New Zealand Native Orchids
Corybas papillosa


Corybas papillosa
Spider Orchid
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Plant: 4 - 8cm high when in flower. Leaves 3.5 x 3cm, often smaller, orbicular to oblong-oval. Finely and regularly papillose on upper surface. Light-green with (sometimes) a purple midrib and spots near the margin.

Flowers: Arising from below the leaf. 15 - 20mm tall. Dorsal sepal lanceolate, longer than the labellum, curved backward at the tip. Labellum transparent, much veined. Coloured dark purple-red above, whitish spotted with purple-red below.

Flowering Time: October - December.

Habitat: Forest floors and damp banks.

Conservation: Data Deficient.

Notes: Very similar in appearance to Corybas macranthus in which it is usually included.

Key features: papillose leaf surface, otherwise similar to C. macranthus.