New Zealand Native Orchids

Potato Orchids

Leafless Saprophytic Orchids

Gastrodia cunninghamii   Gastrodia longcolumn   Gastrodia minor Gastrodia sesamoides
Gastrodia cunninghamii

Habitat: lowland to montane forest and common in mature pine plantations. Widespread.

Key features: knobbly outer labellum and short column deep within the tube.

Gastrodia molloyi

Habitat: wide range of disturbed vegetation. Throughout.

Key features: knobbly yellow to greenish flowers and long, yellow column with pollinia visible at the mouth of the tube.

Gastrodia minor

Habitat: often grows under manuka, pines, kamahi or gorse, or amongst Spanish heather. Throughout.

Key features: few, smooth to ribbed flowers that scarcely open.

Gastrodia sesamoides

Habitat: wide range of vegetation including bark in traffic islands. Lowland to montane. South to Nelson.

Key features: flowers smooth with few warts, yellow tipped column and pollina visible at the tube mouth.

Gastrodia cooperae

Habitat: forest and kanuka scrub. Wairarapa and Nelson.

Key features: knobbly flower with a long column and black tipped labellum visible at the tube mouth.


Guide To Gastrodia
By Jeremy Rolfe
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