New Zealand Native Orchids
Corybas acuminatus


Corybas acuminatus
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Plant: leaf stalkless and enclosing the stem, with wavy margins and reddish veins.

Flowers: with long petals and sepals and a very long dorsal sepal. Occasionally has a second flower.

Flowering: September to December.

Habitat: damp, shaded forest, often high rainfall. Throughout.

Conservation: widespread and often common throughout; not threatened.

Notes: flowers quite distinct with the long dorsal sepal. Single, sterile leaves easily mistaken for Acianthus sinclairii with which it can occur, but presence of more mature leaves can help distinguish. Was for a time mistakenly called C. rivularis.

Key features: thin, wavy sharp-pointed leaf and flower with long point to dorsal sepal parallelled by the thin sepals.