Cymbidium mosaic virus in Australian terrestrials.

             The Queensland species, Corybas montanus and C. barbarae.

Garry Guide on Spiranthes sinensis ssp.

             Mark Philips on Leona Woodcock’s new book.

             Cemeteries as refuges for native orchids.

             R.Bates on the Thelymitra nuda

             T. pauciflora complex in South Australia

45.   A list of the NZ orchids


Journal 53 - March 1995


2.      Editorial

The Cyrtostylis controversies.

             Caladenia in New Zealand.

             Insects observed pollinating Thelymitra longifolia.

12.   Notes

             Errors in NOGJ 52.

             John Dodunski on Cyrtostylis reniformis nectar.

             Pat Enright’s orchid finds.

             Barbara McGann at Shag Point, Otago.

             Observations from the northern South Island.

Cynthia Aston at Waihaha.

LP Chrystall’s Gastrodia minor.

             Iwitahi conference, and Chiloglottis valida observations.

Ken and Cath Wilson at Haast Pass.

             Pterostylis banksii from Kaueranga.

18.   Orchid artists

             Helen Kirkland Dalrymple.

Dorothy Jenkin.

22.   Close relations

             Corybas pictus from Borneo 3

23    Historical reprints

Thomas Frederic Cheeseman on the fertilisation of Cyrtostylis;

William Colenso on Dendrobium at Turakirae Point.

29.   New species

             Drymoanthus flavus St George et Molloy.

36.   Conference report

Iwitahi 1994. Trevor Nicholls


Journal 54 - June 1995


3.     Orchid expeditions

             Spiranthes sinensis, Prasophyllum “aff. patens ”, swamp, garlic and alpine blues; by Eric Scanlen.

Comment A, on Prasophyllum “aff. patens".

             Comment B, on Prasophyllum colensoi.

             Comment C, on Thelymitra “Whakapapa”.

             Comment D. on Corybas trilobus.           

11.   Close relations

             Prasophyllum species, from David Jones: Native orchids of Australia.

12.   Historical reprints

             J. Buchanan’s 1887 Gastrodia Hectori: was it really Prasophyllum “aff. patens”?

             Dan Hatch’s 1946 Prasophyllum suttonii (now called Prasophyllum “aff. patens”)

16.   Notes

             Obit Ken Wilson.

             Pterostylis linearis self-pollinating at Rangataua wetland.

             Thelymitra pulchella pollen granules.

             Swamp orchids at Kurapaponga lakes.

             Ruth Rudkin on Darwin.

Request for New Zealand native orchids from Germany.

             Latest Wellington Botanical Society Bulletin has two papers on native orchids.

             John Williams finds Gastrodia “long column” at his house near Wanganui.

             Cynthia Aston remembers the orchids of old Wellington.

Betty Seddon on subantarctic island orchids.

Acianthus viridis on Ruapehu.

             Australasian Native Orchid Society of New Zealand makes successful start.

Pat Enright on Microtis oligantha in Wellington.

             The elusive Corybas cryptanthus.

21.   Orchid artist

             William Henry Nicholls

23.   Australian notes

Species, subspecies, sibling species, cryptic species & micro species; by Bob Bates.

Orchids of the Australian and New Zealand Sub-antarctic islands; by Bob Bates.

Back to Basics: Iwitahi 1995. Prasophyllum colensoi.


Journal 55 - July 1995


1.     Editorial

             Calochilus in New Zealand.

Genoplesium pumilum

10.   Papers

Observing Gastrodia at Iwitahi. Trevor Nicholls.

             Pterostylis humilis R.S. Rogers - an orchid with a past. ED Hatch.

Orchids from the 1995 revision of the NZ threatened and local plant list.

14.   Orchid artist

             Audrey Eagle

16.   Close relations

Calochilus campestris by A.W. Dockrill

17.   Historical reprints

             RS Rogers on Pterostylis humilis, 1922

             D. Petrie on Pterostylis oliveri 1896

             J. Lindley on Calochilus herbaceus 1840

22.   Notes

             Pterostylis oliveri.

             Caladenia lyallii.

             Scent and plastic bottles.

             The Orchid Man of Vanuatu.

             ANOSNZ show .

Bruce Irwin: update on the various forms of Corybas rivularis.

25.   List of New Zealand Native Orchid Group subscribers, 1995


Journal 56 - September 1995


2.     Papers

             The kauri orchids. ED Hatch

Caleana minor: will it survive in New Zealand? Chris Ecroyd

Vagrancy within New Zealand threatened orchids. Peter de Lange, Brian Molloy

The Australasian genus Drymoanthus. Ian St George

21.   Notes

             Tasks for this season. Pat Enright’s field trips.

             Val Smith on Acianthus viridis. Errors corrected.

Bulbophyllum pygmaeum.

Are Corybas carsei and C. fordhamii the same?

             Bert Donaldson on Dargaville winter orchids.

Allan Ducker sends Corybas trilobus.

26,   Orchid artist

Sheila Natusch

27.   Close relations

             Pterostylis obtusa from Australia

26.   Australian notes

Colin Bower: Pollinators: what can they tell us about the taxonomy of Chiloglottis?

Third Australasian Native Orchid Conference, Adelaide, 1996.

             New Australian “aff.” species.

31.   Iwitahi 1995.


Journal 57 - December 1995


2.     Editorial

             Back to basics: I - Jurassic park;

             Back to basics: II - evolution and structure;

             Back to basics: III - abnormal structures;

Back to basics: IV - the structure of the orchid flower in NZ. ED Hatch

             Gastrodia cunninghamii and Gastrodia orobanchoides.

17.   Field trips

More curious capers recorded by the Corybas crawlers’ columnist. Eric Scanlen:

             1. Ngunguru, Corybas rotundifolius and all that;

             2. The Menzies/Talbot Corybas cryptanthus expedition.

23.   Close relations

             Thelymitra ixioides drawn by GV Scammell.

23.   Notes

             Ecology of dust seeds. Insect pollination of Thelymitra longifolia.

             Notes from China.

             Notes from Kai Iwi.

             Is Corybas carsei the same as C. fordhamii? Dan Hatch, Peter de Lange.

23.   Orchid artist

             Norman Bruce Harvey

24.   Australian notes

Comparative reproductive biology of two sun-orchids; the vulnerable Thelymitra circumsepta and the widespread T. ixioides [Orchidaceae]. MA Sydes & DM Calder.

             Receptiveness to pollination. SA swamp orchids. Pterostylis tasmanica in SA.

The Thelymitra venosa complex in Victoria.

             Orchid seeds.

             The influence of bush fires on seed germination. Orchids in Adelaide in August.

35.   A list of the New Zealand orchids

38.   Pterostylis nutans in New Zealand again


Journal 58 - March 1996


4.     Notes

Orchids on the Internet.

             Orchids on disk.

Pollinator on Pterostylis banksii.

             Corybas trilobus hybrids?

             Corybas “Trotters”.

             Oops department.

             Rimutaka Corybas trilobus.

             Corybas “rest area” after the volcano and new sites for C. “Waiouru” and C. orbiculatus.

             Corybas rivularis senso stricto.

             Abnormal T. hatchii near Craigieburn.

             Pterostylis foliata at Whenua Tapu.

             Cryptostylis subulata in the north.

             Pterostylis nutans - the pictorial evidence.

             Thelymitra malvina and T. “rough leaf" in the north.

             Shag Point (Otago) revisited.

             Pterostylis montana on Wellington’s western hills.

             Small Pterostylis banksii.

             The curious exploded Pterostylis revisited.

             Corybas aff. rivularis species.

             Waikaremoana orchids

16.   Original papers

             Microtis arenaria in New Zealand. Ian St George.

             Return to Taranaki: a Corybas addict’s diary. Allan Ducker.

             Corybas, albino, epiphytic and humungous - also missed chances. Eric Scanlen.

             Gastrodia aff. sesamoides in Auckland City. Peter de Lange.

             Thelymitra pauciflora, T. intermedia and T. “pseudopauciflora”. Bruce Irwin & Ian St George

29.   Historical reprint

             Sven Berggren (1837-1917) and Thelymitra intermedia

             Orchids north of Auckland

Native orchid conservation trip. Neville Hewinson.

             The Far North CCCCCHOGM. Eric Scanlen.

             Thelymitra matthewsii (Cheeseman) in the Far North. Anne Fraser.

             Orchid species lists for sites in the north. Catherine Beard.

23.   Australian notes

             Caladenia splitting.

             Caladenia minor variations.

             Good terrestrial season in Victoria.

             Doug McCrae’s Thelymitra pulchella x T. longifolia hybrid on show in Adelaide.

             Third Australasian Native Orchid Conference, Adelaide. 1996.

Different leaf forms of Corybas trilobus near Waikaremoana.


Journal 59 June 1996


1.     From the editor

             Pterostylis puberula (aka P. aff. nana).

             Pollination studies.

Predominantly insect-pollinated NZ orchid species.

             Cotesia ruficrus (Braconidae) probable pollinator of Microtis unifolia in NZ.

             Dasytes beetle suggested pollinator of Prasophyllum aff. patens.

12.   Original papers

             Flies on NZ native orchids. Eric Scanlen

             Corybas “trilobus roundleaf ’ - and C. Crawlers become Thelymitra Thralls. Eric Scanlen

The Pterostylis pterodactyls, Potoema the pump and Pterostylis micromega: a tale of missed targets and unexpected bullseyes. Eric Scanlen

27.   Notes

             John Barkla on Pterostylis micromega.

             Doreen Abraham on orchids by the Kawakawa track.

Orchids on the Tararuas, near Ruapehu and around Waikaremoana.

Lois Dougherty’s hybrid Sarcomoanthus “Little Sparkle”.

             Catherine Beard on two forms of Thelymitra cyanea.

             Gael Donaghy and Bulbophyllum in NW Nelson.

             Spiranthes at Paraparaumu.

             How do you spell “Zealand”?

             A freak Thelymitra aff. longifolia flower.

             How’s your nose?

             A crane-fly on Bulbophyllum tuberculatum.

             Corybas iridescens and Corybas papa.

             Bob Goodger photographs insects on orchids.

             The sun on Pterostylis and Thelymitra.

             Nina’s news

             Gleanings from Trevor Nicholls’s Internet column

36.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Three British Spiranthes species, engraved by Walter Hood Fitch.

37.   Historical reprints

A presumed insect pollinator for Corybas oblongus in 1918
Observations of pollen vectors on a putative hybrid swarm of Microtis RBr. By R. Bates.

39. Native orchid photographer

Val Smith.

40.   Australian notes

Virus in Australian natives.

             Orthoceras novae-zeelandiae in Australia?

             Prasophyllum odoratum, Gastrodia sesamoides, Prasophyllum australis. Cyrtostylis vs Acianthus.

Third AN OS Conference and Show, Adelaide

45.   New Zealand Native Orchid Group members, 1996.

47.   ANOS website


Journal 60 September 1996


2.     From the editor

             Corybas on the southern islands.

             Could the dreaded South African weed orchid infest New Zealand?

4.     Original papers

Gastrodia aff. sesamoides in Auckland city (2). EK Cameron.

A history of the South African weed orchid Monadenia bracteata (Sw.) Dur. & Schinz in Australia (will it reach New Zealand?). Bob Bates

             Australasian hybrids. Malcolm Campbell

             Pterostylis puberula - is it really so scarce? Peter de Lange

19.   Notes

             Val Smith photographs Pterostylis tristis

             Chris Hubbert on Lyperanthus antarcticus on Enderby Island;

             Bob Goodger on Orthoceras in NZ, and on Earina aestivalis;

             Beryl Goodger on Thelymitra “Whakapapa”;

             Oops column;

             The Orcadian

             Microtis arenaria from Hooker’s Flora Tasmanica, 1860;

             Corybas iridescens and Corybas papa drawn by Bruce Irwin;

             Peter de Lange on Corybas carsei;

             A code of ethics for NZNOG.

             Taxonomic news;

             Winter orchids near Wellington;

             Taranaki Corybas Crawl 96;

             Rare books;

             Iwitahi 97.

29.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Orthoceras strictum in New Caledonia - Nicolas Halle

30.   Nina’s news

30.   Iwitahi Native Orchid Reserve

32.   Orchid photographer

             Bob Goodger

34.   Historical reprint

Henry Blencoe Matthews’s “Caladenia calliniger”

35.   Australian notes

             Bob Bates on - the Prasophyllums in South Australia;

             Small Caladenias in South Australia.

             Pyrorchis - the fire orchids.

             More on fires and flowers.

             Monadenia around Adelaide.

             A flower personality” - RS Rogers and Rosa Fiveash c. 1914.


Journal 61 - December 1996


2.     From the editor

             Pollination in Thelymitra.

             Two species of Orthoceras?

             Emily Cheeseman’s watercolours. Talking to flowers.

             Code of ethical conduct.

4.     Notes

             Bob Goodger on two forms of Corybas oblongus.

             Ella Campbell on Danhatchia australis.

             Thelymitra cyanea near Waikaremoana.

             Obit. Malcolm Campbell, Noeleen Clements.

             Cultivation vs conservation.

             Bob Bates on items in J60.

             Les belles inconnues.

             Sue and Robbie Graham on orchids by a river.

             David Jones on Caladenia lyallii, Prasophyllum colensoi et al.

             Bruce Irwin’s Corybas trilobus x C. iridescens hybrid.

             David Lang — the intrepid orchid explorer.

             Microtis arenaria from the Adelaide hills.

12.   New book!

13.   Iwitahi 97.

14.   Orchid artist

             Collin Elwin Woolcock (1914-1989): Gastrodia sesamoides and Orthoceras strictum.

14.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Pterostylis pyramidalis: drawing by Michael Morcombe from his Australia's wild/lowers

14.   Historical reprints

             HB Matthews’s “Corybas aestivalis” — is it different from Corybas oblongus?

             His “Prasophyllum patentifoliurri” — is it different from Prasophyllum colensoi?

             William Colenso’s Prasophyllum pauciflorum — is it different from P. colensoi?

Two historic places for NZ orchidology — the Rainbow falls at Kerikeri and LakeTongonge.

22.   Australian notes

Rica Erickson’s illustration of Monadenia bracteata. Endangered orchids of South Australia.

             Native orchid growers network in Victoria.

             Adopt-an-endangered-species programme in SA.

             Forms and freaks of Calochilus robertsonii in SA.


Journal 62 - March 1997


2.     From the editor

             October orchids at Kaimaumau.

Spiderwebs on Microtis unifolia.

             Corybas “quadriplex”.

             The maps in the Field guide.

             Microtis surprises.

             Two NZNOG books for sale.

8.     Original papers

             Te Paki Station, the northern limit. Eric Scanlen.

             “A beaut weekend”. Trevor Nicholls.

17.   Featured photographer

             Eric Scanlen. The enigmatic compromise: macro-photography of New Zealand orchids.

20.   Notes

             Anne Fraser draws Corybas cryptanthus. Dave Kirk on velamen.

             Karlie Birchall at East Cape.

             David McConachie on Palmerston North orchids.

             Anne Puttnam finds Thelymitra matthewsii.

             T. matthewsii at North Cape.

             T. pulchella and T. sanscilia at Kaimaumau.

             Angela Abemethy asks for help.

             Thelymitra malvina at Kaimaumau.

             Your ideas for the Journal.

             Freak flower of T. longifolia.

             Your ideas for the Code.

Caladenia minor at Kaimaumau.

             A curious Microtis aff. unifolia.

             Corybas macranthus at Shag Point, Otago.

             Microtis in a Foxton urn.

             Thelymitra nuda in NZ?

             Calochilus robertsonii at Iwitahi

             Pterostylis irsoniana.

             Iwitahi 97-98.

             Ella Campbell and Brian Molloy recognised.

             A conference in Cuba.

             Native orchid hybrids for sale — proceeds to NZNOG.

26.   Historical reprint

             RD FitzGerald on the pollination of Thelymitra ixioides and T. camea (1875).

             Thelymitra carnea — illustration by Bruce Irwin.


26.   Australian notes

             Pterostylis arenicola explosion at Wellington.

             Fourth Australasian Native Orchid Conference.

             Adenochilus nortonii — described by David Banks and illustrated by JJ Riley.

31.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Adenochilus nortonii


Journal 63 - June 1997


2.     From the editor

             September orchids in South Australia.

             Caladenia lyallii, C. alpina et al.

             A longitudinal report.

             Some good people.

Two books available.

8.     Original papers

             Hunuas and Waitakeres Corybas rivularis complex. Eric Scanlen.

             The Owhango squelch. Eric Scanlen.

             The distribution of Danhatchia australis. ED Hatch.

             Report on the orchids on Voyage 1393. Trevor Nicholls, Karlie Birchall.

Observations on the flowering of Bulbophyllum pygmaeum. Bob Talbot.

18.   Notes

Why resupination? NZNOG on the internet.

             White Corybas trilobus.

             Corybas rivularis from Kerikeri falls.

             Readers’ further suggestions.

             Kauri track near Coromandel.

             Thelymitra hatchii from Orongorongo.

             Bruce Irwin on Gastrodia aff. sesamoides.

             New native hybrids for sale.

             Kaimaumau orchids again.

             Wild collection in Peru.

             Karlie Birchall from the southern islands. .

             Another strange Microtis

22.   Conservation

             Report on ANOS conference conservation forum. Ruth Rudkin.

             Small Golden Moths Orchid — an orchid on the edge. Lorraine Marshall

26. Close relations: orchids like ours

Cryptostylis ovata: From Hoffman & Brown’s Orchids of south-west Australia.

26.   Historical reprint

             JLH de la Billardiere on Malaxis (Cryptostylis) subulata.


Journal 64 - September 1997


3.     From the editor

             Diuris: the quintessential Australian.

The genera. Microtis wanted.

3.     Original papers

             Five field trips for unfamiliar finds. Eric Scanlen.

.            New Zealand genera. 1 Pterostylis. E.D. Hatch.

.            British orchid genera. 1. Platanthera.

Lateral petals on Corybas cheesemanii. Eric Scanlen (illustrated by Bruce Irwin).

Forest Lake. Max Gibbs.

15.   Coming events at the Iwitahi Orchid Reserve. Trevor Nicholls.

19.   Notes

            Colour pictures of Thelymitra sanscilia, Pterostylis montana, Cyrtostylis reniformis.

            Pauline Lawes on Gastrodia.

            Barbara McGann finds Dasytes beetles on Caladenia lyallii.

            Dorothy Jenkin cards from Stewart Island.

            Making a reference collection of flowers.

             Mark Moorhouse reports Corybas “quadriplex” from Marlborough.

             Peter de Lange on the orchids of Three Kings Islands.

             NSW & NZ Thelymitra

21.   From the Internet

             Mutagenesis in orchids.

             Icelandic orchids.

             Future trends in hybridising.

             A meadow in Roumania.

             The Ghost orchid of Florida.


             Our Field guide on the internet.

24.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Thelymitra javanica from JJ Smith’s Die orchideen von Java.

25.   Australian notes

             Who was Robertson? HMR Rupp: “the orchid man”.

             Orchid bonanza expected after flooding.

             Orchids in pine plantations.

             Cloning a rare Diuris.

             Endangered species and conservation efforts.

27.   Historical reprint

             Gumland orchids by FW Bartlett.

28.   Featured photographer

             Bob Talbot.

29.   Viewpoint

             Why not start an informal local group of NZNOG members? Bruce Irwin.

30.   1997 membership list


Journal 65 - December 1997


2.     From the editor

             British genera II: Ophrys. 3.

Typos and apologies.

             Is this an early season?

A list of species with notes.

8.     Original papers

             The New Zealand genera II: Thelymitra. ED Hatch.

             Research proposal. Angela Abemethy.

             The development of auricles in Corybas. Bruce Irwin.

             Petalochilus again? Bruce Irwin.

             Return to Te Paki for Thelymitra matthewsii. Eric Scanlen.

             A checklist of orchids seen. EA Fraser.

20.   Notes

             Corybas cheesemanii.

             Dan Hatch on Thelymitra cyanea and T. venosa.

             David MacConachie on Farewell Spit and a native orchid interest group in the Manawatu.

             Morley West on modem biotechnologies and orchids.

             Corybas “Waiouru” in the southern Wairarapa.

             Hikurangi Mountain.

             Corybas “Trotters” at Putangirua Pinnacles. Eric, Bruce, and the Bridal Veil.

             MC Gudex on the orchids of Bridal Veil Falls Reserve.

             Congratulations to Brian Molloy OM.

