New Zealand Native Orchids
Corybas rotundifolius


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Plant: Terrestrial tuberous herb. 2 to 5cm high when in flower.

Leaves: Single leaf. Up to 3.5 x 3cm, oblong-oval in shape.

Flowers: Solitary flower well above the leaf and usually hanging downward. 1 - 1.5cm long. Clear translucent, but the labellum develops a faint pink tinge as the flower matures, particularly around the labellum opening. Tip of dorsal sepal not cleft. Petals and lateral sepals very short. Column upright.


Habitat: Dark shaded areas beneath manuka scrub.

Conservation: At Risk - Naturally Uncommon.

Notes: Usually later flowering than pink Corybas rotundifolius.
First recorded in 1899 by HB Matthews.

Key features: The pale colouring and later flowering are notable.