New Zealand Native Orchids

Gnat Orchids

Acianthus sinclairii

Habitat: open lowland scrub and forest and track sides. Widespread throughout.

Key features: thin heart-shaped leaf, acute dorsal sepal.

Cyrtostylis oblonga

Habitat: under kauri, lying on dense kauri litter. Northland to Bay of Plenty.

Key features: leaf distinctly oblong and more prominently veined than C. rotundifolia.

Cyrtostylis rotundifolia

Habitat: open scrub and shaded forest, often coastal. Northland to Nelson.

Key features: a broad, weakly veined leaf but leaves quite variable in size and shape in one locality.

Townsonia deflexa

Habitat: high rainfall areas, montane beech forest and scrub. Ruapehu southwards.

Key features: small size, alpine habitat, round leaf.