             New names for five NZ orchids.

             Eric Scanlen on albino Corybas oblongus.

25.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Drymoanthus minutus drawn by Alick Dockrill.

22.   From the internet

             Natural hybrids.

             Orchid conservation funds.

             Transplanting Cypripedium acaule.

24.   Historical reprints

Thelymitra nervosa by William Colenso.

             Petalochilus by R S Rogers.

29.   Iwitahi

             Crunchtime. Trevor Nicholls.

33.   Australian notes

             The Australian Orchid Foundation invites applications for grants.

             Rhizanthella slateri.

             4th ANOS Conference.

             Photography tip.

             Corybas neocaledonicus not in Australia.

             Seeking the spiral sun orchid — Thelymitra matthewsii. By “Eastern chronicler”.

             Thelymitra spiralis in the York Shire. Fred Hort.

             Pterostylis nutans. Warren Simpson.


Journal 66 - March 1998


2.     From the editor

             Bruce Irwin honoured.

             Orchids and fungi.

             British orchid genera 3 — Cypripedium.

11.   Original papers

             The New Zealand genera 3 — the endemic genera. ED Hatch.

             Was it really Corybas iridescens? George Fuller.

Gastrodia afl. sesamoides (Orchidaceae) - a common traffic island plant in Hamilton city. P. J. de Lange.

             In search of Corybas “round leaf’. Eric Scanlen.

             The rare and intriguing from three field trips. Eric Scanlen.

27.   Notes

             Five new Pterostylis species and a new name for Lyperanthus antarcticus.

             Authority for name changes.


             Ron Whitten on a white form of Pterostylis banksii.

             NZ Orchid Society’s 50th anniversary celebrations, September 1998

             Thelymitra “Ahipara”. Microtis aff. parviflora on the Pahiatua Track.

             Notes on the pollination of Gastrodia “long column”.


32.   Exotic tales from the internet

             Peru. Costa Rica.


             Tree frogs.


34.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Cryptostylis arachnites, from RE Holttum’s Flora of Malava 1957.

35.   Australian notes

             Thelymitra circumsepta. John Landy, Miler and naturalist.

             How many wild species are there in South Australia?

             Wal Upton honoured.

             Fragrance of Gastrodia sesamoides.


Journal 67


Cover - Caladenia aff. carnea

2.     From the editor

             British orchid genera 4 — Gymnadenia.


             Pterostylis aff. irsoniana from Haurangi State Forest Park.

             Microtis unifolia variations.

7.     Original papers

Hunting native orchids in New Plymouth city and finding a gigantic Bulbophyllum pygmaeum. George Fuller.

10.   The New Zealand genera 4 — Australian genera with a single species in New Zealand. ED Hatch.

12.   Some additional locations for Danhatchia australis (Hatch) Garay et Christenson (Orchidaceae). Peter de Lange and Brian Molloy.

20.   Thoughts on some new names in Caladenia and Pterostylis. Rhys Gardner.


21.   The column - Eric Scanlen

             The Bulbophyllum pygmaeum debate..

             Gastrodia “long column” and the Disa connection.

23.   Notes

             What happens to your sub?

             Barbara McGann on Gastrodia “long column” near Oamaru.

             Peter de Lange on G. “long column” and other orchids.

             Bruce Irwin on a curious Pterostylis from Mt Taranaki.

             Ian Rutherford in Kaitaia.

             Apologies to Max Gibbs.

             Donation to Iwitahi.

             George Fuller’s Chinese book and Gastrodia “long column”.

             Peter de Lange’s orchid list from Mt Pirongia.

             Genoplesium pumilum.

             March '98 Orchadian.

28.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Gastrodia elata

29.   From the internet

             How many Pterostylis?



             Is conservation an outdated concept?

32.   Australian notes

             Fourth Australasian Native Orchid Conference and Show, Melbourne, October 2000.

             Summer orchids of Tasmania.

             Orchid smuggler fined.

35.   Historical reprints

             The first descriptions of Bulbophyllum pygmaeum


Journal 68 - September 1998


Cover - Pterostylis aff. obtusa, northwest Nelson.

2.     From the editor

British orchid genera V: Orchis.

4.     Original papers

             Burgess Park and Corybas oblongus. George Fuller.

             The New Zealand genera 5: Corybas. ED Hatch.

             The orchids of the Waitakere ranges. ED Hatch.

             Pterostylis aff. obtusa - another vagrant in NZ? G.Donaghy, G. Janes, I.StGeorge.

             What constitutes a species? JB Irwin.

             Orchids of the Poor Knights and Mokohinau Islands. Peter de Lange.

17.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Thelymitra matthewsii and the Deluge.

             Pterostylis trullifolia “trident” at Bream Tail.

24.   Notes

             Elizabeth Miller on names, authorities and citations.

             Waiti Rd note provokes snorts.

             GLOS and CITES.

             Double-fruited Corybas oblongus.

             Thelymitra pulchella at Karamea. 

             Orchids waiting for you this season.

             New book on South African orchids.

             Eric Scanlen stars in Whangarei.

             Anne Fraser proposes studies of Thelymitra matthewsii.

Dan Hatch reviews papers from the new Royal Society publication Ecosystems, entomology and plants (Miscellaneous Series 48), 1998.

29.   From the latest Orchadian:

             albinism in Australian orchids;

             Gastrodia orobanchoides;

             Pterostylis irwinii portrayed. Iwitahi 1998.

30.   From the internet

             Nepalese orchids.

31.   Historical reprint

             “The Orchids of New Zealand: Epiphytic Species” by LH Kyle, 1956. 

34.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Gastrodia queenslandica drawn by AW Dockrill.

35.   Australian notes

             Another drought year in South Australia.

             The wetness of the stigmatic surface.

             Comments on Dockrillia.

             New names in Thelymitra.

             Virus in wild Dendrobium speciosum.

             Bulbophyllum exiguum drawn by JM Bolger.

             ANOS Conference & Show.

38.   1998 NZNOG membership list


Journal 69 - December 1998


Cover - Thelymitra matthewsii

2.     From the editor

             British orchid genera VI: Himantoglossum

             September: Satyriums in South Africa.

             A list of the New Zealand species with notes.

8.     Review

             Australian Orchid Research Volume 3, 1998. David McConachie

10.   Original papers

             The New Zealand genera 6: the Asian epiphytes. Dan Hatch.

             Spring orchids in Golden Bay. Gael Donaghy and Graeme Jane.

Monitoring of Pterostylis micromega at Ihupuku Swamp. Waverley: 1995-1997. Jim Campbell Colin Ogle, Graeme La Cock.

             Orchid searching in the Wanganui hinterland. Colin Ogle

             Observations on Thelymitra columns at Te Paki. Bruce Irwin.

21.   The Column: - Eric Scanlen

             The Wharekawa orchid garden

             Thelvmitra matthewsii — the Te Paki jewel.

31.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Thelymitra variegata from Western Australia.

32.   Historical reprint

             Elizabeth Johnson's orchid drawings from the NZ Gardener.

37.   Australian notes

             A visit with a rare orchid. Trevor Prescott.

             Australian Orchid Research Volume 3 available

             Calomitra "Memoria Jack Warcup'


Journal 70 - March 1999


Cover -Pterostylis from Haurangi State Forest Park, southern Wairarapa

2.     Guest editorial: E.D. Hatch

3.     From the editor

             Edwin Daniel Hatch, octogenarian.

             The NZNOG code of ethical conduct

             British orchid genera VII: a miscellany.

             Tales of Pterostylises.

             Orchids by Ecological Region.

13.   Notes, comments, letters

             NZNOG affiliates with NZ Orchid Council.

             John Williams finds Caladenia chlorostyla in ecological region 24.

             Gastrodia aff. sesamoides in John Groom’s neighbour’s garden.

George Fuller waxes fulsome on Chiloglottis formicifera, and describes double-headed Corybas iridescens. Nature guide to the NZ orchids due in 1999.

             Johns & Molloy’s Native orchids of NZ auctioned.

             A good year for Winika cunninghamii.

             Doyle Allison-Cooper dilates on Microtis.

             Dan Hatch on Australian orchid research Vol 3.

             Tnple-headed Pterostylis aff. montana from North Otago.

             Peter de Lange’s observations.

             Queensland’s orchids. Thelymitra circumsepta. T. formosa and T. retecta.

             Bulbophyllum pygmaeum in the Hokianga.

             Gastrodia “long column” at Silverstream.

19.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Microtis unifolia from New Caledonia

20.   Historical reprint

             RD FitzGerald on Thelymitra media and T. circumsepta

24.   Original papers

             Ten tips to better orchid photographs David Banks.

             Seeing double. George Fuller

             The NZ genera 7: Calochilus and Chiloglottis. ED Hatch.

20.   The Column: - Eric Scanlen

             Thelymitra enthralment at Te Paki.

             Pterostylis irwinii in Nelson.

40.   Conference and field days

             Pokaka 1998. Bruce Irwin, Eric Scanlen, Anne Fraser, David McConachie.


Journal 71 - June 1999


Cover - Spiranthes “Motutangi’’ by Bruce Irwin.

2.     From the editor

             British orchids VIII: the helleborines.

             Book reviews.

             Thelymitra “Comet’'.

             Shimanami in Japan.

             New book to be launched on 1 September.

6.     From the bulletin boards

             The race to name the new paphs.

             A walk in the Dominican republic.

             A walk in Sri Lanka.

             Earinas of the Pacific.

             Orchids and gorillas at the Bronx Zoo.

7.     Other islands' orchids

8.     Close relations: orchids like ours

             Spiranthes sinensis from Malaysia.

8.     Original papers

             Update on Thelymitra “Whakapapa". J Bruce Irwin.

             Awhitu Chronicle. Patricia Aspin.

             Iwitahi happenings. Trevor Nicholls.

             Iwitahi 1999.

             The NZ genera 8: Acianthus, Townsonia, Genoplesium. ED Hatch.

             Observations on orchid distribution and flowering times in Nelson and Marlborough. Gael Donaghy.

             Pterostylis montana and P. “non-montana”. Gael Donaghy and Graeme Jane.

             Pterostylis aff. obtusa: 1999 photographs. Gael Donaghy.

22.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Should Spiranthes spiral to the left or to the right?

             Wharekawa sequel...


27.   Notes, comments, questions, letters

             Spiranthes "Motutangi".

             Pterostylis cernua gone already?

             Spiranthes sinensis in the Pacific Islands.

             Orchids of the Mediterranean islands.

             Prasophyllum aff. patens in March. Winika cunninghamii in Haurangi State Forest Park.

             Gael Donaghy on Stewart Island.

28.   From the Internet

             Spiranthes sinensis from Papua New Guinea.

29.   Historical reprint

             Extracts from the GM Thomson diaries.

31.   Australian notes: - David McConachie

             Sad news on duck orchids.

             Simpson field trip.

             In search of the potato orchid.

             The Australasian Native Orchid Society

             ANOS New Zealand. 4th ANOS Conference & Show.

34.   New Zealand Native Orchid Group membership list 1999


Journal 72 - September 1999


Cover - Adenochilus gracilis and Caladenia minor. Drawing and lithography by WH Fitch, from JD Hooker’s Flora Novae Zelandiae, 1853,

2.     Editorials: Ian St George

             British orchid genera IX: the twayblades.

             NZ orchids that grow in moss.

             Orchids common to Australia and New Zealand.

             Thelymitra pulchella and its relations.

             Our yellow Thelymitras.

15.   From the Internet

             Website for Papua-New Guinea orchids.

             Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and ANOS websites.

             Corybas in China.

             How to stop your cat eating your orchids.

             Near Zealand....

16.   Original papers

             The New Zealand genera 9: Gastrodia. ED Hatch.

             Structure and development in the New Zealand terrestrial orchids. ED Hatch.

             Pterostylis alveata = P. aff. obtusa - an update. Gael Donaghy & Graeme Jane.

22.   The column: - Eric Scanlen

             The Caladenia minor imbroglio

30.   Other islands’ orchids


31.   Notes, news, comments, questions...

             Ian Rutherford on epiphytes in the Far North.

             Lucy Moore on Microtis arenaria.

             William Colenso on Microtis longifolia and M. papillosa.

             Saprophytes and epi-parasites. Corybas dienemus.

             Gastrodia aff. cunninghamii?

             Iwitahi 1999.

             Margaret Menzies and Townsonia deflexa.

             A yellow Caladenia?

             Corybas in two sections.

             Two forms of Thelymitra cyanea.

34.   Australian notes: - David McConachie

             Pterostylis “sub-genera.

             Salep. Caleana major.

             Australasian Native Orchid Society

             Directory of ANOS groups.

37.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Corybas mankiensis from Papua-New Guinea

38.   Historical reprints

             Colenso on Thelymitra fimbriata.

             Cheeseman on Thelymitra pachyphylla.

             Colenso on Caladenia variegata.


Journal 73 - December 1999


Cover - Pterostylis tasrnanica

2.     From the editor

             Pterostylis tasmanica.

             Corysanthes hypogaea — is it something different?

             British genera X: the saprophytes.

             A list of the NZ orchids with notes.

10.   Iwitahi '99

             Information on this year's field trip.

11.   Original papers

             The second coming. Gael Donaghy and Graeme Jane.

             Corybas trilobus "pygmy/sandhills”. Bruce Irwin. ,

             Corybas trilobus from southern Wairarapa. Bruce Irwin.   

             The New Zealand genera 10: Caladenia. Dan Hatch.

18.   The column: - Eric Scanlen

             Beguiling Te Paki.

             Te Paki species list.

27.   Notes, comments, questions, letters

             South American orchids.

             The story about the flower that opens in the sun.

             Corybas cryptanthus in Otago.

             Stephen Jay Gould on science and certainty.

             Vic Vercoe and Pterostylis in the Ruahines.

             Tour to Australia in 2000 for the orchid conferences.

             Bob Goodger and the yellow Thelymitra.

             Dan Hatch on Cyrtostylis.

             Corybas iridescens in the Wairarapa.

             The Type of Pterostylis australis.

             Chatham Island orchids.

             Corybas “Waiouru” from Masterton.

             The sepals and petals of Corybas cheesemanii.

33.   Other islands’ orchids

             The Solomon Islands and Bougainville.

34.   From the internet

             Orchid seedling establishment.

             What determines blooming each season ?

             Range expansion with global warming?

             Another weed orchid ?

37.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Pterostylis barbata

38.   Historical reprints

             Hooker’s Nematoceras triloba.

             Colenso names Corysanthes hypogaea.

             Cheeseman finds Pterostylis tasmanica at Kopu. 

40.   Australian notes: - David McConachie

             New Caladenias. “NOSSA members discover new orchid species".

             The Most Remarkable Plant.

42.   Profile of a threatened New Zealand orchid:

             1. Pterostylis micromega


Journal 74 - March 2000


Cover - Caleana minor.

2.     From the editor: Ian St George


             Another Pterostylis having affinities with P. montana?

             Craigie Lea.

             Some important diagnostic features of Microtis in Australia.


NZ Caladenias.

7.     Orchid observations

Corybas papa cultivated from between Raetehi and Ohakune. - Bruce Irwin:Prasophyllum colensoi? - Bruce Irwin:

             Freak Thelymitra halchii. - Bruce Irwin:

             Stewart Island and Waikato orchids. - Peter de Lange:

13.   The column: - Eric Scanlen

             Blue Thelymitra “bee" is insect-pollinated.

             Hunuas and Waitakeres Corybas rivularis complex: sequel.

             Further finds for the far north.

             Kawekas special.

             Matakawau Dec. '99.

23.   Notes, comments, questions, letters

             Changes smothering orchids. RA Salisbury.

             Yellow-green Drymoanthus adversus.

             Chilean orchids.

             Pterostylis tasrnanica near Gisborne?

             Pterostylis porrecta in Porirua.

             Birds that eat orchids.

             Barbara McGann around Otago.

             Pterostylis micromega near Waverley.

             Orchids under UV light.

             Thelymitra “comet” this season.

             Whenua tapu.

             The Puffer track.

             Two-flowered Corybas oblongus.

             Update the maps please.

27.   Other islands’ orchids


28.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Tasmanian orchids.

             Coryhas fordhamii.

31.   Historical reprints

             Rogers on Caladenia carnea.

             Curtis on Caladenia pusilla.

             Clements on Caladenia fuscata.

31.   Australian notes: David McConachie

             Thelymitras. Pterostylis gibbosa.

             In the Adelaide Hills.

             Orchid conservation congress.

34.   Profile of a threatened NZ orchid

             2. Thelymitra matthewsii.

35.   From the Internet

             Storing slides in Trinidad.

             Growing saprophytic orchids.

             Epipactis helleborine: a weed?


Journal 75 - June 2000


Cover: Orchids near our river, watercolour by Sue Graham.

Guest editorial - Dorothy Cooper

4.     From the editor:

             Sue Graham, artist.

             The 75th issue.

             Conservation concepts.

             Prasophyllum rogersii.

5.     Profile of a threatened NZ orchid:

             3 Prasophyllum aff. patens.

10.   Original papers

             Orchid pollination. Alan W Stephenson.

             A season of Caladenias in Nelson (illustrated outside back cover). Gael Donaghy & Graeme Jane.

             A Prasophyllum with an identity crisis. Bruce Irwin.

17.   The Column: Eric Scanlen

             Earina aestivalis.

20.   Notes, comments, questions, letters

             Leita Chrystall on Gastrodia at Levin.

             Barbara Hoggard on Kaimaumau floods.

             Spiranthes site lost.

             Orchids of Tasmania Orchids of New Caledonia.

             Errors in J74.

22.   Historical reprints

             Prasophyllum rogersii.

             Prasophyllum suttonii.

             Earina aestivalis

24.   Australian notes: David McConachie

             Orchid species NSW north coast.

             Conservation at Perth’s Kings Park & Botanical Garden.

             Saving the orchids of Perth.

             Conservation by translocation.

             Duck hunting.

             Fourth Australasian Native Orchid Conference & Show, Melbourne, 5-8 October.

                   Speakers programme.

28.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Prasophyllum alpestre from Tasmania.

29.   Other islands’ orchids


30.   What can the maps tell us? Introducing... our new field trip coordinator.

31.   From the internet

             Is cultivation the same as ex situ conservation?

             Norway’s orchids

34.   The New Zealand Native Orchid Group Members and subscribers in 2000.


Journal 76


Cover - Pterostylis cernua, from a photograph by Phil Knightbridge

2.     From the editor

             Bulb-leaf fish-mouth.

             Bulb-leaf red lip?

             Orchids of the Wild West.

             Pat Enright.

10.   Original papers

             Chromosome counts of the New Zealand orchids. ED Hatch.

             An outline of the native orchids of New Zealand. ED Hatch.

             Threatened and uncommon indigenous orchids of New Zealand. PJ de Lange.

24.   Notes, questions, letters, comments

             Ecology of insular biotas.

             Orchids of the Caucasus.

             Jessica Beever on long distance dispersal.

             Barbara McGann on orchids in Herbert Forest, and at Macrae’s Flat.

             Geoff Stacey on possums in the Hunuas.

             Thelymitra aff. longifolia;

             white form of Corybas trilobus.

27.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Alick Dockrill’s drawing of Acianthus fornicatus.

28.   Other islands’ orchids


29.   From the Internet

             Nova Scotia orchids.

30.   Profile of a threatened NZ orchid:

             4 Chiloglottis formicifera.

32.   Historical reprints

             WH Fitch's engraving of Corybas macranthus from Hooker’s Flora novae-zelandiae, 1853.

             WH Fitch’s engraving of Corybas oblongus from Hooker’s Flora novae-zelandiae, 1853.

34.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Indexing a goldmine of NZNOG Journals.

41.   Australian notes: David McConachie

             A Gem in the Goldfields. Melissa Thoday.


Journal 77 - December 2000


Cover Corybas aff. trilobus (Corysanthes hypogaea)

2.     From the editor

             Allan Mere awarded to Bruce Irwin.

             A conservation issue: sowing your wild orchids.

             More on Thelymitra pulchella.

             Another Corybas at WELT.

             New group formed.

             Rain and orchid numbers.

.            Will the real Corybas trilobus please own up?

             Another new Corybas aff. trilobus from the eastern Wairarapa.

8.     Drawings by Bruce Irwin

             Corybas trilobus variations.

10.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

             Peter de Lange travels from Wellington to Auckland, and then to Great Barrier Island.

             British botanists lauded in the press.

