Caladenias and Allied Orchids |
labellum with two rows of calli between the column wings, mid lobe with marginal calli only |
Caladenia alata Habitat: open manuka scrub. Mainly Auckland northwards with an outlier on Rainbow Mountain. Key Features: two rows of calli between the labellum wings stopping at the mid lobe, an orange tip to labellum, often curled under; variable flower colour - usually white but also pink to deep red, often at the same site. |
Caladenia minor Habitat: scrub and open forest in dappled shade, on road and track sides. North Cape to Nelson. Key features: small size and broad, round tipped petals and sepals, strong pink to dark red, fading towards the base and two rows of calli between the labellum wings stopping at the mid lobe.. |
Caladenia variegata Habitat:lowland to montane in well lit native forest, manuka scrub and exotic pine. Key features: pale colour, green column top and two main rows of calli between the labellum wings stopping at the mid lobe, and a variable extra extent of calli alongside to main rows |
Caladenia bartlettii Habitat: Well lit scrub and track sides. Far north mainly but isolated colonies to Wellington. Key features: two rows of calli between the labellum wings stopping at the mid lobe, tepals pale mauve that abruptly taper to a very acute tip. | ||||
Caladenia chlorostyla Habitat: Lowland to subalpine scrub, well lit native or pine forest. Widespread.
Caladenia nothofageti Habitat: red beech forest, montane, also in well lit forest and scrub. Wellington southwards. Key features: Flowers plain, pale green to white, without red markings. |
Aporostylis bifolia Habitat: montane scrub; sphagnum wetlands at lower altitudes. Moehau southwards. Key features: two different sized hairy leaves and quite large white flower. |
Adenochilus gracilis Habitat: damp to wet montane, cool beech, podocarp or introduced pine forest. Central NI southwards. Key features: tiny flower, broad leaf above the ground, clasping stem. |
Caladenia atradenia Habitat: open scrub or forest; lowland to montane. Throughout the North Is and in the northern South Is Key features: dark red calli on the labellum midlobe |
Caladenia lyallii Habitat: lowland to alpine tussock, wetlands and scrub. Central North is southwards. Key features: large flower size, rather broad brownish leaf and hooded dorsal sepal. |