Plant: leaves orbicular, 12-20 x 12-20 mm, light green with visible veins above, silvery green beneath, apiculate. Flowers: arising ± halfway along the petiole below the leaf lamina but sitting above. Most parts dark red, 25-30 mm long, 10-14 mm wide. Dorsal sepal hooded over most of the labellum, dark red, striate. Lateral sepals erect to spreading, 30 mm long. Petals erect to spreading, 10-15mm long. Labellum midlobe cream to pale yellow in the centre, margins incurved, irregular to toothed, with a deep central groove. Flowering: October to November. Habitat: streamside in tussock and alpine shrublands. Conservation: Data deficient. Notes: very ribbed dorsal sepal Key features: easily recognised by its ball shaped flower and deep maroon ribbed dorsal sepal. |