             Anne Fraser on Thelymitra matthewsii,

             More saves by British botanists.

13.   Close relations: orchids like ours

        Thelymitra grandiflora painted by WH Nicholls.

14.   Original papers

Thelymitra hatchii “Waitere”. By Margaret Menzies.

17.   Notices

New edition of Field guide.

14.   Iwitahi 2000.

17.   The column: Eric Scanlen

Thelymitra matthewsii at Te Paki September 2000.

             Twin Pterostylis agathicola.

Thelymitra imberbis in the north.

28.   Historical reprint

             The Thelymitra imberbis story.

29.   Australian notes

             Propagation of terrestrial orchids with Malcolm Thomas.

             The New Zealand orchids 2001

34.   Profile of a threatened orchid

             5 Pterostylis nutans.


Journal 78 - March 2001


Cover - Gastrodia aff. sesamoides, Iwitahi, January 2001

2.     From the editor: Ian St George

             Cunningham teaches Colenso about orchids.

             The orchids in Colenso’s herbarium at WELT: the work of BG Hamlin.

             Aorangi SFP in November.

             An observation on Orthoceras.

16.   Original papers

More Corybas trilobus forms: Bruce Irwin.

             Field observations on Caladenia lyallii in Nelson Lakes district. Mark Moorhouse.

             Fire and threatened species management in a Waikato wetland. Peter de Lange.

A photographic comparison between Gastrodia aff. sesamoides and G. "city". Max Gibbs. Plates: 1-18

31.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Further Caladenia minor imbroglio: Part 1: What’s new?

Part 2: Caladenia washout at Te Paki.

             Part 3: Tracking down Caladenia bartlettii.

             Corybas carsei: can it carry on?

39.   Notes, questions, letters, comments

             Bog & fen.

International Czech orchid workshop.

             Indian orchid meeting.

             Peter de Lange on threatened orchids.

             Soil pH for European orchids.

             Chiloglottis valida waits in vain.

             Aalbert Rebergen and Tony Silbery rediscover Pterostylis micromega in the Wairarapa.

             Argentinian orchids.

             The best Drymoanthus adversus, near Palmerston North.

             Mark Moorhouse and Pterostylis oliveri.

             Ditto. Longitudinal studies please.

             Trevor Nicholls on Iwitahi 2000.

44.   Profile of a threatened NZ orchid:

             6. Caladenia atradenia.

45.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Pterostylis nana drawn by WH Nicholls.

46.   Australian notes

             A new Gastrodia from Sydney city drawn by David Jones.

             Ray Barkalow’s home-made remedies.

48.   From

             Railways and orchids.

             The wettest and most treacherous bogs (or is it fens?).

51.   Historical reprint

             Donald Petrie, Daniel Oliver, and Pterostylis oliveri.


Journal 79 - June 2001


Cover - Caladenia bartlettii: drawing by Bruce Irwin.

2.     From the editor: Ian St George

             Atypical orchids.

An insect-pollinated form of Corybas aff. trilobus

4.     Notices

             New field guide.

The Irwin Orchid Symposium.

6.     Original papers

A small Caladenia from Turoa: Bruce Irwin.

             Making identification more difficult: Bruce Irwin.

             Orchid hunting in the Southern Ocean: Angela Abernethy.

             Danhatchia: Tricia Aspin.

15.   The column: Eric Scanlen

Pterostylis puberula quest.

             Coryhas “whiskers" agg.

20.   Historical reprint

Correspondence: Dan Hatch to Frank Bartlett. 21 October 1946 and 15 October 1949.

22.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

Peter de Lange on Gastrodia aff. sesamoides.

             Pat Enright on scented Gastrodia cunninghamii in Southland.

             Triple-flowered Pterostylis aff. montana: photo by John Dodunski.

             Bob Bates on Necrophylly in orchids.

             Pterostylis tristis: photo by Gordon Sylvester.

             Oops! Errors in J78.

24.   Some orchid keys

Key to Corybas: Graeme Jane.

26.   Close relations: orchids like ours

Corybas unguiculatus: drawn by RD FitzGerald.

28.   Profile of a threatened NZ orchid: 7

Pterostylis irwinii.

30.   Australian notes: David McConachie

Using genetics to answer taxonomic questions or “to split or not to split” by Doug Bickerton

32.   From the internet

             How long can an orchid live under the surface? Does rain reduce the probability of autogamy?

             Pine needle fungi. Definition of "species" and other terms.

34.   The NZ Native Orchid Group 2001


Journal 80 September 2001


Cover - Pterostylis alobula—drawing by Bruce Irwin

2.     From the editor: Ian St George

             Pterostylis thigmonasty.

             Field guide 2001 for sale.

             The Irwin Native Orchid Symposium

12.   Original papers

             Out in the woods today. Gael Donaghy & Graeme Jane.

             Orchid Keys 2: Caladenia. Graeme Jane.

14.   Notes, comments, questions, letters

Dan Hatch on Pterostylis cardiostigma in 1947.

             Birds eat Australian terrestrial tubers.

             Pat Enright finds a white Acianthus sinclairii.

             Pterostylis tasmanica.

             P. aff. banksii.

             Wellington’s last Spiranthes colony.

             Wellington’s mistletoes.

             Pat Enright finds Pterostylis trullifolia “trident” in the Wairarapa.

             Seeds conference in November.

             New classification for threatened organisms.

15.   The column: Eric Scanlen

Helicopter survey for Pterostylis micromega.

             Obtusa group, Microtis arenaria and Corybas “pygmy”.

22.   Other islands’ orchids

             Borneo: Sabah and Sarawak.

24.   Profile of a threatened NZ orchid:

             8 Pterostylis porrecta.

26.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Calochilus campestris.

27.   Historical reprints

             Sheila Natusch’s Stewart Island orchids.

             Cheeseman on the fertilisation of Pterostylis.

32.   Australian notes: David McConachie

             The Kilsyth South Spider Orchid: Helen Moss from ANOS Victoria Bulletin.

34.   From the internet:

Orchids flowering in the snow.

             Painting all the British orchids.

             Alkaline soils.

             His first early spider orchid.

             Bee orchids go mad.


Journal 81 December 2001


2.     Special feature: a new New Zealand native orchid

             Cover: Chiloglottis trapeziformis.

             Chiloglottis trapeziformis near Levin. Leita Chrystall; Brian Tyler.

             The first discovery of “Chiloglottis formicifera” in New Zealand. ED Hatch.

             TF Cheeseman on Chiloglottis formicifera.

             Matthews’s specimen from Kaitaia.

             RD FitzGerald on Chiloglottis formicifera and C. trapeziformis.

             How orchids attract insects.

13.   From the editor: Ian St George

Chiloglottis trapeziformis—comments.

             Population studies. Pterostylis unzipped.

15.   A list of the New Zealand orchids.

19.   Population studies—

1 Orchis simia in the Netherlands. From JH Willems and L Bik.

22.   Original papers

             Orchids of the Manukau Peninsula. Tricia Aspin.

             Pterostylis thigmonasty 2. Tricia Aspin, Ian St George.

             New Zealand Native Orchid Seed Bank: “Conservation through Accessibility”. David Shaw.

             Orchid Keys 3: The New Zealand genera. Graeme Jane.

20.   Notices, notes, letters, questions, comments

             The Irwin Orchid Symposium at Iwitahi.

             2001 edition of the Field guide.

             Corybas: funny name for an orchid.

             The sensitive lip of Acostaea.

             Pat Enright and Pterostylis alobula at the Tinui Taipos.

             John Dodunski finds Bulbophyllum tuberculatum at New Plymouth.

             John then tells the truth about hybrids of Drymoanthus adversus and others.

             Peter de Lange finds Corybas fordhamii at home in Australia.

             The OSG Ex situ Conservation Group. Kew brew.

             Corybas near Levin.

             New names for some Australian Pterostylis?

             Tricia Aspin and big Corybas oblongus.

             Source cultivated natives?

             Corybas orbiculatus in Wairarapa.

             Small C. “Trotters” briefly excites discoverers.

             Acianthus sinclairii over 40 years near Levin.

             Thelymitra carnea added to Awhitu list.

             Tim Park finds Chiloglottis valida near Te Anau.

             Pat Enright finds Corybas trilobus agg. near Lake Wairarapa.

             A curious Corybas at the Tinui Taipos.

             Distant relation? an orchid like ours?

             Porroglossum’s irritable labellum.

32.   Profile of a threatened NZ orchid

             9 Pterostylis puberula.

34.   Review

Two new CDs. David McConachie..

35.   From the internet:

Books on North American orchids.

             Dawn Manyfeathers and her slipper orchids.

36.   Historical reprints

Lesson’s Dendrobium

38.   Australian notes: David McConachie

Pterostylis despectans project. Andrew Dilley.

40.   The column: Eric Scanlen

Wharekawa GLOS.



Journal 82 - March 2002


Cover - Petalochilus variegatus, from a photograph by Eric Scanlen

2.     From the editor: Ian St George

Caladenia… and then there were none.

             Plumatochilus... Simpliglottis... and…

             Petalochilus variegatus

4.     Population studies—2

             Ophrys sphegodes

5.     The column: Eric Scanlen

             Te Paki pilgrimage.

             Lower North Island circuit.

             Awhitu and Wattle Bay: blue thelys and others in ER 9.

14.   Original papers

             Some Prasophyllum pollinators? Gary Penniall.

             Ruapehu and Taranaki - two puzzles. Gael Donaghy & Graeme Jane.

21.   Close relations: orchids like ours

Corybas dienemus from Macquarie Island.

22.   Historical reprint

Colenso’s original description of Caladenia variegata.

23.   From the internet

             Some dinkum daft Aussie bush whackos.

24.   Some orchid keys—4

             Pterostylis. Graeme Jane.

26.   Notes, letters, comments

             Journal index available.

             Peter de Lange on the orchids of Little Barrier Is.

             Thigmonasty again.

             Trish Aspin on thigmonasty.

             Heinrich Beryle fined for orchid theft in South Africa.

             Whoops (errors in last issue).

             Calypso bulbosa wild in Canada.

             John Sawyer reports on the Perth orchid conservation meeting.

Classic orchid book for sale.

             Anne Fraser on the population dynamics of Thelymitra matthewsii.

             Buy your field guide now.

30.   Australian notes: David McConachie

             Conserving Pterostylis hians and Diuris fragrantissima by accident! Kevin Western

             what’s inside...


Journal 83 - June 2002


Cover - Nematoceras longipetala

2.     From the editor: Ian St George

Brian Molloy recognised in the new genus Molloybas;

More taxonomic changes;

             Yet to come?

Does Prasophyllum aff. patens self-pollinate as the bee orchid does?

             Chatham Islands orchid list;

             April in Italy.

10.   Historical reprints

             Cheeseman’s Corysanthes rotundifolia var. pandurata;

Hooker’s Nematoceras macrantha and N. oblonga.

12.   Population studies

             3 The underground phase

13.   Australian notes: David McConachie

             Growing orchids from seed.

             Another weed orchid in Australia

17.   Original papers

             Some orchid puzzles. Bruce Irwin.

1. Caladenia aff. chlorostyla;

                   2. Prasophyllum;

                   3. Thelymitra ”Whakapapa” (Master of Disguise);

                   4. Hybridism in Corybas.

20.   The column: Eric Scanlen


             Pterostylis micromega SPLOSH.

28.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

             Wairea on Campbell Island;

             Thelymitra aff. longifolia;

             Wolfgang Rysy’s photographs;

             Bruce Irwin on Petalochilus columns;

             Robert Brown’s diaries;

             Field guides for sale;

             Brian Tyler observes Chiloglottis trapeziformis in seed;

             Wellington botany site;

Finnish orchid site;

             The lateral thinkers’ guide to pantyhose;

             Canary Islands rarities stolen;

             Dan Hatch on Nematoceras;

             Leicester Kyle’s orchids of the Buller Coal Plateau.

             Help the NZ Native Orchid Seed Bank.

             Pat Enright’s list from the Tinui Taipos.

             Conservation symposium in Thailand.

             New national park in Tanzania.


             Close relations: orchids like ours

             Calcearia longipetala

             The New Zealand Native Orchid Group

34.    Membership list 2002


Journal 84 - September 2002


Cover - Chiloglottis valida; drawing by Catherine Beard

2.     From the editor: Ian St George

             The search for Petalochilus minor.

             July in Gatineau Park.

             Close relations: orchids like ours

             Thelymitra circumsepta.

12.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             DNA and Pterostylis nana.

             Orchid names.

             Back copies

19.   Notices

NZ orchid books sought.

             NZ orchid books for sale.

20.   Orchid keys

             5: Thelymitra Graeme Jane

22.   The annual orchid list

             The New Zealand orchids: a list of synonyms with brief notes. Ian St George.

             Population studies

24.        Gillman MP & Dodd ME: Orchid population variability

32.   Original papers

             Pollination ecology of New Zealand orchids. Carlos A. Lehnebach.


             Shortage of orchid seed for new seed atlas. Debby Redmond.

37.   Notes, letters, observations, comments

Vic Vercoe’s photographs of Pterostylis venosa.

             Brian Tyler on an early Nematoceras aff. trilobus.

             An early N. aff. rivularis from Levin.

             Russell St Paul on Waiheke Island orchids.

             Catherine Beard’s drawing of Petalochilus aff. lyallii from Nelson Lakes.

Obit. Ross Bishop.

             Geoff Monk on the Chiloglottis trapeziformis recovery.

             Erich Nelson’s book of paintings of Orchis.

             Peter de Lange on Chathams orchids.

             Droughts and floods affect orchids.

             Irish orchids.

             Global strategy.


             Orchid Conservation International.

             Bruce Irwin and friends.

             Pterostylis cycnocephala from Tasmania.

42.   Historical reprint

             Corunastylis Fitzgerald. From Fitzgerald RD. Australian orchids, 1876.

43.   Australian notes: David McConachie

Monitoring & searching for Pterostylis despectans by Andrew Dilley


Journal 85 - December 2002


Cover - Nematoceras aff. trilobus, spreading vegetatively after flowering, Hokio, near Levin.

2.     From the editor: Ian St George

             Ultraviolet reflectance photography: in a gnat’s eye.

7.     Some orchid keys:

6: Epiphytic orchids Graeme Jane.

8.     Historical reprint

RD Fitzgerald’s genus Adelopetalum

10.   The column: Eric Scanlen

Thelymitra “tholinigra”.

             Finding Petalochilus minor.

             N. triloba complex.

17.   Canadian notes: Marilyn Light

Seasons in the life of some Canadian orchids. Part I - Spring and the Cypripediums

19.   Original contributions

Nematoceras longipetala from two sites: Bruce Irwin.

             On the road to Whakahoro. Bruce Irwin.

             Nelson Nematoceras triloba trials: Mark Moorhouse.

22.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Pterostylis furcata, Collin Woolcock.

28.   Population studies

The orchids of the Ottawa District

27.   Notes, notices, letters, questions, comments

Iwitahi 2002.

             Dot Cooper on “Back issues”.

             Gordon Sylvester arrives at Colenso’s Maungarei.

             Postdoctoral fellowship opportunity.

             A second CD-ROM on SE Asian orchids.

Michael Pratt’s NZ native orchid website.

             Second international Orchid Conservation Congress planned for Florida.

             RD Fitzgerald’s website.

             Sandra Jones on issues arising from the request for orchid seeds in last issue.

Obit. Doug McCrae.

             RS Rogers’s botanical papers listed.


             The threatened plants of southern Africa.

             Australian Orchid Foundation books for sale.

             The European Orchid Conference and Show.

             Pat Enright’s strange Nematoceras from the Tinui Taipos.

             NZNOG books for sale at ridiculous prices.

             Mark Moorhouse can tell which N. aff. triloba plants will have flowers.

             N. longipetala buds.

             Riley & Banks’s new book.


             Australian Orchid Research vol4 on Pterostylis.

Gael Donaghy with Graeme Atkins at Te Araroa.

             Name New Zealand’s ten most popular plants.

             NZNOG Seedbank.

             Digital photography of the ultraviolet image.

36.   Australian notes: David McConachie

Diuris fragrantissima.

             The 2002 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.


Journal 86 - March 2003


Cover - Hymenochilus tanypodus, Queenstown Hill, 1 Jan 87.

2.     Editorial

Where your money goes.

             A cold light.

             Some more ultraviolet images

             Pterostylis reviewed

7.     Canadian notes - Marilyn Light

             Seasons in the life of some Canadian orchids; Part 2 - Summer: Time of the Helleborine

11.   The column—Eric Scanlen

Te Paki sun orchids

             Chiloglottis round up

17.   Original papers

             Updating the Nematoceras (Corybas) rivularis imbroglio. Bruce Irwin.

20.   Historical reprints

             1844: Colenso describes finding Spiranthes novae-zelandiae near Te Awamutu

             1890: Colenso describes Pterostylis auriculata from Fortrose.

             1853: Hooker describes Nematoceras macrantha from specimens Colenso and Lyall sent to him.

1884: Colenso describes Corysanthes papillosa, thinking it different from the N. macrantha he had sent to Hooker

24.   Notes, letters, news, views, comments

             Australia. Canada. Russia. Europe.


             Seeds wanted.

             Gordon Sylvester musing.

             Conferences in Thailand and Costa Rica.

             Chris Ecroyd on Paracaleana.

Petalochilus nothofageti in the Wairarapa.

             Conservation in SE Australia.

             Pat Enright finds fragrant Gastrodia cunninghamii.

             Chiloglottis & Simpliglottis.

             New books from AOF.

             Neville Hewinson finds Gastrodia aff. sesamoides in the lawn.

             Vic Vercoe finds Pterostylis irsoniana in the Ruahines.

             Cathy Jones finds Nematoceras “Trotters” at St Arnaud.

             Medicinal plant website.

             Oops 2!

             Joyce Reddoch on monitoring orchid colonies.

             David McConachie suggests websites for those bewildered by cladistics.

29.   From the field

             Gordon Sylvester.

             Mark Moorhouse.

             Barbara McGann.

             Ian Townsend.

             The editor.

             Anne Fraser.

35.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Calochilus gracillimus

36.   Australian notes—David McConachie

             Mt Cordeaux conquered.

             Conservation area in Tasmania.

             Enamel orchids.

38.   Orchid keys

             No. 7: Artificial key to the genera of Pterostylidineae. DL Jones & MA Clements.


Journal 87 - June 2003


Cover - Gastrodia cunninghamii from Stewart Island— watercolour by Dorothy Jenkin, 1965.

2.     Editorial—Ian St George

             The science of scents—1: orchid odours.

5.     The column—Eric Scanlen

2003 National Park SPLOSH (Swamp Pterostylis Location & Other Species Hunt).

             Earina mucronata—E. aestivalis sequel.

             Corybas alliance round up

13.   Close relations: orchids like ours

“Greenhoods” watercolour by WH Nicholls, 1933, from Gems of the bush.

14.   Historical reprint

William Colenso describes Gastrodia leucopetala.

             Canadian notes—Marilyn Light

16.   Seasons in the life of some Canadian orchids: Part 3:

             Canadian nectariferous orchids - Platanthera.

19.   Australian notes—David McConachie

East meets west. Mike Duncan.

20.   From the field

Gary Penniall returns to Te Paki.

24.   Notes, letters, news, views, comments

Dorothy Jenkin, orchid artist.

             Kelly Rennell on southern Gastrodia.

             Danhatchia near Matamata.

             Orchids of the northern Horowhenua.

             Websites for Belgium, Costa Rica.



             Do cows eat Drymoanthus?

             An important conference in Wellington.

28. Viewpoint

Let us keep our feet on the ground: Bruce Irwin

30.   Journal recipients 2003


Journal 88 - September 2003


Cover - Pterostylis australis, Haast Pass roadside, 1986.

The New Zealand Native Orchid Group Inc?

             Notice of General Meeting to decide about incorporation.

  4.    Guest editorial

             Friends of Iwitahi Native Orchid Protection Area. Max Gibbs.

  6.    Editorial—Ian St George

             The science of scents—2: how people perceive perfumes.

Curly flat-sepalled pterostylids.

10.   Historical reprint

             The first description of Pterostylis montana Hatch.

12    Close relations: orchids like ours

Prasophyllum alpinum and Prasophyllum concinnum.

13.   The column—Eric Scanlen

             The Pterostylis round up.

             Petalochilus, Prasophyllum, Stegostyla roundup.

             Move your feet—do take steps in orchid ID.

25.    Notes, letters, news, views, comments

             Levin Nematoceras aff. trilobus. Geoff Monk.

