New Zealand Native Orchids
Caladenia pusilla


Caladenia pusilla
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Plant: Very slender, 8-15cm high when in flower.

Flowers: Solitary, up to 1cm across, pinkish. Labellum with 2 rows of yellow clubbed calli down the centre. Labellum wings with dark pink or maroon bars. Labellum mid-lobe yellow, triangular with 3 marginal calli at the base. Dorsal sepal short and often incurved. Tepals broad, oval in shape, fused at the base.

Flowering: Septembrr-October, earlier than C. minor.

Habitat: Scrub and open clay areas.

Conservation:Status uncertain, uncommon.

Notes: Similar to C. minor. Doubts remain about the identity of this taxon. C. pusilla is a South Australian species, which has had a chequered history. An other option includes C. mentiens of Tasmania.

Key features: small flower, tepals fused at the base, midlobe with few calli.