Corybas orbiculatus
Habitat: permanently wet, mossy road banks; damp forest and wet tussock herb fields; dunes. Lowland to montane.
Key features: short tepals, dark narrow labellum midlobe with in-rolled lateral margins
Corybas iridescens
Habitat: calcareous siltstone, mudstone and limestone and fertile soils; streamsides, damp areas,
Key features: large flower, dark labellum colour, ridged dorsal sepal.
Corybas hatchii
Habitat: streamsides, wet mossy rocks, lowland to montane. Volcanic Plateau southwards.
Key features: dorsal sepal and labellum translucent with a weft of pale maroon streaks. Petals and sepals about equal.
| Corybas dienemus
Habitat: wet alpine areas, Ruapehu, known near Wellington and Auckland and Campbell Is.
Key features: round leaf, petals much shorter than lateral sepals, labellum outer margin wavy.