             Petalochilus bartlettii grows outside the kauri zone.

             Do you grow NZ natives? Linguella puberula compared with L. nana.

             Natural History Museum website.


             Diplodium trullifolium leaf forms.

Workshop on orchid population dynamics in Estonia.

             OSG website.

             Iwitahi 2003.

             International Orchid Conservation Congress, Florida, May 2004.

             The Orchid Conservation Forum II.

28.   Original papers

             Structure and development in the NZ terrestrial orchids. E.D. Hatch.

30.   Canadian notes

             The joy of discovery: wondering why. Marilyn Light

33.   Australian notes—David McConachie

             Robert Brown’s Caladenia and Pterostylis revisited. Stephen Hopper.

Chris Ecroyd on the new names.


Journal 89 - December 2003


Cover - Petalochilus bartlettii

2.     Editorial

The science of scents 3: sensuous smells, amorous aromas ―the odours of ardour.

             Getting close and then cheating.

             Science is debate.

             New departments.

             Nematoceras aff. iridescens from the far south.

9.     The NZ orchids: the editor’s annual list of names with brief notes.

17.   Botanical drawing

             Walter Hood Fitch


             Irwin’s orchid art

                   Pterostylis patens.

             Les Belles inconnues

                   Nematoceras “Trotters”.

 21.   The column—Eric Scanlen

Unnamed, lumped and unconfirmed orchids in NZ.

                   Nematoceras "pygmy", "trijuly", "tridodd" & "tribrive".

 32.   Historical reprint

Darwin on God and Mueller on Evolution.

             Pterostylis silvicultrix.

 31.   Notes, letters, news, views, comments

Iwitahi field days and NZNOG AGM.

             Vale Bob Goodger.

             Platanthera living underground?

             Extreme summer in the northern hemisphere.

             Friends of Iwitahi.

             Vale Ella Campbell.

             Don’t eat orchid tubers!

             Orchidopaedia CD.

             The oriental herb tienma (Gastrodia tuber).

             Michael Pratt’s NZ native orchid website proves popular.

40.   Original papers

             A personal tribute to Bob Goodger. Bruce Irwin.

             Kauri orchids of the Kaimai ranges. Gael Donaghy & Graeme Jane.

             A pickled Prasophyllum from Paranui. Bruce Irwin.

45.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Acianthus vulcanicus Schodde.

46.   Australian notes—David McConachie

             Understanding orchid names. Brian Richards.


Journal 90 - March 2004


Cover - A young male tree weta visiting Earina autumnalis,

2.    Editorial

The science of scents 4: a nostalgic nosology of noses.

             David Lang and British orchids.

             Throwback Thelymitra hatchii column.

             Floral mimicry.

             Colenso’s dark-purples (illustrations p.11).

13.   Some notes on British orchids—David Lang

             Burnt orchid: Orchis ustulata L.. (illustrations p.12).

15.   The column—Eric Scanlen

             Singularybas oblongus/”aestivalis” burgundy (illustration p.12).

17.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Chiloglottis sp. from Tasmania.

18.   Historical reprint

             Botanical drawing 2. WH Fitch.

22.   Original paper

Petalochilus species: red lips of Fiordland. Kelly Rennell (illustrations p.26).

16.   Notes, letters, news, views, comments

             Ruth Rudkin on the new taxonomy.

             Bruce Irwin’s orchid paintings: book for sale.

             Mt Holdsworth mid January (illustrations p.26).

             Dan Hatch on Diplodium brumale and Pterostylis agathicola.

             Sid Smithies and Kelly Rennell on Southland orchids (illustrations p.25).

             John Groom finds Petalochilus bartlettii. 5th Australasian Native Orchid Conference.

             Gordon Sylvester’s Pterostylis.

             Bruce Irwin on Pterostylis aff. montana and Nematoceras “roundleaf”.

             Corybas trilobus ovate leaf “tussock” Gael Donaghy and Bruce Irwin.

             New colony of Pterostylis porrecta.

             A big southern Pterostylis. Peter de Lange FLS.

             Back issues of The Orchadian for sale.

             Minutes of NZ Native orchid Group’s 2003 AGM.

             Czech mate!

Plant bust reveals orchid obsession: novel New Zealand arrests put Czechs at heart of smuggling case. By Kevin Livingston and reprinted from The Prague Post, the Czech Republic’s English-language weekly newspaper.


Journal 91 - June 2004


Cover - Pterostylis cardiostigma, Iwitahi, December 2003.

2.     Guest editorial

Czechs sentenced for attempted smuggling of NZ orchids. Bec Stanley.

3.     Editorial—Ian St George

             What can the orchid thieves teach us?

             Code of Conduct.

             Fishing on the Net… lumpers and splitters.

5.     Close relations: orchids like ours

             Spiranthes gracilis. Blanche Ames Ames.

6.     Original papers

             West Coast ramblings. Gordon Sylvester.

             Some Christmas orchids. Gael Donaghy and Graeme Jane.

13.   The column—Eric Scanlen

             South Island roundup 2004.

             Gastrodia “long column” roundup.

20.   Some notes on British orchids—David Lang

             Red Helleborine (Cephalanthera rubra (L.) Richard)

20.   Notes, letters, news, views, comments

             Advertisements for books.

             West Australian Orchid Spectacular September 2005.

             Chuck Landis finds Gastrodia ”long column” at Warrington.



             Milton on Truth.

             Diplodium alveata website.

             26 March 2005 World Orchid Conference, Dijon.

             Turkish orchids website.

             Thelymitra hatchii from Waitiri track.

             Nematoceras (Corybas) “tussock” .


             Dan Hatch on new names.

             Lissopimpla excelsa, the orchid dupe.

Eric Scanlen locates Gastrodia leucopetala.

28.   Historical reprint

             Botanical drawing 3. Walter Hood Fitch.

31.   Australian notes—David McConachie

New records and extensions of known distribution for orchids in SA 2003. Bob Bates.


Journal 92 - September 2004


Cover - Orthoceras strictum, Wairarapa.

2.     Editorial—Ian St George

             Is Orthoceras strictum in NZ? and is O. novae-zeelandiae endemic?

             What’s in a name?

             How could Allan Cunningham have sent Thelymitra longifolia to Kew in 1822?

 9.     Notes, etc

             Death of Moises Quispe.

             Gastrodia elata powder.

             Big moa mothers.


             Icecream and orchids?

             Whoopsie: new Pterostylis reports.

             Freemantle Orchid Spectacular.

             Field trip to Haurangi SFP

             Wild orchids of France.

             Kitten on the computer.

             Slipper orchids of Vietnam.

             Irwin book still available.

             Iwitahi 2004.

             NZNOG AGM.

15.   The Column—Eric Scanlen

             Hunting Thelymitra colensoi, finding T. aff. pauciflora variants and T. “Ahipara”.

             Petalochilus surprises in ER24 Taranaki.

21.   Some notes on British orchids—David Lang.

The Bee orchid, Ophrys apifera Hudson.

23.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Corybas imperatorius.

24.    Internet orchids

             “Y’all want fries with that?” the selling of species names.

25.   Historical reprint

             Botanical drawing 4: WH Fitch.

28.   Threatened and uncommon orchids of New Zealand

30.   Australian notes—David McConachie

             Caladenia revisited. Hopper & Brown.

Terrestrial Study Group. Mt. Buffalo report. Dick Thomson.


Journal 93 - November 2004


Cover - Calochilus robertsonii, Iwitahi.

4.     British orchids—David Lang

             Early marsh orchid, Dactylorhiza incarnata

6.     Editorial– Ian St George

             Elementary, my dear…. Taxonomy made easy

             Corybas variations.

9.     NZ native orchid list

18.   Internet notes

             The science of scents 5: specific anosmia and Boronia nose.

20.   Original papers

             Nematoceras “Pollok” - a new find for Awhitu. Tricia Aspin.

             Characters of N. “Pollok”. Bruce Irwin.

             Suspected hybrid: Corybas iridescens x C. trilobus. Bruce Irwin.

             A tiny Corybas aff. trilobus. Bruce Irwin.

28.   Historical reprints

             Lessons in Corybas taxonomy.

             From Dransfield’s Corybas west of Wallace’s Line.

30.   Elementary—ED Hatch

             Winter-flowering greenhoods

8.     Notes, news, views, letters, questions, comments, announcements

             Agenda for NZNOG AGM

             NZNOG Mapping Scheme revived

             Brian Tyler shows how N. iridescens emerges.

             Pollination ecology of 4 NZ epiphytes (Carlos Lehnebach & Alastair Robertson).

             Invitation to Manitoba.

             Our missing link.

             Thelymitra javanica.

             New kowhai Sophora molloyi.

             Gordon Sylvester’s find.

Mycorrhiza help reestablishment of orchids in bauxite mines.

             Syntype of Earina autumnalis at Moscow.

             Pterostylis atriola site blown up in Tasmania.

             More orchid thieves.

             Orthoceras and Microtis are animals.

             Identifying orchids from pictures (and other lessons).

             A possible hybrid between N. longipetalus and N. hypogaea.

             Trevor Lewis on Nematoceras forms from Nelson.

41.   Close relations: orchids like ours

Corybas pictus.

42.   The column—Eric Scanlen

Gastrodia “owhango”;

             Waireia stenopetala.


Journal 94 - February 2004


Cover: Caladenia alata at Rainbow Mountain. Photo Michael Pratt.

 3.     Editorial

             “The orchid has the unfortunate character of being attractive to man”.

             CITES, orchid thieves and the Code.

             Telling, orchid thieves and keeping quiet.

             Locations of rare plants are carefully guarded secrets (Eugene Reimer).

             Reflections on hybrids.

             Jeffrey Jeanes and Australian plants in the Thelymitra pauciflora complex.

13.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Gastrodia orobanchoides and Spiranthes sinensis from Pakistan.

14.   Elementary—ED Hatch

             Grass-leaved greenhoods 1.

16.   Original papers

             Rogers got it right—Prasophylla are difficult. Bruce Irwin.

             Armillaria and Gastrodia in pine forests. Ian Hood.

21.   Historical reprint

Colenso sends Corunastylis nuda and Earina autumnalis to Hooker.

22.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

Neil Fitzgerald finds Drymoanthus flavus at Whirinaki.

             Shannel Courtney finds two new Nematoceras near Gisborne.

             Phil Tomlinson on names.

             Don’t even touch the terrestrials!

             Aussie wasp visits Calochilus robertsonii.

             GLOS in Marlborough.

             Big Wairarapa Caladenia variegata.

             Michael Pratt finds Caladenia alata at its most southerly site.

Thrips destroy orchids.

             Manmade Pterostylis banksii X P. irsoniana.

             Gordon Sylvester’s new finds.

             Chiloglottis trapeziformis with calli extending onto its labellar midlobe.

Alien orchids.

             A letter from the Iwitahi Heritage Protection Area Management Committee.

             Bill Liddy’s new Pterostylis

29.   The column—Eric Scanlen

             Caladenia surprises

             Te Paki unclassified taxa collection

             DoC Waikuku Lodge.


Journal 95 - May 2005


Cover - Gastrodia “long column”, Wharariki, north Nelson; photograph Mark Moorhouse.

4.     Editorial

             Nematoceras hybrids?

10.   Original papers

Comings and goings. Leicester Kyle.

             Pterostylis venosa and P. humilis. Bruce Irwin and Dan Hatch.

             Pterostylis humilis: an orchid with a past. Dan Hatch.

             Stegostyla “minor”. Mark Moorhouse.

17.   Close relations: orchids like ours

Gastrodia lacista from Western Australia

18.   Elementary—E.D. Hatch

Grass-leaved greenhoods 2

20.   Historical reprints

Jottings from the past

29.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

Waikaremoana field trip.

             “For lack of a moth, the orchid is lost”.

             Gordon Sylvester on Pterostylis cernua etc.

             Phil Norton’s orchid finds.

             New South Australian orchids.

             Wine and wild orchids in the Clare Valley.

             Tracey and Bernard near Queenstown.

             Conferences and congresses.

             Mark Moorhouse’s Pterostylis aff. irsoniana from Arapawa Island.

             Amoc responds.

             Pat Enright on eastern Wairarapa Gastrodia.

             Tuvalu stamp by British artist shows NZ orchid.

             North Qld’s Drymoanthus minutus.

28.   The column—Eric Scanlen

Old Caladenia paintings at AK.

             Gastrodia “long column black”.


Journal 96 - August 2005


Cover - Pterostylis alobula, twin flowers; photo Brian Tyler.

3.     Editorial

             “Common names”

             Orcadian orchids and les Orchidées de l’Haute Loire

             From our “no flowers please” department

7.     Original papers

             White balance. Max Gibbs.

             A couple of Caladenias. Gordon Sylvester.

10.   Elementary—Dan Hatch

             Greenhoods 3: tidying up the odds and ends

15.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             A plant like Orthoceras novae-zelandiae from Tasmania.

16.   Historical reprint

             From Cheeseman’s Illustrations of the NZ Flora.

18.   The column—Eric Scanlen

             Caladenia identification from marginal calli.

24.   Australian notes—David McConachie

             Victorian treasures. Alan W Stephenson.

26.   Notes, news, letters, questions, comments

             Forbes Bennett on some orchids of the eastern Ruahines.

             Tasmania: lyrebird threatens rare orchids.

             Are Corunastylis under-reported, or just rare?

             Iwitahi 2005.

             Congratulations on J95 cover.

             Colin Ogle on Rainbow mountain


Journal 97 - November 2005


Cover - Prasophyllum colensoi, Mavora Lakes; photo Gael Donaghy—see p.21.

4.     Editorial


             Nematoceras dienema.

8.     The NZ orchids—the editor’s annual list.

18.   Elementary—ED Hatch


20.   Historical reprint

             TF Cheeseman on Adelopetalum tuberculatum.

21.   Notes, news, letters, questions, comments, viewpoints, observations

             Some orchid websites.

             Nematoceras iridescens in Canterbury.

             Bob Bates on new S. Australian orchids.

             Colin Ogle’s photo of a double-headed Pterostylis alobula.

             Gael Donaghy and Graeme Jane in the south.

             Graham Randle at East Cape. Nematoceras—feminine or neuter?

             Brian Tyler finds a fungus gnat in Nematoceras longipetala.

             It’s not the rarity of the fungus that makes a rare Caladenia rare.

             The twisted labella of Pterostylis.

             Gordon Sylvester recognised by DoC.

             New names for NZ orchids!

             Acianthus sinclairii reported from West Coast.

             Georgina Upson’s curious white Caladenia.

             Mark Moorhouse on West Coast Nematoceras.

             Shock horror orchid award.

             Pat Enright finds Nematoceras “whiskers” in ER39.

Hooker f. on the strange ligulate process on Corybas cheesemanii, and on Nematoceras auricles as entrances for pollinators.

             Does winter chilling hasten flowering in Nematoceras? asks Bruce Irwin.

             Ontogeny follows phylogeny.

             Brian Molloy on changes in orchid nomenclature.

             Journals index update available.

30.   Australian notes—David McConachie

             Field trip report - Potter’s Scrub 10 July 05. Thelma Bridle.

             Basalt plains greenhood monitoring. Dick Thomson.

32.   Close relations: orchids like ours

Thelymitra variegata (and see p39)

33.   The column—Eric Scanlen

             Caladenia alata—a chequered past.

             Nematoceras aff. dienema in the South Island.


Journal 98 - February 2006


Cover - Nematoceras “rest area” near Wellington (see p.8).

4.     Editorial

             Are our orchids going south?

             In the Coromandel….

             Notes, letters, questions, comments

             Send us your pictures.

             Eric Scanlen’s 3D at website.

             Nematoceras “restarea” near Wellington.

Jan & Errol Kelly found Pterostylis tanypodus at Tekapo.

Ian Reid photographed Prasophyllum hectori in a Waikato swamp.

             Helen Richards grew a lovely Thelymitra hybrid in Australia.

             Dwarf Pterostylises.

             Waikaremoana blizzards.

             Double flowered Nematoceras.

             Mark Moorhouse reports Kirk who reports Stewart Is. orchids.

Brian Tyler on the effect of chilling.

             Ontongeny follows phylogeny.

             Did the Chinese bring Spiranthes sinensis?

             Te Aroha orchids, 1930.

23.   Notices

             Field trips planned for 2006.

15.   Original papers

             Observations on the Nelson Corybas alliance. Mark Moorhouse.

             Caladenia alata at Rainbow Mountain—dispelling a myth. Gael Donaghy & Graeme Jane.

             Lucy Moore—NZ botanical artist. Bruce Irwin.

             Plant names. Graeme Jane.

24.   Elementary 7—ED Hatch

             Nematoceras 1.

26.   Mapping—Gordon Sylvester

             2006 update.

30.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Some Australian greenhoods.

31.   Historical reprint

TF Cheeseman on Thelymitra longifolia and T. pulchella.

34.   The Column—Eric Scanlen

             Flies’ eggs on Nematoceras triloba agg.

             Nematoceras pandurata and blue Thelymitra—in RH Matthews’ footsteps.

             Molloybas cryptanthus alba.

             Caladenia aff. bartlettii.

             Drymoanthus flavus at Whirinaki Forest.


Journal 99 - May 2006


Cover - Thelymitra hatchii, Lindis Pass: photo David Dickson.

4.     Editorial

             The next issue is the 100th.

             A real natural therapy.

             The various contrivances by which the New Zealand orchids are fertilised by themselves.

8.     Elementary: ED Hatch

             Nematoceras 2.

10.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Calochilus paludosus.

11.   Historical reprint

TF Cheeseman on Thelymitra uniflora and Prasophyllum colensoi.

             J Adams on the botany of the Thames goldfields.

16.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

             Pterostylis areolata in the Ruahines.

             Green Nematoceras rivularis. Gordon Sylvester on the West Coast.

             Pat Enright’s new Aorangi SFP orchids.

             On the covers of J98 (Bruce Irwin) and J99 (Graham Dickson).

             Introducing the World Orchid Society and Orchid World magazine.

             Useful website.

             New Macquarie orchid.

             New site for Pterostylis alveata. Leicester

             Kyle at Sawcut Gorge.

             The Hendersons in Sardinia and S. Africa.

             Field guide on sale.

             Field trips.

             Lucy Moore Memorial Scholarship.

Tricia Aspin in the Kaweka and Kaimanawa.

18.   Notices


             Field Guide 06;

             New Jones book on Australian orchids.

20.   Australian notes—David McConachie

             The mega-Prasophyllums of WA.

             P. banksii on the bench.

             Summer orchids around Melbourne.

22.   The column—Eric Scanlen



Journal 100 - August 2006


Cover - Calochilus paludosus at Rainbow Mountain. Ian St George.

 2.     Editorial: Ian St George

             This is J100.

             Orchid nectaries.

             Carlos Lehnebach’s papers: pollination of NZ orchids.

9.     Elementary: ED Hatch

              9: Corybas.

12.   Original papers

Classifying preferred terrestrial orchid light environments. Angela Abernethy.

             When is a species a species? Graeme Jane.

             The genesis of our Group. Gordon Sylvester.

             To split or to lump? that is the question. Bruce Irwin.

20.   Eponymous orchids: Val Smith

             Prasophyllum hectori

22.   Various contrivances:

1. Pterostylis

24.    Close relations: orchids like ours

             Anzybas unguiculatus.

29.   Facsimile: NZNOJ_No.1

             The first issue of your journal reproduced.

37.   Historical reprint

             TF Cheeseman on Prasophyllum pumilum and Pterostylis trullifolia

40.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

             Anne Fraser on the Waihaha track;

             Ian Reid at Opouatia swamp in 1994;

             Alva Gosling’s rare orchid.

             Graham Randle’s 1960s Pterostylis slides;

             Ron Whitten on the Sardinian plant;

             Cheeseman Symposium in November;

             Te Paki field trip;

             Smuggling INTO NZ;

             Obit. Leicester Kyle.

             Tragedy at Iwitahi;

             Anne Fraser’s wild pigs eat orchid tubers + her watercolours;

             Ferdinand Bauer’s Australian orchids;

             Brian Molloy – Nematoceras is a neuter Latin noun;

             Ruahines field trip;

             Spotty Thelymitra hatchii?

             Ann Green’s digital photographs;

             Eric Scanlen’s alba forms;

             Bob Goodger’s slides.

             Dr Alexander Hunter on salep, scurvy, the difficulty of growing orchids, and science.

49.   From the Australian groups

             ANOS Victorian Group. Helene Wild.

