New Zealand Native Orchids
Corybas aff trilobus


Corybas vitreus
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Plant: Terrestrial tuberous herb. 1 to 4cm high when in flower. Many plants do not bear flowers. Leaves on a long stalk. Kidney-shaped to orbicular. Extremely variable in both size and shape.

Flowers: Solitary. Flower above or below the leaf. 1 - 1.5cm high. Lateral sepals very long, Petals much shorter. Labellum varies in colour from transparent green through to dark red. Edge of the labellum usually jagged (true N trilobus has a smooth labellum margin).

Flowering: August - December.

Habitat: Forests and scrub. Often forming large colonies.

Conservation: Not threatened. Common.

Notes:Formery tag named C. "Eastern Hills".

Key features:. Labellum inner face usually cream occasionally striped in the throat.