New Zealand Native Orchids
Calochilus paludosus


Calochilus paludosus
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Plant: to 35cm tall. Leaf narrow, fleshy, deeply V-shaped, often glaucous. Stem with several prominent bracts, sometimes leaf-like.

Flowers: greenish, with maroon striped petals, the column lacking the “eyes”. Labellum maroon-bearded with long strap shaped tip. Fully open flowers have the petals and sepals widely spread.

Flowering: October to December.

Habitat: montane to lowland on poor, clay ground and peat wetlands.

Conservation: scattered localities; naturally uncommon, sparse. In Australia.

Notes: distinguished by its bare strappy labellum tip and absence of the “eyes” of the other two NZ Calochilus species.

Key features: densely hairy labellum base and lack of "eyes".