             Western Australia Native Orchid Society. Noel Clarke.

             Mackay & District Group of ANOS. Jim and Noeline Quinlan.

             Native Orchid Society of South Australia. Cathy Houston.

54.   The column—Eric Scanlen

             Thelymitra aff. longifolia “stunted”;

             An historic document.

             Anzybas pale and dark;

             Les belles inconnues; Matthews & Son on Orchids.

58.   Art is the flower. Charles Rennie Mackintosh.


Journal 101 - November 2006


Cover - Pterostylis tasmanica in the Far North. Photo Ian St George.

 2.     Editorial

             Ernie’s orchid

             The New Zealand orchids

15.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Acianthus fornicatus. Ferdinand Bauer.

16.   The various contrivances .

        2 Gastrodia

18.   Elementary ED Hatch

             10: The epiphytes 1.

20.   Eponymous orchids Val Smith

             2: Pterostylis banksii.

22.   Historical reprint

TF Cheeseman on Pterostylis foliata.

24.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

             Orchid Conservation International webpages.

             Ken Davey near Gisborne.

             Iwitahi 2006.

             Steve Reekie’s West Coast Nematoceras.

             New Macquarie Nematoceras sulcatum.

             New CD on Australian Orchid Genera.

             Mark Moorhouse in various orchids in his region.

             Damned computers!

             Ruahine field trip.


             Depth of field in digital cameras.

             Nematoceras hypogaeum.

             Notice of NZNOG Inc.

             Annual General Meeting: agenda

30.   Australian notes

             The Warringah Group. Peter Eygelshoven.


Journal 102 - February 2002



             Caladenia aff. chlorostyla: photo Kevin Matthews, Kaitaia.

  4.    Editorial


             Pollination mechanisms for Nematoceras?

             The pollination of Nematoceras iridescens: George Fuller.


             Conservation by cultivation.

16.   Eponymous orchids: Val Smith

             Pterostylis irsoniana

18.   Special feature: Conservation by cultivation

             Ex situ cultivation of NZ terrestrial orchids – should we be doing more? Ken Davey.

Back from the brink: voluntary orchid conservation in Victoria, Australia. Andrew Dilley.

             An interview with John Dodunski.

             The terrestrial orchid. ANOS Geelong Group.

30.   Historical reprint

             Cheeseman on Pterostylis banksii

32.   Field trip reports

Northland Odyssey. Ian Townsend.

             Ruahines: Sixtus Lodge. Judith Tyler.

38.   Various contrivances:

             3. Thelymitra.

42.    Elementary: ED Hatch

11 The epiphytes 2.

44.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Microtis parviflora. Ferdinand Bauer.

45.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

             Autumn in Arizona.

             Anne Fraser finds Pterostylis tasmanica.

             Kevin Matthews’s stripeless T. pulchella.

             Pat Enright’s T. aff. pauciflora from the Wairarapa.

             M. unifolia.

             Ian Townsend thinks name changes.

             So does Ian St George.

Pterostylis banksii photographed by Olaf John.

             Caladenia nothofageti.

48.   The column—Eric Scanlen

             Nematoceras “tribaldy”.

             Thelymitra formosa “Opuatia”.


Journal 103 - May 2007


Cover A fragrant Thelymitra pulchella from Kaitaia. Photo Kevin Matthews.

2.     Editorial: Ian St George

             Different forms. Monsters, freaks, retrogrades and primitives.

Your journal by email for half the price.

11.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Gastrodia sesamoides.

12.   Original papers

Caladenias at Awhitu. Tricia Aspin.

16.   Various contrivances

             4. Orthoceras novae-zelandiae.

18.   Elementary ED Hatch

             12: Various terrestrials 1.

20.   Eponymous orchids: Val Smith

             Danhatchia australis.

22.   Historical reprint

TF Cheeseman on Lyperanthus antarcticus and Caladenia bifolia.

24.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

             Orchid Conservation International (OCI) webpage, awards.

             Tricia Aspin’s double-headed Pterostylus alobula.

             Kevin Matthews’s orchid discoveries.

             Orchid websites.

             Phil Norton’s Kepler Track Pterostylis.

             The Trans on the Net.

             Gastrodia “long column”.


             Australasian Native Orchid Conference cancelled.

             Australian Orchid Research Vol. 5 just published.

             Some Pacific orchids (like ours).

             Western Australian Orchid Spectacular 2008.

             Microtis aff parviflora from Central Canterbury.

             Earina aestivalis/mucronata from Gladstone.

             Irwin book imminent.

             Mt Hikurangi in November?

             NZNOG publications for sale.

32.   The column: Eric Scanlen

Species defined once and for all.

             Caladenia “2leaf” at Kaitaia.

             Petalochilus calyciformis (?)


Journal 104 - August 2007


Cover: Stegostyla “minor”, photograph Georgina Upson (see p.21).

4.     Editorial—Ian St George

             Bruce Irwin’s genius and our most ambitious publication yet.

             Acianthus sinclairii variations.

             Victorian orchids.

             The posterior protuberance of the Pterostylis petal.

HB Matthews’s photograph of Calochilus robertsonii.

10.   Various contrivances

             Waireia stenopetala.

11.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Adelopetalum argyropum.

12.   Elementary—ED Hatch

13. Miscellaneous terrestrials 2.

14.   Eponymous orchids—Val Smith

             Brian Peter John Molloy

16.   Australian notes—David McConachie

             Recovery after burn-off near Mt Lofty.

             Small golden moths survey: was it a success?

             Western Australian Orchid Spectacular and Conference.

18.   Historical reprint

             TF Cheeseman on Chiloglottis cornuta and Townsonia deflexa.

20.   Notes, notices, letters, questions, comments

             South Island orchid trip invitation.

             Eric Scanlen on Stegostyla “minor”.

             Mike Lusk’s orchid finds.

             Bruce Irwin off to the Chathams.

             Tricia Aspen on Danhatchia.

             Rob Suisted on subantarctic orchids.

             Graeme Hill’s Orthoceras.

             Max Gibbs’s fungus gnat photograph.

             Journal Index available.

             Do stem hairs protect orchids from crawling predators?

             New ACT orchids.

             Thelymitra fuscolutea resolved.

Kevin Matthews’s early flowering Corunastylis pumila at Lake Ohia, and year-round Cryptostylis subulata at Kaimaumau.

             His red-purple Acianthus sinclairii “var Hukatere”.

             Kathy Warburton’s Dunedin Gastrodias.

             Trident anomaly in Pterostylis alobula.

             Eric Scanlen: some affs no longer affs.

             New DOC book: Wild orchids of the lower North Island.

             Albino Corybas cheesemanii.

             NZNOG AGM;

26.   The column—Eric Scanlen

             Thelymitra fimbriata at Cave Creek.

             Mike Lusk’s N. Is. orchid SUPs.

             Queen’s Park Orchids.


Journal 105 - November 2007


Cover - Acianthus sinclairii, Eastbourne, Wellington.

4.     Editorial – Ian St George

Pollination pondered: Aciathus sinclairii, Gastrodia “long column”,

             fungus gnats,

             Molloybas cryptanthus,


10.   Eponymous orchids– Val Smith

             William Townson and Townsonia deflexa.

13.   Various contrivances

             Corybas cheesemanii.

14.   Elementary – ED Hatch

             Miscellaneous terrestrials 3.

16.   Australian notes – David McConachie

             Threatened orchids of southwest Victoria.

18.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Cryptostylis longifolia.

11.   Notes, notices, ads, letters, questions, comments, raves

             Ichthyostomum pygmaeum seeding at Days Bay, Wellington.

             Chiloglottis trapeziformis pollinated.

             The tulip orchid near Kaitaia.

             Corybas cheesemanii in Stokes Valley.

             Corybas barbarae and Acianthus fornicatus in Queensland.

             Chiloglottis trapeziformis pollinated.

             Arabian orchids, anyone?

             Kevin Matthews on Anzybas rotundifolius.

             Gael Donaghy and Graeme Jane find a strange epiphyte and Bruce Irwin ponders it.

             Kevin Matthews’s Nematoceras “pygmy” and a coppery Diplodium trullifolium.

             Molloybas in Wellington.

             Australian orchid key website.

             Bibliography website.

             Generic rank of Paracaleana upheld by Hopper & Brown.

             W.A. Orchid Spectacular.

             Bruce Irwin’s drawings.

             NZ orchids on disk.

             Notice of NZNOG AGM.

             New book: Orchids of the lower North Island.

27.   The column – Eric Scanlen

             Nematoceras “tricraig”: Pollok to Glen Murray.

             Pterostylis “Blyth”: Littles Flat to Blyth track.


Journal 106 - December 2007


Cover: Pterostylis (Diplodium) alobula in high key.

 4.     Editorial: Ian St George

             Karl Ludwig von Blume and Gastrodia.

             Trick photography.

8.     The Type Locality

             Kahumingi and Nematoceras trilobum s.s.

17.   Original papers

             Truckin’ and huntin’. Gary Little.

18.   The New Zealand orchids

             The editor’s annual list.

28.   Various contrivances

             Calochilus in New Zealand.

30.   Elementary: ED Hatch

             Miscellaneous terrestrials 4.

32.   Eponymous orchids: Val Smith

FW Bartlett and Caladenia bartlettii.

34.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

             Loder Cup.

             Allan Mere.

             Bumblebees (2) bearing orchid pollen.

             Guidance to West Australian orchids.

             Long season of Nematoceras longipetalum.


             Native orchids in natural remedies.

             A Greek tragedy.

             Nematoceras on Norfolk Island.


             Jeremy Rolfe’s Nematoceras photographs.

             Swiss Orchid Foundation at Herb Jany Renz.

             Colin Woolcock online.

             Peter de Lange’s new Chatham Is orchids.

             New Gastrodia from Vietnam.

              “The passing of the forest” - still apt.

             Kevin Matthews’s photographs.

             Caladenia minor in monochrome.

             Georgina Upson finds Pterostylis puberula in NW Nelson.

             Andrew Townsend on the Coromandel Dendrobium.

             Wild orchids of the lower North Island discounted for members.

             NZNOG publications

46.   Australian notes: David McConachie

             Pterostylis aenigma by Mike Duncan.

             Numbers of South Australian orchids by Bob Bates.

             Thelymitra matthewsii on Kangaroo Island by Andy Young.

48.   The column: Eric Scanlen

Nematoceras “Motutangi”;

             Orthoceras: coat of many colours from Diggers Valley.


Journal 107 - February 2008


Cover: Unstriped Thelymitra aff. pulchella, photographed by Kevin Matthews.

4.     The Type Locality:

             2. Turakirae Head and Dendrobium lessonii Col. Ian St George.

12.   Eponymous orchids: Val Smith

Daniel Oliver and Pterostylis oliverii.

14.   Notes, letters, questions, comments, ads & observations

             Taranaki field trip.

             Kevin Matthews’s photographs.

             Mike Lusk finds Pterostylis humilis in the Ruahines.

             Mark Moorhouse on a strange Stegostyla, and ... … on Stegostyla “minor”.

             Rebecca Bowater finds white Singularybas near Westport

             Jeremy Rolfe finds it near Auckland.

             Drymoanthus flavus common in the Catlins.

             Nematiceras iridescens flowers late near Dunedin.

             Nematoceras papillosum (?) at Shag Point.

             Kevin Matthews finds a new colony of Linguella puberula.

             Climate change and flowers.

             Sydney vandals.

             NZ orchids on disk.

Taiwan orchid tours.

             Bruce Irwin pays tribute to Brian Tyler.

             Children need nurture to be as strong and healthy as Winika.

             References to Nematoceras hypogaea.

             Bob Bates rediscovers Thelymitra cyanapicata.

             Pat Enright in Tui Beer country.

             Pink-ciliated Thelymitra aff. hatchii.

             Murray Dawson, Brian Molloy and Ernst Beuzenberg on the NZ orchids’ chromosomes.

26.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Corysanthes picta.

27.   Original papers

             Orchids at Iwitahi. Chris Ecroyd.

             A west Coast odyssey. Gordon Sylvester.

             Canterbury Tales. Gordon Sylvester.

30.   Elementary: ED Hatch

             Miscellaneous terrestrials 5.

32.   The column: Eric Scanlen

Diggers Valley orchids.

             Nematoceras at Te Kauri Lodge.

37.   Book review: David McConachie

             Wild orchids of the lower North Island


Journal 108 - May 2008


Cover - Thelymitra cyanea with 6 flowers photographed by Kevin Matthews.

 4.     Editorial: Ian St George

             How does that Australian orchid seed get here?

6.     The Type locality

             Puehutai and Nematoceras rotundifolia.

11.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

             The pink-ciliated Thelymitra is T. hatchii.

             P. aff. graminea at Boundary Creek.

             Mark Moorhouse finds Caladenia bartlettii near Charleston.

             Jeremy Rolfe photographs Thelymitra variations and Prasophyllum “B” in the Tararuas.

             Kevin Matthews finds a new site for Pterostylis puberula.

             Kevin photographs Thelymitra cyanea with 5 flowers (cover).

             Taxonomic exaggeration.

             Mike Lusk’s late Ruahine Thelymitra.

             Calochilus robertsonii at L. Rotokawa.

             Nematoceras “whiskers” at Sawcut Gorge.


             Kendyll Levy in Cascade Valley.

             Gordon Sylvester ‘s lesson on Winika.

             Come to Colenso country.

15.   Close relations: orchids like ours

             Gastrodia elata in the Orient.

16.   Original papers

             Chromosomes of NZ native orchids—part 1 of 2. Murray Dawson.

21.   Eponymous orchids: Val Smith

Andrew Sinclair and Acianthus sinclairii.

22.   Elementary: ED Hatch

Miscellaneous terrestrials 6.

24.   Australian notes: David McConachie

             Wild orchids in South Australia 2007. R. Bates.

26.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Caladenia: new taxa.

             Thrips as Thelymitra pollinators.


Journal 109 - August 2008


Cover Stegostyla alpina 23 Dec 2007 by Georgina Upson

4.     Original papers

Nematoceras “whiskers” variation in the Nelson region. Georgina Upson.

             Pterostylis oddities. Gordon Sylvester.

             Were the early botanists actually Gods? Bruce Irwin.

             Australian invaders take to the skies. Mark Moorhouse.

13.   The Type locality

The Seventy Mile Bush and Microtis longifolia. Ian St George.

19.   Close relations: orchids like ours

Chiloglottis diphylla and C. gunnii.

20.   Elementary: ED Hatch

Miscellaneous terrestrials 7.

22.   Eponymous orchids: Val Smith

             Harry Carse and Anzybas carsei.

24.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

Mike Lusk’s Caladenias from Boundary Stream.

             Is sexual deception by orchids a Good Thing?

             Website for new Australian orchid names.

             New species from ACT.

             Oops! Errors in J108.

             Come to Colenso country in December.

             Kevin Matthews on mycorrhiza, and on Adelopetalum tuberculatum.

             Eric Scanlen on Anzybas rotundifolius in the Waitakeres.

             Eric Scanlen on westward transtasman orchid seed dispersal.

37.   Publications, CDs, DVDs available.

25.   Australian notes: David McConachie

Victorian high country. Colin Rowan.

28.   The column: Eric Scanlen

Pterostylis trifolia in the Ruahines.

             Thelymitra decora, T. nervosa debate.

Stegastyla lyallii agg.—the gem of variability.


Journal 110 - November 2008


Cover, and outside back cover - Pterostylis venosa, Mt Taranaki, December 2007.

4.     The Type locality: Ian St George

             The 70-Mile Bush and Earina alba Col.

8.     The New Zealand orchids The editor’s annual list: 2008.

20.   Original papers

             Chromosomes of NZ orchids—Part2. Murray Dawson.

             The Library of the Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Herbarium Jany Renz

             Orchids of the Arthur’s Pass and Otira River areas. Gordon Sylvester.

33.   Historical note

             Fragrant and brightly coloured Microtis.

34.   Elementary: ED Hatch

             Miscellaneous terrestrials 8.

36.   Eponymous orchids: Val Smith

             John George Robertson and Calochilus robertsonii.

38.   Australian notes: David McConachie

             Australian Spiranthes. R. Bates.

             Translocation of Pterostylis cucullata. R. Mawson.

40.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

             Hooker rejects Colenso’s new names.

             Gordon Sylvester finds an unusual Pterostylis.

             Bruce Irwin honoured.

             Peter Tait finds Nematoceras acuminatum on Ulva Island.

             Mike Lusk photographs an unusual Petalochilus chlorostylus, and some pterostylids.

Ewen Cameron relates the southern limits of Anzybas rotundifolius… and contends that the transtasman winds can be easterly.

             Minutes of 2007 AGM.

             Stegostyla “minor” a hybrid?

             Swiss Orchid Foundation.

             NOTICE OF AGM.


             Anzybas on Great Barrier.

             Gordon Sylvester on Hooker’s Handbook, 1864.

47.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Orchid seed transport between Oz and NZ.

             Pterostylis “pulchragalea” (was P. “Blyth”).


Journal 111 - February 2009


Cover - Large Thelymitra carnea, photographed by Kevin Matthews.


4.     Obituary: Edwin Daniel Hatch FLS 1919-2008

5.     Original papers

             Population ecology of Thelymitra matthewsii. E. Anne Fraser.

6.     The Type locality: Ian St George

             The Tararuas and Pterostylis graminea.

8.     Far North diary: Kevin Matthews

             15 September to 25 November 2008.

12.   Elementary ED Hatch

20: Miscellaneous terrestrials 9.

14.   Eponymous orchids: Val Smith

             Richard Henry Matthews and Thelymitra matthewsii Cheesem.

15.   Australian notes: David McConachie

             31st August bushwalk report—Harvey Bay. Graham Corbin.

17.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

             Anne Fraser in Madagascar.

             Michael Pratt upgrades NZNOG website.

             Vic Vercoe spots two similar Petalochiluses.

             Gordon Sylvester finds a strange Nematoceras aff. trilobum.

             Phil Norton finds a strange Cyrtostylis.

             Mexico is colour.


             Mark Moorhouse has Calochilus and Linguella in the northern South Island.

             Steve Reekie finds a late flowering Nematoceras “pygmy”.

             Curious Pterostylis in the Ruahines.

             Eric Scanlen’s highly coloured Pterostylis irsoniana.

             Photographs of threatened orchids wanted for new book.

22.   Notices, including that for the 2009 field trip to Arthur’s Pass.

23.   Mapping scheme: Gordon Sylvester

             Mapping update 2008.


Journal 112 - May 2009


Cover: Calochilus herbaceus: photograph by Kevin Matthews.

5.     Editorial: Ian St George

             Arguing about aggregates and inconsistency in amphidiploids.

6.     The type locality Ian St George

              5: Ongaonga and Pterostylis tristis Col.

10.   Far North Diary: Kevin Matthews

             4 November 2008 to 3 March 2009.

14.   Original papers

             Yet another imbroglio. Bruce Irwin.

             Far North Spiranthes. Kevin Matthews.

Earliest fossil Dendrobium and Earina from Early Miocene New Zealand. John G. Conran, Jennifer M. Bannister and Daphne E. Lee.

21.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

4 New NZNOG books.

             Kevin Matthews photographs a fly on Microtis.

             Obit. Doreen Abraham.

             David Lang on Spiranthes romanzoffiana.

             Gael Donaghy’s photographs of Corybas cheesemanii in fruit.

             Jeremy Rolfe in the Rimutakas.

             Mike Lusk in the Ruahines.

             Garry Little photographs insects on Drymoanthus adversus.

             Naming Nematoceras panduratum.

             Pat Enrights’ curious Pterostylis, and his P. “sphagnum” from the Aorangis.

             Resolution of Thelymitra variegata complex expected.

             Georgina Upson in NW Nelson.

             Graham Dickson’s Hymenochilus from Central Otago.

             Georgina Upson finds Thelymitra aff. brevifolia.

             Gordon Sylvester photographs Winika and Corunastylis nuda.

             Rebecca Bowater finds Gastrodia “long column” in Golden Bay.

             The editor suffers in the Tararuas.

             Alva Gosling on Illustrated dictionary of orchid genera.

             ANOS conference and show August 2010.

             Sir George Fenwick at Te Paki 1922.

             Ewen Cameron seeks photographs of insects on orchids.

Alva Gosling recalls schooldays at Makaroro, near Wakarara.

             David McConachie sends message of sympathy to ANOS Victoria.

             Australian orchids on DVD.

