New Zealand Native Orchids
Corybas trisept
  • Corybas trisept
    Corybas trisept
    Hunua Range - Auckland
    Photo: Eric Scanlen
  • Corybas trisept
    Corybas trisept
    Hunua Range - Auckland
    Photo: Eric Scanlen
  • Corybas trisept
    Corybas trisept
    Hunua Range - Auckland
    Photo: Eric Scanlen


Corybas sanctigeorgeanus
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Plant: 15-20mm tall. Leaves in colonies often mixed round and three-lobed 10-15 x 15-20mm. Flowers above or below the leaf 3-4mm long

Flowers: Dorsal sepal linear, grooved, projecting well clear of the labellum, ending in an acute point. Labellum midlobe opens dark reddish purple, almost flat with a broad, pale centre at maturity. Petals and sepals 30-50m long.

Flowering: September.

Habitat: forest, sporadic. Auckland to Waikato but recently recognised, so range unknown.

Conservation: none.

Notes: dorsal sepal jutting out from the labellum, broadly flaring midlobe with a white centre. Was C. "trisept".

Key features: Dorsal sepal much longer than labellum, white near the aperture.