New Zealand Native Orchids
Corybas carsei
  • Corybas carsei
    Corybas carsei
    Whangamarino - Waikato
    Photo: Eric Scanlen
  • Corybas carsei
    Corybas carsei
    Whangamarino - Waikato
    Photo: Dan Hatch


Corybas carsei
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Plant: to 30 mm tall, leaf ovate, clasping the stem.

Flowers: 10 cm long, Labellum tubular under a saddle-shaped dorsal sepal, tip sometimes notched. Lateral sepals and petals almost invisible, shorter than labellum.

Flowering: August to November.

Habitat: confined to peat bogs, particularly wire rush bogs.

Conservation: threatened, critically endangered. Known from a few swamps. Only apparent after a fire.

Notes: similar to C. rotundifolius but the latter is a kauri forest species and lacks the lower lip to the labellum.

Key features: peat bog habitat; lateral sepals and petals very reduced, dorsal sepal notched.