             Donations for the Hatch medal.

             Kevin Matthews photographs Orthoceras seeds.


32.   Australian Notes: ed. David McConachie

Exciting discoveries of the nationally endangered sun orchid Thelymitra matthewsii Cheeseman in two separate regions of South Australia in 2007 and 2008. R Bates, K and B Bayley, C Houston and J Niejalke

36.   Elementary ED Hatch

             21: Thelymitra 1.

38.   Eponymous orchids: Val Smith

             James Bruce Irwin and Pterostylis irwinii.

40.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             1. Petalochilus “Gurdies”.

2. Eight tags new and old for J111 taxa.


Journal 113 - August 2009


Cover: Pterostylis silvicultrix; photo Peter de Lange (see p24).

4.     Editorial: Ian St George

             Darwin and self-fertilisation.

5.     The type locality Ian St George

             6: Tarawera and Thelymitra concinna Colenso.

10.   Elementary: ED Hatch

             Thelymitra 2.

11.   Original papers

             Further thoughts about Nematoceras rivulare agg. Bruce Irwin.

             Southern summer orchids. Gael Donaghy.

22.   Eponymous orchids: Val Smith

Thomas Frederic Cheeseman and Corybas cheesemanii.

24.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

             Words Darwin did and didn't say.

             Peter de Lange’s Chatham Is Pterostylis.

             John Terry’s late Orthoceras.

             Vonnie Cave’s Hollyford Pterostylis.

             Thelymitra matthewsii in S. Australia.

             Kevin Matthews’s dead wasp in Cryptostylis subulata.

Hatch Medal nomination form.

             Georgina Upson’s upright Pterostylis irsoniana.

             NOTICE OF AGM.

27.   Aussie notes: David McConachie

             Bracalba Section of the D’Aguilar Range Walk, April 2009. David James.

28.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Three thrifty thrips.

             Thelymitra purpureo-fusca.


Journal 114 - November 2009


Cover - Anzybas rotundifolius “pale”: photograph by Kevin Matthews.

4.     The Type Locality Ian St George

             7: Raukawa, Waimarama and Cyrtostylis rotundifolia.

8.     Elementary ED Hatch

             23: Thelymitra 3

10.   Eponymous orchids: Val Smith

             Daniel Sullivan and Sullivania minor .

12.   Far North Diary: Kevin Matthews

Orchid observations from our man in Kaitaia.

18.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

             David Jones's new species in the Pterostylis complex.

             Mike Lusk’s shots of twin-flowered Diplodium alobulum.

             A new Gastrodia from China.

             Vic Vercoe’s pale Pterostylis.

             Jan Kelly’s retrospective on orchid insects—plus Pterostylis “blue tongue”.

             Orchids on Kathleen Shepherd’s website.

             Darwin quote for November.

             Jan Kelly’s spotty Earina.

             Agenda for 2009 AGM

             Minutes of 2008 AGM.

Final notice for Arthurs Pass field trip.

             Sale table: books and disks.

24.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Hair ladders in greenhoods


Journal 115 - February 2010


Cover: - Petalochilus sp. Photograph Georgina Upson: see p.15.

4.     The Type Locality: Ian St George

             8: Te Ruahine, Pterostylis subsimilis and P. speciosa.

10.   Eponymous orchids: Val Smith

             David Lyall and Stegostyla lyallii.

12.   Australian notes: David McConachie

Field trip report 21-23 August Mt Gibson. John Ewing.

             Bushwalk Report 29 August. David James.

14.   Far North Diary: Kevin Matthews

             Caladenia alata variations.

             Nematoceras rivularis.

             Stegastyla atradenia sans calli.

             A big Caladenia.

15.   Nelson news: Mark Moorhouse

        Stegostyla ”minor” and other orchids.

19.   Notes, notices, letters, questions, comments

             NZNOG: Notes to contributors

             A Colenso Society

             Nematoceras trilobum agg. leaf shapes.

             Caladenia issue of the Aus.J.Bot.

             Slide collection in “World Orchid Iconography”.

             Gary Little’s Singularybas.

             Peter de Lange finds Linguella and other orchids at North Cape.

             Pat Enright in China.

             North American Native Orchid Journal online.


             Mike Lusk and insects on Earina.

             Gordon Sylvester at Mananui Reserve.

             Gary Little and Microtis unifolia.

             Apologies to Val Smith.

             Farewell to Charles Darwin.

             The editor at Kaitoke track.

             Margaret Menzies, Molloybas and others.

             Pterostylis papuana.

             Turkish orchid book.

             Erich Nelson’s orchid paintings online.

             Books and electronic media on the NZ orchids for sale.

             WANTED: local guides and regional reporters.

31.   The NZ orchids The editor’s annual list.

41.   The column: Eric Scanlen

Thelymitra “puriri” in Diggers Valley.


Journal 116 - May 2010


Cover - Nematoceras “triwhite” at Chateau Tongariro: photograph Gary Peniall (p.15).

4.     The type locality Ian St George

             9: Glenross & Corysanthes papillosa

9.     Original papers

             Pterostylis irwinii ― a new location and extension of its range. Gordon Sylvester.

             A few passing comments: Bruce Irwin

                   1. Pterostylis graminea,

                   2. “Orchids at Iwitahi” and

                   3. Nematoceras acuminatum.

             Field trip report: the 2010 Arthurs Pass expedition. Gordon Sylvester.

             Before and after the 2009 AGM at Sika Lodge. Gary Penniall.

             What I did this summer. David McConachie.

             Orchids of Arthurs Pass and Otira River areas. Gordon Sylvester.

15.   Notes, notices, letters, questions, comments

             Information on NZNOG and advice for contributors to NZNOJ.

             Australasian Native Orchid Conference & Show.

             NZ Orchid books and electronic media for sale.

The American Naturalist and Anne Gaskett on sexual deception in orchids.

             Mike Lusk’s bluish Thelymitra longifolia & other things.

             Jan Kelly finds Microtis aff. unifolia at Wanaka.

             Peter de Lange updates rare orchids.

Letter to the editor: destructive track maintenance. Mike Lusk.

             Gary Little’s Orthoceras.

             Vic Vercoe’s “new” site for Nematoceras “whiskers”.

             Destruction of archives.

             Pterostylis patens in the Wairarapa.

             Rudie Kuiter’s Victoria’s small Caladenias available free.

30.   Eponymous orchids: Val Smith

             Allan Cunningham (1791-1839) and Winika cunninghamii and

             Richard Cunningham (1793-1835) and Gastrodia cunninghamii.

32.   Aussie notes: David McConachie

Climate change and South Australian wild orchids. R. Bates.

34.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Pterostylis “Bluff” at Marsden.


Journal 117 - August 2010


Cover: Pterostylis montana sensu Moore, with Nematoceras macranthum: photo Ian St George.

6.     The Type Locality: Ian St George

             Pterostylis emarginata Col. and Hampden.

10.   Eponymous orchids: Val Smith

             George Caley (1770-1829) and Caleana minor

11.   Original papers

Pterostylis patens—some thoughts. Gordon Sylvester

             Nelson Notes. Georgina Upson.

14.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

             Colenso’s collections.

             Wilma Fitzgibbons’s Drymoanthus adversus.

             Maurice Sinclair and Pterostylis venosa.

             Garry Pennial’s photographs.

             Leaf shapes in Nematoceras trilobum.

             Epipogium aphylla appears again in England.

             Rudolph Jenny’s new book.

             Mike Lusk’s Earina autumnalis.

             The Colenso Society Inc.

             Editorial policy.

             New site for Diplodium alobulum.

             Old prints of the Wairarapa Bush.

             NZNOG’s Historical Series.

             Orchids on disks.

             Therapeutic effect of Dendrobium officinale extract.

             Serapius cordillera by a Spanish roadside.

             Read Anne Fraser’s MSc thesis online.

             Police protection for the slipper orchid in England.

24.   Aussie notes: David McConachie

             A modified version of the abstract of my paper summarising the major points. Mark Clements.

25.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Stewart Island orchid field trip November 2010

             Thelymitra “stag-horn”


Journal 118 - November 2010


Cover - Thelymitra “Mangawhai”, photograph by Kevin Matthews (see p.22).

2.     Notice of AGM.

4.     Mapping: Gordon Sylvester.

             2010 orchid mapping.

9.     Original papers

A new species of epiphytic orchid for N.Z., near Whangarei. Sarah Beadel, Matt Renner, Ursula Brandes.

             Pterostylis patens—some thoughts. Gordon Sylvester.

             Pterostylis “domesticus” at Wood Creek. Gael Donaghy.

             Finishing what is to be done. Ian St George.

Does every spider orchid in New Zealand have its fungus gnat?

             Marsden Fund supports a three- year project to answer this intriguing question. Carlos Lehnebach

15.   The type locality Ian St George

             13: Whangaroa and Acianthus rivularis A.Cunn..

25.   Notes

             Melanie Brigden samples Gastrodia tea and...

             … mourns for Corybas on Mt Somers track.

             Judith & Brian Tyler’s winter orchids.

             Did Colenso discover Thelymitra sanscilia?

             Tricia Aspin’s winter orchids.

             Cathy Jones draws Diplodium alobulum.

             Gary Penniall at Boyle village.

             Robbie & Sue Graham appreciate certificate.

             Carlos Lehnebach wins Marsden funding for orchid research .

             Marsden Fund press release.

             Kevin Matthews describes Thelymitra “mangawhai”.

             Mike Lusk’s Hawke’s Bay report.

             Instructions for contributors.

34.   Aussie notes: David McConachie

             A trio from Kalhari.

36.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Nematoceras acuminatum and Thomas Kirk.


Journal 119 - February 2011


Cover - Thelymitra “rough leaf”, photographed by Kevin Matthews.

4. Editorial: Ian St George

             Thelymitra brevifolia Jeanes: a new orchid for NZ

             Orchids of Endeavour Inlet

             Taeniophyllum norfolkianum.

11.   Close relations: orchids like ours

Taeniophyllum lobatum.

15.   The type locality: Ian St George

             Long Island: Thelymitra longifolia J.R. & G. Forst. and Microtis unifolia (Forst.f.) Reichb.f.

19.   Far North diary: Kevin Matthews

             Spring in the Far North.

22.   Notes, letters, questions, comments, observations, jottings, diatribes, panegyrics

Pat Enright on the south coast of the North Island.

             Peter de Lange in the gumlands.

Scrapping plant names.

             Maurice Sinclair on Pterostylis venosa.

             Gael Donahy & Graeme Jane’s site for Nematoceras iridescens.

             Rebecca Bowater finds Pterostylis aff. montana.

             Kathy Warburton’s Nematoceras.

             Nematoceras panduratum must die!

             Orchid Conservation Congress in Czech Republic.

Gordon Sylvester’s memorable month.

             Orchid makes rats sexier.

             Further unusual orchids from Gael Donaghy & Graeme Jane.

             Gordon Sylvester comments.

             Global warming advances flowering times in Europe.

             Useful sites for researching NZ orchids.

             Book review: Illustrated guide to the sun orchids Thelymitra (Orchidaceae).

             NZNOG publications for sale. Instructions for contributors.

             Townsonia deflexa at Waiotonga Falls.

34.   The New Zealand orchids: Ian St George The editor’s annual list 2010.

48.   2010 AGM report: Gordon Sylvester

             Te Kauri Scenic Reserve plant list.

50.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Pterostylis emarginata at Te Kauri?


Journal 120 - May 2011


Cover Gastrodia “long column” Stewart Island, January 2011. Photo. Mike Duncan.

4.     The type locality: Ian St George

             Cape Turnagain and Nematoceras macranthum.

8.     Editorial: Ian St George

             Te Anau orchids in January.

             Survival in poor light.

100 journals.

11.   Original papers

             That horrible Pterostylis aff. montana thingie. Bruce Irwin.

Nematoceras rivulare s.l. taxa in the Nelson region. Georgina Upson.

19.   Notes, letters, questions, comments, observations….

             Low cost Chinese orchid books.

             Dendrobium reclassified.

             Kevin Matthews’ records.

             Orthoceras novae-zelandiae in NSW?

             Mike Lusk finds Microtis oligantha.

             Rhizanthella and chlorophyll.

             Mike Duncan and Stewart Island orchids.

             Jim Comber’s slides.

             Error in J119.

             Colenso bicentenary conference, Napier, November.


25.   Aussie notes: David McConachie

             Spiranthes – a summer treat. Joan Broadberry.

26.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Thelymitra “O’Dea” from Ahipara?


Journal 121 - August 2011


Cover - Pterostylis aff. montana (―pulchragalea ) attracts fungus gnats (photograph Mike Lusk)

4.     Editorial: Ian St George

             Greek treasures

7.     The type locality: Ian St George

             Fortrose: Thelymitra fimbriata Col. & Pterostylis auriculata Col.

12.   Hawke’s Bay notes: Mike Lusk

17.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

Pat Enright high in the Tararuas.

             Bruce Irwin on J119.

             Bill Liddy in the Waipataki Reserve in May.

             European Orchid Congress, Budapest, April 2012.

             7th Australasian Native Orchid Society Show and Conference, Brisbane, August 2013.

             Samoa now in ANOS area.

             Hybrid checklist.

             Kew Scientist online.

             eColenso online.

             Hatch Medal 2011.

             Serapius lingua a weed in the Adelaide Hills.

             William Colenso Bicentenary Celebrations, Napier, November 2011.

             AGM of the NZNOG Inc., November 2011.

             New online key to our native orchids. Murray Dawson , Jeremy Rolfe, Ian St George

             Instructions for contributors.

23.   Aussie notes: David McConachie

             Pterostylis lustra & P. tenuissima: Leigh Deutcher.

25.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Extended range of Thelymitra purpureo-fusca.

             Pterostylis agathicola has two forms.


Journal 122 - November 2011


Cover - Gottfried Lindauer’s 1894 portrait of William Colenso aged 83,

4.     Editorial: Ian St George

             Colenso’s orchids.

8.     The type locality: Ian St George

             Ngarauhoe: Thelymitra nervosa Col. & T. decora Cheesem.

15.   Original papers

             Te Henui walkway: Gordon Sylvester.

16.   Aussie notes: David McConachie

             Managing digital photographs. Robert Lawrence.

17.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

             William Colenso Bicentenary celebrations

             Peter Tait and Pterostylis “Bluff”.

             Mike Lusk’s horned Thelymitra.

             New books on William Colenso.

             Instructions to contributors.

             NZNOG books.

19.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Defining three subalpine greenhoods


Journal 123 - February 2012


Cover:  Singularybas oblongus, unusual colour form with 5 insects: Sue McManus.

6.     Guest Editorial: Gordon Sylvester

             NZ Native Orchid Group: a retrospect of 30 years.

8.     Editorial: Ian St George Editorial: Ian St George

             Māori orchid names.

10.   The type locality: Ian St George The type locality: Ian St George

             Ruahine: Thelymitra nemoralis Col. & T. purpureo-fusca Col.

15.   The New Zealand orchids The New Zealand orchids - The editor’s annual list

28.   Original papers Original papers

             Pterostylis “goodgerii”. Gordon Sylvester.

             Earina mucronata and visitor. Gordon Sylvester.

             Pterostylis [Linguella] puberula: is it a NZ endemic? Mark Moorhouse.

             Five flowers at Millerton Mine. Leicester Kyle.

             Leicester Kyle’s orchids. Gordon Sylvester.

             A tale of two gastrodias. Ian St George.

             Nematoceras “Kaimai” variation at Paeroa Reservoir & other sites. Gael Donaghy & Graeme Jane.

9.     Notes, notices, letters, letters, questions, comments

             Instructions for contributors

             Orchids on the Apiti track, 18 December 2010,

             Field guide.

             Colenso’s collections.


             19th AOC conference & show.

             NZ orchids in Estonian.

             Orchids of Tonga, Niue, Cook Is.

             Nematoceras “rest area” by Tony Fluerty.

             Danhatchia is in Australia.

             Mike Lusk’s late Nematoceras aff. trilobum “pygmy”.

             Onetai valley orchids.

             Gary Anderson’s Thelymitra cyanea.

             Elisabeth Burton’s Milford Track orchids.

             Certificate for Gary Pennial.

             Ernie Corbett’s rarity.

             White Singularybas colony gone.

             Fungus gnat ID’d.

             Sue McManus’ Singularybas from Pirongia.

             Taeniophyllum formally reported.

             Gary Little’s solitary bee on Thelymitra.

             NZNOJ_back issues wanted.

             Swiss Orchid Foundation Newsletter.

             Camp and field trip 2012 Lake Lyndon Canterbury.

42.   The column: Eric Scanlen

The macranthum manhunt.

             Nematoceras “tri red petiole".


Journal 124 - May 2012


Cover - Pterostylis sp. From Hawke’s Bay: photo the editor.

4.     Editorial: Ian St George

             Evolution made visible?

5.     The type locality: Ian St George

             Whangaruru Bay, Thelymitra colensoi Hook.f. & T. intermedia Berggr.

10.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

             Instructions for contributors.

             Mike Lusk and Nematoceras “red stem”.

             Gordon Sylvester reports orchids found at the AGM in Hawke’s Bay.

             Sue and Jake McManus report a pale Pterostylis.

             Gordon Sylvester’s giant Pterostylis.

             Tricia Aspen’s Danhatchia.

             Mervyn Rodgers reports Pterostylis trifolia/venosa from the Tararua.

             Puffer track orchids.

             Gastrodia aff. sesamoides in Napier Cemetery.

             Ian Townsend’s comments.

             Bruce Irwin’s orchid drawings.

             Mike Lusk’s measuring stick.

             Georgina Upson on Nematoceras longipetalum s.l.

             NZNOJ_circulation 141.

             Leicester Kyle’s Koroneho.

23.   Original papers

             Archives. Gordon Sylvester.

             Does every spider orchid in NZ have its fungus gnat? Carlos Lehnebach.

28.   Aussie notes: David McConachie

             Quick introduction to Brisbane’s orchids. Mike Duncan.

             February orchid amble. Graham Corbin.

30.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Thelymitra “blinkers” at Whangaruru


Journal 125 - August 2012


Cover - Gastrodia “long column black” Jeremy Rolfe, Marangai

4.     Editorial: Ian St George

             Bruce Irwin’s dissecting microscope

             A couple of interesting Iberian orchids

7.     The type locality: Ian St George

             Pterostylis micromega in a Wairarapa bog

10.   Original papers

             Organising photographs. Gordon Sylvester

             An 27 August, 2021 Nematoceras. Gael Donaghy and Graeme Jane

Orchids at Preservation Inlet & Coal Island. Alasdair Nicholl

20.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

             Early Pterostylis alobula. Mike Lusk on Nematoceras trilobum in Hawke’s Bay .

             Mike Lusk’s early Acianthus sinclairii.

             Pat Enright’s late Microtis.

             Sue McManus’ Earina autumnalis.

             Open space on NZ orchids.

             Peter de Lange on Pterostylis puberula and P. auriculata.

             Botanists no longer required to use Latin.

             Cedric and Elsie Smith.

             South Island Weekend camp and AGM at Lake Lyndon.

23.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             1. Chiloglottis “khaki calli”, C. “big bract” & C. “Corbett”

             2. Gastrodia, sorting out the imbroglio.


Journal 126 - November 2012


Cover - Pterostylis foliata at Mangatoetoe stream, near its Cape Palliser type locality. Jeremy Rolfe

2.     Editorial

             What kind of journal? Ian St George

3.     Guest editorial

             My last conversation with Bruce Irwin. Gael Donaghy

4.     Letter to the editor

             Three alpine greenhoods? Bruce Irwin

5.     The type locality

             Cape Palliser and Pterostylis foliata. Ian St George

9.     Original papers

             Recording orchid locations: should we use a standard method? Graeme Jane.

11.   Jottings

             Mike Lusk’s Nematoceras “pygmy 3”.

Pat Enright’s possible Nematoceras hypogeum.

Alasdair Nicholl’s midwinter orchid foray to Te Kauri.

             Tony Druce on the 2nd discovery of Simpliglottis valida in NZ.

All colour NZNOJ. Chiloglottis taxa chart.

             Gordon Sylvester on flash photography.

             Peter Tait on organizing photographs.

             Hatch medal presented to Brian Molloy.

Elsie Smith’s Stewart Island orchids available now.


Journal 127 - February 2013


Cover - Nematoceras macranthum agg., Stewart Is. roadside. Photo by the editor.

2.     Editorial: Ian St George

             Stewart Island’s orchids.

