New Zealand Native Orchids
Corybas veil
  • Corybas veil
    Corybas veil
    Bridal Veil Falls - Raglan
    Photo: Eric Scanlen
  • Corybas veil
    Corybas veil
    Bridal Veil Falls - Raglan
    Photo: Eric Scanlen


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Plant: 30- 50mm tall when in flower. Leaves shortly petiolate 3 x 3.5cm, orbicular to oblong-oval, upper surface yellow-green with sparse dark purple spots.

Flowers: Dorsal sepal long, extending well forward of the labellum, spotted with red. Labellum midlobe broad, coloured translucent maroon, grooved. Lateral sepals filiform, long and spreading. Petals almost as long as lateral sepals.

Flowering: August - September.

Habitat: Mossy banks in the spray zone of a waterfall. Bridal Veil Falls near Raglan.

Conservation: Not Recorded.

Notes:The population is very local. A dark maroon labellum suggest hybridism

Key features: leaf petiolate, labellum mostly shiny red, flower arising below the leaf and ovary sitting above.