New Zealand Native Orchids
Corybas sphagnum
  • Corybas sphagnum
    Corybas sphagnum
    Paramanawera Swamp - Mt Ruapehu
    Photo: Eric Scanlen
  • Corybas sphagnum
    Corybas sphagnum
    Paramanawera Swamp - Mt Ruapehu
    Photo: Eric Scanlen
  • Corybas sphagnum
    Corybas sphagnum
    Blue Creek - Nelson
    Photo: Eric Scanlen
  • Corybas sphagnum
    Corybas sphagnum
    Paramanawera Swamp - Mt Ruapehu
    Photo: Eric Scanlen


Corybas "sphagnum"
Spider Orchid
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Plant: 30 to 60mm tall when in flower. Leaves petiolate, 30 x 35mm, often smaller, orbicular to oblong-oval. Upper surface yellow-green, usually with brown spots.

Flowers: above the leaf. 15 - 20m tall. Labellum deep crimson turning grey-green towards the margin, edge finely jagged with a drip tip. Lateral sepals long and flecked with red. Petals slightly shorter than lateral sepals, flecked with red. Has a rounded inner flexure to the labellum mid-rib.

Flowering: November - December.

Habitat: Montane to sub-alpine Swamps. Mt Ruapehu, to Kahurangi.

Conservation: At Risk - Naturally Uncommon.

Notes: Closely resembles C iridescens but with paler flowers.

Key features: flower separating below the leaf but sitting above, deep colouration, drip tip.