5.     The type locality: Ian St George

             Norsewood and Gastrodia leucopetala Col.

12.   The New Zealand orchids The editor’s irregular list.

21.   Occasional contributions

        21. Instructions to contributors, officers of the Group.

        22. Mike Lusk in South Australia.

        24. Pat Enright’s Nematoceras aff. trilobum from Masterton.

        25. Sue McManus and her red Singularybas.

             Gastrodia from the Wairarapa.

        26. GPS and coordinates. Gordon Sylvester.

        27. Gordon Sylvester at Karaka Point.

             Mike Lusk finds a use for cigarette papers.

             Nick Miller on Leicester Kyle’s red Earina mucronata.

        28. Kevin Grant on possum damage to orchids and a Pterostylis pollinator.

        29. Brian Molloy honoured. Mike Lusk, JB Irwin and a curious Thelymitra.

        31. Mike Lusk’s Pterostylis emarginata.

             Seabourne Rust’s Nematoceras.

        32. The beginnings of Pterostylis. Gordon Sylvester.

        33. Leicester Kyle on NZ orchids 1956–7.

             Felicity Goodyear-Smith finds Calochilus herbaceous.

             Murray Dawson introduces an online orchid key.

        34. Mike Lusk, Pterostylis patens, P. emarginata and notched labella.

        35. The editor’s concept of P. emarginata. Stewart Island orchid booklets.

        36. Pat Enright’s spotted thelymitras from the Tararua.

        37. NatureWatch NZ: a free online tool. Murray Dawson.

        38. Bill’s far north blog. Bill Campbell.

        43. Plant list for 2012 AGM. Gordon Sylvester.

        44. More on Molloybas cryptanthus. Margaret Menzies.

        45.      Pterostylis “Triplex”. Margaret Menzies.

             Chiloglottis “khaki calli. Glyn Wren.

        46. Eric Scanlen Hatch Medallist for 2012.


Journal 128 - May 2013


Cover Stegostyla alpina by Rebecca Bowater, Nelson (see p.14)

2.     Editorial: Ian St George

             Orchid piece on Arthur’s Pass

             Quiz: can you identify this orchid?

5. The type locality: Ian St George

             Te Ruahine, Pterostylis venosa Col. & P. trifolia Col.

13.   Australian notes: David McConachie

             WANSOG field trips

NOSSA visits

15.   Jottings

        Instructions for contributors

        16 The sisters at Waiohine Gorge.

             Rebecca Bowater’s Stegostyla lyallii.

             Lost your remote?

        17 Pat Enright’s Stegostyla from Southland.

        18 … and his interesting Pterostylis as well. Quiz answer.

        19 2013 ANOS conference and show in Queensland.

        20 Georgina Upson and the red Earina mucronata.

        21 Gordon Sylvester on the red Earina mucronata.

        22 Mike Lusk’s Hawke’s Bay orchids.

        23 Gordon Sylvester’s Borland Odyssey.

        25 … and his visit to the Wilderness Scientific Reserve.

26.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Sullivania minor under fly raid.


Journal 129 - August 2013


Cover: - Hymenochilus tristis, Georgina Upson, 7 December 2012, Rainbow.

2.     AGM 2013 St Arnaud 22 to 24 November. Gordon Sylvester

             4 Minutes of the 2012 AGM. Gael Donaghy.

5.     The type locality: Ian St George

             Halfmoon Bay and Pterostylis montana.

11.   Original papers

William Hartee Reserve, Hawke’s Bay. Graham Randle.

             Native orchids of Lake Ohia Scientific Reserve. Bill Campbell.

             Love in a swamp among the orchids. Mike Parsons.

3.     Jottings

        3. The Hatch Medal 2013.

        10. Instructions to contributors.

        17. NZ Native Orchid Key—Murray Dawson.

              White Winika cunninghamii on Stewart Is—Malcolm Rutherford.

        18. Pterostylis venosa in the Tararua—Cheryl Dawson.

        19. New Australian species—Thelymitra corrugata Bates.

        20. Sullivania minor—Chris Ecroyd.

             The Thelymitra nuda complex—Jeff Jeanes.

A pink Caladenia—Mike Lusk.

        21.      Corybas cheesemanii at Boundary Strem—Mike Lusk.

Orchid Expo at New Plymouth—Alasdair Nicholl.

22.   The column: Eric Scanlen

Chiloglottis “Waiuku” and C. “green calli”.

             Caladenia minor identity.


Journal 130 - November 2013


Cover - Pterostylis irsoniana, Ruahine. Photo Eric Scanlen.

2.     AGM 13. Gordon Sylvester.

3.     The type locality: Ian St George.

             Pterostylis irsoniana Hatch, Mt Taranaki.

7.     Original papers

             Marlborough Sounds orchids. Graham Randle.

9.     A letter to the editor

             David McConachie.

10.   Notes &c.

             NZ orchid books wanted.

             Cheryl Dawson finds a white Nematoceras in the Ruahine.

             Information for authors.

             Tricia Aspin photographs some French orchids.

             Accessing NZ orchid specimens at Kew online.

13.   Aussie notes: David McConachie

             The Australasian Native Orchid Society. Phil Ritchie.

The Western Australian Adopt an Orchid project (ADORP). Andrew Brown, George Tiong and Jim Cootes

22.   The column: Eric Scanlen

Caladenia minor family.


Journal 131 - February 2014


Cover - Pterostylis areolata near its type locality. Photo Ian St George.

3.     Editorial: Ian St George

             Conservation status of New Zealand indigenous orchids 2012.

5.     The type locality: Ian St George

             Shingle Peak and Pterostylis areolata.

10.   Original papers

             Diplodium brumale: the winter flowering kauri orchid. Emma Bodley.

11.   Aussie notes: David McConachie

             A tale of two cities—London and Burnside. Robert & Rosalie Lawrence.

NOSSA outing to Flinders. Leo Davis.

13.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Nematoceras macranthum manhunt progress.

18.   Notes, &c.

             Ants on Microtis parviflora. Mike Lusk.

             Corybas puniceus.

             Carlos Lehnebach’s orchids in NZ Geographic.

             The display at the New Plymouth Orchid Expo. Alastair Nicholl.

HB Matthews’s orchid photographs at Te Papa.

             Pterostylis at Brown River Reserve, Rai valley. Mark Moorhouse.

             Gastrodia “long column” near Invercargill. Lloyd Esler.

             A colony of Pterostylis near Queenstown.

Green form of Winika in the Tararua. Neville Henderson.

Peter de Lange on Thelymitra pauciflora variants.

             Orange-topped Thelymitra column.

Chiloglottis cornuta with green or brown calli side by side. Mike Lusk.

             Mark Moorhouse on Nelson’s Nematoceras trilobum “roundleaf”.

             Orchids like ours. David McConachie.

             A new Northland Thelymitra? Gary Little.

29    The New Zealand orchids. The editor’s list.


Journal 132 - May 2014


Cover: Simpliglottis (Chiloglottis) cornuta. Rebecca Bowater

3.     The Hatch Medal 2014: call for nominations

4.     Guest editorial: Mark Moorhouse

             A review of Pterostylis australis Hook. fil.

7.     The type locality: Ian St George

             Pterostylis australis from Deas Cove, Thompson Sound.

15.   Original papers

             The Kauri Grove track. Cara-Lisa Schloots.

             Exploring the diversity of Gastrodia species in New Zealand. Jasmine Gibbins.

             Fungus gnats in Nematoceras from the Nelson region. Georgina Upson.

19.   Notes, &c

             Colenso’s map of Cape Turnagain (Te Poroporo)

             2014 AGM and field days.

             Kevin Matthews and native bee pollinators.

             Mark Moorhouse & Mike Lusk and many-flowered Microtis oligantha.

             Sarah Richardson’s alpine Pterostylis.

             Cheryl Dawson photpgraphs Prasophyllum colensoi on Ruapehu.

Kendyll Moorhouse and a possible Caladenia nothofageti cross.

             Of rolls, curls & rotations.

             Kendyll’s putative Thelymitra formosa X T. pulchella.

             New book on growing orchids.

             Alasdair Nicholl and Orthoceras.

             Margaret Menzies’s orchids at Omoana.

             Mike Lusk finds orchids flower late at altitude.

             Bill Hall’s gnat on T. tristis.

Gordon Sylvester on Karen Nicoll’s Ichthyostomum pygmaeum.

             Mike Lusk on Orthoceras.

             Pat Enright & the editor find February-flowering Gastrodia “long column”


             Michael Pratt receives the Hatch Medal 2013.

             Gordon Sylvester’s very early Acianthus sinclairii.

34.   Australian notes: David McConachie

             Another instalment of “Did You Notice?” Alan Stephenson.

             Same old same old. Alan Stephenson.

37.   The column: Eric Scanlen.

             Singularybas “aestivalis” near home.


Journal 133 - August 2014


Cover - Orthoceras novae-zeelandiae from the Astrolabe Roadstead. Mark Moorhouse.

3.     The type locality: Ian St George

             Orthoceras novae-Zeelandiae and the Astrolabe Roadstead.

10.   Original papers

             Are our Pterostylis identification markers reliable? three points to consider. By Mark Moorhouse.

13.   The NZ orchids distribution lists 2014. By Gordon Sylvester.

17.   Australian notes: David McConachie.

             Pollinaton of the small duck orchid, Paracaleana minor:

             Flower structure and function. By Colin Bower.

12.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

             Instructions for contributors.

             Colenso’s map of Cape Turnagain.

             Thelymitra pollination research.

             Orchid fossils and evolution.

             Notes on albinism by Guido Braem.

             A “new standard for outdoor tracks”? or trackside vandalism? Have your say.

             Diamond Festival of Orchids, Gold Coast 2016.

26.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Prasophyllum roundup 2014.


Journal 134 - November 2014


Cover - Diplodium trullifolium: photograph, the editor.

3.     Guest editorial: Graeme Jane

             Issues of orchid conservation.

5.     The type locality: Ian St George

             Pterostylis rubella Col. from Mangonui.

11. Australian notes: David McConachie

             Let’s get serious about making endangered orchids common: the Dunmoochin story. Rabdall Robinson.

13.   Notes

             Obituary. Gary Penniall. Ina McLellan.

             Mark Moorhouse reports on Carlos Lehnebach’s address in Nelson.


             Alasdair Nicholl’s Diplodium alobulum.

             Mark, Alasdair, Mike Lusk: fungi growing close to orchids.

Alasdair: Nematoceras “pygmy”.

             Kathy Warburton, southern N. iridescens.

Cheryl Dawson, Pat Enright, early N. longipetalum this year?

Kendyll Moorhouse: Singularybas leaves & buds emerging.

             Allan Ducker photographs pollinators of Diplodium trullifolium.

             Alasdair’s Nematoceras “Eastern Hills”.

             Advice for contributors.

             Pat Enright’s Nematoceras “rimutaka”,

             Cheryl Dawson’s N. “Eastern Hills”.

             Mike Lusk’s emerging N. macranthum.

             Alasdair Nicholl’s N. trilobum “Bridal Veil”.

             The Editor’s large N. aff. trilobum from Rewanui, Masterton...

             … and N. “Eastern hills” from Tauherenikau and Thelymitra from Blue Rock Rd.

             Allan Ducker’s Thelymitra longifolia columns from Waikumete Cemetery.

             Gordon Sylvester warns Thelymitra columns may change with age.

             Bill Campbell’s Thelymitra longifolia columns from the north.

             Mark Moorhouse’s Thelymitra longifolia columns from Nelson.

             Forster’s drawing and the Editor’s photographs from Long Island.

28.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             1. Thelymitra pulchella with red column arms.

             2. Prasophyllum “debile” = P. “B” (not P. colensoi)

             3. Pterostylis banksii, P. australis & P. “Bluff”.


Journal 135 - February 2015


Cover - Microtis arenaria, Henderson’s Beach, Northland, 6 October. Mike Lusk

3.     The type locality Ian St George

             The micropapillose leaf of Microtis papillosa at the Kaipara Heads.

9.     Original papers

An analytical review of the current status of Pterostylis australis agg. and other associated taxa. By Mark Moorhouse.

22.   Notes, questions, comments &

             NZDA helping save “Diplodium puberulum”.

             Pat Enright’s Nematoceras trilobum s.s., and...

              … a curious Nematoceras aff. trilobum.

             Murray Dawson with Nematoceras iridescens from Travis Wetlands.

             Cheryl Dawson photographs short alpine Pterostylis from the Tararua…

… and Nematoceras “triwhite” and N. hypogaeum.

Pat Enright’s black N. macranthum from Palliser Bay.

             Alasdair Nicholl’s ghost greenhood at Waitawheta.

             Kathy Warburton’s Little Red Dorsal Hood from an Otago swamp…

             … and another Nematoceras aff. trilobum from that swamp,

             as well as two colour forms of N. iridescens.

             MacQuarie Nematoceras photos by Mark Clements.

             Catherine Beard photographs Anzybas carsei.

             Gordon Sylvester receives the Hatch Medal for 2014.

             Pterostylis dubia (Tasmania). Pterostylis emarginata (Waitawheta).

             Planned Adenochilus stamp.

             Audrey Eagle’s Pterostylis humilis.

             Carlos Lehnebach updates members on his orchid research.

Orchid papers in Wellington Bot Soc Bulletin. Te Papa exhibition.

             Second Colenso Conference 17–19 November 2016, Wellington.

             NZNOG@yahoogroups activity.

             Insect on Pterostylis cernua.

             Pat Enright in the Waingawa valley

             Allan Mere presented to Brian Molloy.

             Pink Nematoceras macranthum.

             Kevin Matthews: a new Thelymitra?

             Photographs by Kathy Warburton, Cheryl Dawson, Pat Enright.

             Iwitahi Annual Native Orchid Weekend 2014. Brian Otto.

             NZ Indigenous Flora Seedbank. Jessica Schnell.

             Instructions for contributors.

46.   The New Zealand orchids The editor’s annual list.


Journal 136 - May 2015


Cover - An alpine Pterostylis at Maharara, SE Ruahine, November 2014.Mike Lusk

3.     The type locality Ian St George

             Suter’s orchid: Mt Cook and Corysanthes orbiculata

12.   Editorial: Ian St George

Thrips: pollinators.

13.   Guest editorial: Graeme Jane

             Why do plant names change?

15.   Original papers

             The many faces of Pterostylis irsoniana. Mark Moorhouse.

             Fungus gnats, fact, fallacy and speculation. Georgina Upson.

23.   Notes, notices, emails, letters, questions, comments, observations

             Pat Enright’s Aporostylis bifolia with petaloid labellum;

             Thelymitra longifolia in the Rimutaka.

             Columns of Thelymitra longifolia and T. hatchii in the Rimutaka.

             Mark Moorhouse and T. aff. purpureo-fusca.

             Cathy Jones’s drawing of Nematoceras hypogaeum.

             The Hatch Medal 2015.

             Thelymitra X dentata column.

             Recognising Bill Liddy.

             “Ghost” pterostylises?

31.   The column Eric Scanlen

Adenochilus gracilis alba.


Journal 137 - August 2015


Cover - Drymoanthus adversus: Ross Donald 9 November 2011, Wairakau Track,Totara North.

3.     The type locality Ian St George

             Sarcochilus breviscapa from the Seventy Mile Bush.

9.     Iwitahi Heritage Protection Area Report

11.   The column Eric Scanlen

Prasophylla galore

22.   Notes, letters, questions, comments

Mark Moorhouse and Cheryl Dawson on colourful Chiloglottis cornuta.

             Cheryl Dawson’s pale Pterostylis irsoniana.

             Pollination of Gastrodia.

             Kevin Matthews observes a juvenile leaf on Genoplesium pumilum.

             Obit. George Fuller.

             Mark Clements and others revisit Caladenia names.

             Murray Dawson: 1000 orchid observations.

             Mark Moorhouse on re-establishing Bulbophyllum tuberculatum in the wild.


             QR code for website.

29.   Australia notes David McConachie

             Orchids often surprise. Alan Stephenson.

30.   The editor’s 2015 list of names, revised

38.   Editorial rant

             Rare, sparse and naturally uncommon names


Journal 138 - November 2015


        Cover - Thelymitra cyanea: Rebecca Bowater:

2.     Orchids in 3D - Eric Scanlen.

             Earina mucronata & E. aestivalis.

3.     The type locality: Ian St George

             Corybas cheesemanii from Purewa.

8.     Original papers

             Management of orchid information. Mike Lusk.

             DNA for the amateur botanist. Mike Lusk.

             Mt Cargill revisited. Kathy Warburton.

             Chiloglottis in Nicols Creek Dunedin. Kathy Warburton

             Pterostylis banksia. Melanie Brigden.

             Seaward Bush. Melanie Brigden.

17.   Notes, letters, questions, comments...

             Mike Lusk’s bright pink Thelymitra longifolia.

8th Australasian Native Orchid Conference.

Second Colenso Conference.

             Sarcochilus do better in clear than black pots.

             Val Smith’s new book Common ground.

Corybas montanus.

             The distribution of Spiranthes sinensis. Pterostylis trullifolia.

Orchid books.

             Updated classification.

Why there are so many different orchids.


Journal 139 - February 2016


Cover: Pterostylis banksii colour study 6: Suzanne Day.

2.     Orchids in 3D: Eric Scanlen

             Thelymitra “orange top”

4.     Original papers

New combinations and a replacement name for three New Zealand spider orchids (Corybas). Carlos Lehnebach.

6.     The type locality: Ian St George

The Kawakawa river and Pterostylis banksii.

10.   The editor’s rant: Ian St George

             On the desirability of tag names.

12.   Notes

             Caladenia alata by Kevin Matthews.

             C. minor by Mike Lusk.

             Corybas by Pat Enright and Mike Lusk.

             Bringing back native forest orchids. - Sachie Iida.

             Pink caladenias similar to C. variegata Mark Moorhouse.

             Pterostylis venosa by Cheryl Dawson, Mike Lusk, Gordon Sylvester.

             Pat Enright on the Puffer track.

             The editor there too.

             Iwitahi 2015 by Brian Otto.

             Field days 2015 at Ohakune: photographs by Brian Otto, text by Graeme Jane.

             Mark Moorhouse and Pterostylis porrecta at Whispering Falls.

             Hatch Medal 2015 to Judith & Brian Tyler.

             Pat Enright and Pterostylis porrecta in Porirua Bush.

             Mark Moorhouse at Mt Arthuur.

             The small matter of Microtis.


Journal 140 - May 2016


Cover - Calochilus paludosus from Kill Devil Track, Takaka Valley Don Pittham, Nelson

2.     Orchids in 3D: Eric Scanlen

             Corybas carsei and C. rotundifolius.

3.     Original papers

             NZ Orchid Key: a new smartphone app. Murray Dawson.

             Pterostylis (Hymenochilus) tanypoda and P. tristis pollinator species. Georgina Upson.

10.   The type locality: Ian St George

             Kumeroa and Bolbophyllum ichthyostomum Col.,

Dusky Sound and Bulbophyllum pygmæum (Sm.) Lindl.

14.   Notes...

             Cheryl Dawson’s Gastrodia sesamoides;

             Pat Enright’s Microtis oligantha.

             Brian Tyler’s curious thelymitras from Ohakune—and others’.

             The destruction of orchids….

             The New Zealand Native Orchid Journal.

             Mike Lusk’s curious microtises from Hawke’s Bay.

             Don Geddes’s Pterostylis oliveri and P. areolata.

             Cheryl Dawson’s inland Earina aestivalis.

             NZNOG AGM & field days 2016.

             Letter to the editor. Graeme Jane.

             Upgrade your chakra (?) with native orchids.

20.   Editorial: Ian St George

             Are you ready for focus stacking?

             Do you think colour matters?

23.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             The Corybas “pygmy” roundup 2016


Journal 141 - August 2016


Cover - Thelymitra hatchii (= T. concinna) from Abel Tasman walkway. Don Pittham, Nelson

2.     Orchids in 3D: Eric Scanlen

             A few Caladenias.

3.     The type locality: Ian St George

             Thelymitra formosa in Waipawa County.

9.     Guest editorial: Eric Scanlen

             Taggers beware; 8 names for one orchid are too many

11.   Editorial: Ian St George

             The variability of amphidiploid thelymitras.

Variability of their parents.

10.   Notes

             Poor fruit set on Pterostylis brumalis.

Pat Enright’s Riverton Gastrodia “long column”.

             Alasdair Nicholl’s Catlins Gastrodia “long column”.

Colenso conference November 2016.

             Mike Lusk’s Genoplesium pumilum.

Cheryl Hindle’s white Thelymitra nervosa.

             Robbie & Sue Graham have NZNOJs to give away.

             Rebecca Bowater’s Acianthus sinclairii.

 25.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Corybas “round leaf” imbroglio.


Journal 142 - November 2016


Cover: Thelymitra pulchella, Stony Creek, Waipori, Otago. Kathy Warburton

2.     Orchids in 3D: Eric Scanlen

             Bulbophyllum tuberculatum.

3.     The type locality: Ian St George

             Bulbophyllum tuberculatum from Bethany.

5.     Original papers

             New species of Corybas and Gastrodia for New Zealand. Carlos Lehnebach.

             Focus stacking x2–x5. Pam Shearer.

16.   Editorial: Ian St George

             Corybas sanctigeorgianus !

9.     Notes

             Where have you seen Cryptostylis?

             Editor’s stack shot of Corybas aff. rivularis.

             West Australian Orchid Spectacular and Show.

             Manee Poffley’s Caladenia atradenia.

             Corybas cheesemanii by Dean Nelson and Lynne Pomare.

             Cara-Lisa Schloots spots orchids in Peru.

21.   The New Zealand orchids: the editor’s 2016 list.

27.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Corybas “Mangahuia” & C. “sphagnum” (Irwin)


Journal 143 - February 2017


Cover: - “A stacked picture of Corybas ‘pygmy’—Pam Shearer:

2.     The type locality: Ian St George

             Corybas oblongus from the Seventy Mile Bush

Corysanthes “aestivalis” from the Waimarino Plain

13.   Notes

             Add Corybas dienemus to your New Zealand list.

             Notes for contributors

1.          Nature red in tooth and claw: Graeme Jane.

             Matt Ward’s pterostylises.

             Mike Lusk and Pat Enright’s pterostylises.

             Corybas walliae in the Wairarapa.

             Corybas aff. iridescens in Otago.

             Gastrodia sesamoides, Opotiki (Tim Funnell).

             Pterostylis venosa near Apiti (Cheryl Dawson).

             Corybas confusus near Dunedin (Kathy Warburton).

20.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Caladenia aff. atrochila for C .“nitidoa rosea”/“speckles”

23.   Orchids in 3D: Eric Scanlen

             Corybas oblongus


Journal 144 - May 2017


Cover - Corybas macranthus: photograph by Rebecca Bowater Hacket in Nelson.

2.     Orchids in 3D: Eric Scanlen

             Corunastylis pumila

3.     The type locality: Ian St George


7.     Eponymous orchids: Val Smith

             Dorothy Anne Cooper and Gastrodia cooperae.

             The Hatch Medal 2016 Mark Moorhouse

10.   Notes

Thelymitra purpureofusca.

             Kathy Warburton’s Caladenia lyallii/C. aff. alpina.

             Gordon Sylvester’s Pterostylis irwinii;

Gael Donaghy’s southernmost Pterostylis porrecta.

             Tasmania’s Prasophyllum atratum looks like NZ’s P. colensoi.

             Cheryl Dawson’s Earina aestivalis in Manawatu Gorge.

             Val Smith’s late Thelymitra hatchii and

             Mike Lusk’s late Caladenia aff. chlorostyla.

             Philip Simpson reports a new site for Danhatchia.

             Mark Moorhouse: orchids at Cupola Basin, Nelson Lakes NP.

18.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             1. Caladenia atrochila in New Zealand.

2. Caladenia “Kaweka” & C. “Bealey”.


Journal 145 - August 2017


Cover -Corybas cryptanthus: well buried, nearWellington, photograph I St George

3.     From the Chair: David McConachie

             Share photos, come to the AGM & nominate the 2017 Hatch Medallist

Have you seen these new species? Corybas confusus, C. dienemus, C. obscurus, C. sanctigeorgianus, C. sulcatus, C. vitreus, C. walliae, Gastrodia cooperae, G. molloyi.

9.     The type locality: Ian St George

             Pterostylis irwinii from Erua.

11.   Orchids in 3D: Eric Scanlen

             Pterostylis irwinii.

12.   Notes

Cheryl Dawson photographs Routeburn orchids.

             Alan Stephenson’s Australian Danhatchia.

             AOCC Conference & Show.

Mike Lusk’s Gastrodia minor.

             Philip Simpson’s NZ Danhatchia.

             Mike Lusk’s herald of the new season.

Anne Fraser’s thesis is online.

             Jack Warden photographs Genoplesium pumilum on Great Barrier Island.

             The Type of Corysanthes papillosum at Kew.


17.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Pterostylis banksii s.s. & Pt. banksii “south”.


Journal 146 - November 2017


Cover - Thelymitra longifolia “blue halo”: Roger Thwaites, Blenheim.

2.     Orchids in 3D: Eric Scanlen

             Corybas sanctigeorgianus from Pukeiti, Taranaki, 2001.

3.     The type locality: Ian St George

             Thelymitra xdentata from the Puffer track, Kaitoke.

5.     Eponymous orchids: Val Smith

             Wallburga Zeller (1946 – ) & Corybas walliae.

7.     The NZ orchids The editor’s 2017 list

12.   Notes

             Instructions for contributors.

             Corybas confusus & C. “Trotters".

             Acianthus sinclairii by Cheryl Dawson.

             C. iridescens Matt Ward.

             C. iridescens and C cheesemanii by Cheryl Dawson.

             Corybas hybrid by Matt Ward.

             Pterostylis “pulchrogalea” by Robbie Graham and Mike Lusk.

             Corybas aff. trilobus by Mike Lusk.

19.   The column: Eric Scanlen

Caladenia “green stem” historical.


Journal 147 - February 2018


Cover - Chiloglottis cornuta: on one of the tracks in White’s Bay, Roger Thwaites.

2. T  he Hatch Medal 2017 - Carlos Lehnebach.

3.     Picton field days 3–6 November 2017

             Notes (Pam Shearer) and photographs (various contributors)

16.   Original paper

             Getting the facts right—not Caladenia minor again! Graeme Jane.

20.   The type locality: Ian St George

             Pterostylis cardiostigma at Day’s Bay.

22.   Orchids in 3D: Eric Scanlen

             Caladenia bartlettii.

19.   Notes

             Research news from Carlos Lehnebach.

             Rebecca Bowater’s Cyrtostylis.

             Hairy Corybas “Trotters”.

             Cheryl Dawson’s Corybas walliae & C. hatchii.

Mike Lusk’s Corybas hypogaeus.

             Orchids in the Waianakarua?

             Corybas at Putangirua Pinnacles.

Pterostylis irsoniana x banksia hybrid.

             Jack Warden’s Thelymitra longifolia on Great Barrier Island and

             Kevin Matthews’s similar flowers from the Far North.

             Mike Lusk’s Pterostylis patens.

             Thelymitra nervosa variations at Day’s Bay—Ed.

             Graham Randle’s curly Pterostylis patens.

             Pat Enright’s first Dendrobium of the season.

             Roger Thwaites’s Thelymitra longifolia s.s.


Journal 148 - May 2018


Cover: Don Pittham Caladenia “Bacon Creek”, 19 November 2017.

2.     From the Chairman: David McConachie

3.     The editor’s inbox

             Caladenia “Bacon Creek”: Mark Moorhouse.

             Jan Kelly’s Prasophyllum aphids;

Gordon Sylvester at Lake Taylor.

             Gastrodia aphids.

             Gary Backhouse e-books;

             Perth conference.

Georgina Upson on Caladenia minor.

             Graeme Jane & Ian St George on Caladenia minor.

             Digitising Te Papa’s collections.

             Pterostylis alobula early?

             Caladenia bartlettii & C. pusilla (= C. minor?)

11.   Research news:


             Sydney conference & show.

12.   The type locality: Ian St George

             Pterostylis porrecta at the Hackett & Elsthorpe.

15.   Orchids in 3D: Eric Scanlen

             Pterostylis porrecta.

16.   Editorial: Ian St George

             Wild orchids in the Wakatip.

20.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Journal 147 proof-read, benefits and errors.

             Caladenia pusilla & the C. chlorostyla clan.


Journal 149 - August 2018


Cover: - Gastrodia sesamoides, Hastings CBD, 25 November 2017 Mike Lusk

2.     Orchids in 3D: Eric Scanlen

             Gastrodia aff. sesamoides at Matakawau, 17 Dec 98.

             Aporostylis bifolia

3.     The type locality: Ian St George

             Aporostylis bifolia

6.     The Inbox

             Audrey Eagle’s Pterostylis humilis; Colenso in Paris.

             Pterostylis unzipped.

             RD FitzGerald’s Australian Thelymitra longifolia.

             Gita reveals Park secret. Philip Simpson.

             The other members of the genus Drymoanthus.

             New Corybas from New Caledonia.

The other members of the genus Earina.

             Pollinium detached from Acianthus sinclairii.

             New Corybas from China.

13.   Original papers

             Pterostylis natural hybrids. Is there evidence? Mark Moorhouse.

16.   The NZ orchids - The editor’s 2018 list


Journal 150 - November 2018


Cover: Caladenia “redstem” from Marlborough, December 2017.

2.     Orchids in 3D: Eric Scanlen

             Corybas hatchii at Ohakune

3.     The type locality: Ian St George

             Corybas hatchii Lehnebach at Waiouru.

6.     The inbox

             Liezl Thalwitzer et al on Pterostylis pollinators.

Research on fungus gnats as pollinators.

             Pat Enright’s Pterostylis alobula pollinator.

             Lynne Pomare’s bronze P. trullifolia;

Mark Moorhouse on forms of P. trullifolia.

The rediscovery of Chiloglottis trapeziformis near Waitarere. Andrew Broome, Carl Timms, Katherine Murray.

             Thelymitra longifolia in the lift.

             Pat Enright’s putative hybrid.

             Research papers on Corybas.

             C. walliae & vitreus together.

             Journals index available.

             Cryptic lateral petals of Corybas “Trotters”.

17.   Original papers

             Caladenia minor in context. Georgina Upson.

19.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Chiloglottis roundup.


Journal 151 February 2019


Cover - Corybas iridescens at Whanganui National Park October 2010 by Bev. Woolley.

2.     Orchids in 3D: Eric Scanlen

             A Thelymitra aff. pulchella, perhaps T. caesia, from Albany

3.     The type locality: Ian St George

             Thelymitra fimbriata Col. in Otago.

12.   The inbox

             Thesis on Corybas rivularis online.

             Mike Lusk’s dark Corybas.

             Cheryl Dawson’s dark Corybas.

             Jack Warden’s C. “micranthus”.

             C. macranthus from Apiti.

             C. macranthus from southern Wairarapa.

             What’s this then? Southern seaside C. macranthus s.l.

             Corybas in the Wairarapa & Wellington this season. Pat Enright.

             Whats this then?

             Mike Lusk’s interesting Pterostylis.

             The Hatch Medal 2018.

             Roger Thwaites’s Cyrtostylis and adolescent Pterostylis alobula.

             Mark Moorhouse on Caladenia minor.

30.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Pterostylis speciosa Col.


Journal 152 - May 2019


Cover - Thelymitra cyanea in a Manapouri swamp, 14 Dec. 2017

2.     Orchids in 3D: Eric Scanlen

             Caladenia “green stem” at Manapouri 21 Jan 2004

3.     Original papers

             The Corybas trilobus aggregate: Mark Moorhouse.

11.   Editorial: Ian St George

             The Lord Treasurer of Botany’s NZ orchids.


14.   The inbox

             The 2018 field days near Wellington. Mike Lusk

             Gastrodia molloyi Kathy Warburton & Joe Grossman

             Jan Kelly’s Wanaka orchids

             Mike Lusk’s curious Microtis from the Kaweka

18.   The column: Eric Scanlen

Caladenia minor was C. “green stem”!


Journal 153 - August 2019


Cover: Cyrtostylis rotundifolius at Cape Kidnapper- Mike Lusk .

2.     Orchids in 3D: Eric Scanlen

             Corybas acuminatus Fairy Falls, Waitakere 19 Sep 1998 .

3.     Note

Three-year study aims to resolve the taxonomic status of more than 20 New Zealand terrestrial orchids. Carlos Lehnebach & Lara Shepherd.

5.     The type locality: Ian St George

             Cyrtostylis macrophylla from Maraetotara, Hawke’s Bay.

9.     Editorial

             Brood site deception by Corybas and Eric Scanlen’s important observation.

10.   The New Zealand orchids - The editor’s 2019 list.

15.   Orchid references in de Lange and colleagues’ Conservation status of New Zealand indigenous vascular plants, 2017.

16.   The Inbox

             New Spiranthes and Gastrodia.

             David Lyall’s compass.

             Congrats Helene Wild.

             Taxonomists’ terms.

             A warning to photographers.

             A cultivation and propagation subgroup?

             A gallery of orchidologists.


Journal 154 - November 2019


Cover: Pat Enright Corybas vitreus from Western Lake (Wairarapa) 3 August .

2.     Orchids in 3D: Eric Scanlen

             Thelymitra malvina Lake Ohia 25 October 1998

             Pterostylis patens Karioi.

3.     The type locality: Ian St George

             Pterostylis patens Col. from Glenross & the Ruahine.

13.   The inbox

             Pat Enright’s Corybas vitreus; Jack Warden’s Corybas “pygmy”.

             Pat Enright’s Corybas “Remutaka”.

             Orchids on Facebook;

             Mike Lusk at Iwitahi and on social media.

             Jack Warden’s Corybas macranthus; Lowes Bush Lament.

             Corybas hypogaeus photoessay.

             At Craigie Lea.

21.   To the editor

             Dr Mark Clements on Caladenia minor.

24.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             The Corybas “pygmy” group.


Journal 155 - February 2020


Cover: Mark Moorhouse: Corybas acuminatus Hollyford valley, 24 October 2019.

2. Orchids in 3D: Eric Scanlen:

             Corybas oblongus s.l., Greymouth

             Pterostylis from Horopito.

3.     Editorial: Ian St George

               3 1. Notes on Corybas dienemus (Nematoceras dienemum)

               7 2. Notes on Corybas sulcatus (Nematoceras sulcatum)

             10 3. Colenso’s Corybas macranthus.

             12  4. Caladenia minor: a simple case of mistaken identity?

13.   Original papers

             Solving a minor problem. Georgina Upson.

    Chris Ecroyd.

19.   In the inbox


             Corybas dienemus.

             A Corybas hybrid.

             Notes for contributors.

             Pterostylis speciosa.

             Corybas “Remutaka”.

             Chiloglottis “big bract”.

             Corybas complexities in the Hollyford valley.

             Corybas trilobus s.s.

             Thelymitra pauciflora, T. alba and a hybrid?

             Orchid questions in Wellington and the Wairarapa in late November.

             Dorothy Cooper’s aberrant Corybas trilobus.

             Pat Enright’s Caladenia variegata.

             Is Caladenia alpina in NZ?

             The 2019 AGM & field days in & around Dannevirke.

             The Hatch Medal 2019.

             Gael Donaghy, new Chair NZNOG.

             A little Microtis in our front paddock.

             Down in the Haurangi.


Journal 156 - May 2020


Cover: Earina aestivalis at Waiorongamai 6 January 2020. - Pat Enright.

2.     Orchids in 3D: Eric Scanlen

             Thelymitra brevifolia Cable Bay 24 July 2000.

3.     From the Chair: Gael Donaghy

             Eric Scanlen honoured with Life Membership of NZNOG.

             2020 AGM & Field Days first announcement.

5.      Orchid books!

         Murray Dawson suggests Facebook for discussions.

         The NZ Native Orchid Journal

6.     Original papers

             A minor pursuit. Graeme Jane

13.   The type locality: Ian St George

             Thelymitra cornuta from the Kaipara.

19.   The inbox

             Pat Enright’s Earina aestivalis from Waiorongamai.

             Bill Campbell on Earina aestivalis cf. E. mucronata.

             Brenda Biersteker, Kathy Warburton and Kevin Matthews photograph stripeless Thelymitra pulchella.

A pollinator for Corybas acuminatus.

23.   The column: Eric Scanlen

             Corybas “pygmy 1” reinstated.


Journal 157 - June 2020


Cover: Thelymitra pulchella, Flagstaff, Dunedin, Kathy Warburton.

2.     Orchids in 3D: Eric Scanlen: Danhatchia australis, photographed against the leaf back of Taraire, its host tree

3.     From the Chair: Gael Donaghy.


4.     Original papers

Wading through a 2-foot-deep river: resolution of the common leek orchid. Jennifer Alderton-Moss & Carlos Lehnebach.

             Thelymitra pulchella. Bill Kosky.

Unearthing hidden alliances and unfaithful partners – exploring the diversity of mycorrhizal interactions across a selected group of New Zealand orchids. Carlos Lehnebach & Lara Shepherd.

26.   The inbox

Pterostylis banksii photographed by Ellen or Frank Blackwell.

27.   Letters to the editor.

HB Matthews and friends in camp.

             Georgina Upson on Gastrodia cooperae colour variations.

32.   A classic paper

        “Relation of the orchid flora of Australia to that of New Zealand” by ED Hatch & HMR Rüpp, 1945.


Journal 158 - August 2020


Cover: Thelymitra carnea (imberbis) by Kevin Matthews.

2.     Orchids in 3D: Eric Scanlen: Thelymitra imberbis

3.     From the Chair: Gael Donaghy

4.     The type locality: Ian St George

Thelymitra imberbis from the Bay of Islands.

7.     The New Zealand orchids - The editor’s 2020 list.

11.   Editorial

The cottonwool ciliated flowers can’t all be Thelymitra longifolia.

25.   The inbox

Blogs, websites & a new app.

Two heads are better than one.

The NZNOG 2020 AGM & field days: NEW DATES!


Journal 159 - September 2021


Cover: Thelymitra ?nemoralis Col. Te Mata Peak, Hawke’s Bay - Mike Lusk:

2.     Orchids in 3D: Eric Scanlen:

             Thelymitra hatchii

3.     From the Chair: Gael Donaghy.

4. Original papers

             A new orchid in New Zealand?

DNA study helps to identify mystery winter-blooming sun orchid (Thelymitra) from Eastbourne. Carlos Lehnebach & and Lara Shepherd.

8.     Editorial:

             Thelymitra hiemalis.

             Sunny side up? Ian Taylor & Gordon Leckie.

             References to wild hybrids of NZ orchids.

             New names?

16.   The type locality: Ian St George

             Thelymitra sanscilia at Kaimaumau.

19. The inbox

Winter flowering NZ orchids

Observations from the field: Pat Enright, Gael Donaghy, Kevin Matthews, Colin Muerk, Matt Ward

             Corybas “Remutaka”


Journal 160 - December 2021


Cover: A fungus gnat on Corybas acuminatus. - Brett Payne.

2.     September 2020, iNaturalist.

2.     Orchids in 3D: Eric Scanlen.

             Thelymitra “rough leaf” 25 October 2014

3.     From the Chair: Gael Donaghy.

4.     Original papers

             A southern excursion. Gael Donaghy & Graeme Jane.

             Pterostylis from South Westland. Gael Donaghy & Graeme Jane.

             Sweating the small stuff with Microtis unifolia. Georgina Upson.

             A record of Corybas aff. sulcatus. Matt Ward

16.   Editorial

Both of the Macquarie island orchids are in NZ: Corybas dienemus and Corybas sulcatus

Thelymitra concinna Col.

Thelymitra “fusca”

21.   Notes: assorted images, observations, ideas and other odds and ends about orchids.

             Pterostylis foliata, photo by Rosalie Lawrence. Mount Lofty Ranges SA. 

             Have you seen this? Corybas trilobus complex seen at Rewanu.

             AGM in Dannevirke excursion to the Coppermine track

             Pat Enright notes Corybas vitreus in the Tararuas

Rebecca Bowater “was up at Lake Rotoiti"

             Dorothy Cooper with Gordon Sylvester, at Arnold Dam Walkway, Loop walk Charleston: & Nile River:

Pterostylis oliveri At Arthur’s Pass 10 December - Ed.

             Orchid Council Summer Scholarship with Waikato University mapping orchid species at Iwitahi

             On the track between Te Anau outlet and Rainbow Reach - Ed.

             Rüpp & Hatch on the original description of Aporostylis bifolia

             Ed - Twelve Mile track between Queenstown and Glenorchy 5 December.

             ... on the Queen Charlotte walkway from Punga Cove to Furneaux Lodge on 12 December