New Zealand Native Orchids
Corybas whiskers
  • Corybas whiskers
    Corybas whiskers
    Atene - Whanganui River
    Photo: Michael Pratt
  • Corybas whiskers
    Corybas whiskers
    Atene - Whanganui River
    Photo: Michael Pratt
  • Corybas whiskers
    Corybas whiskers
    Fairy Falls - Waitakere Range
    Photo: Michael Pratt
  • Corybas whiskers
    Corybas whiskers
    Fairy Falls - Waitakere Range
    Photo: Eric Scanlen
  • Corybas whiskers
    Corybas whiskers
    Fairy Falls - Waitakere Range
    Photo: Eric Scanlen
  • Corybas whiskers
    Corybas whiskers
    Cascade Kauri Park - Waitakere
    Photo: Michael Pratt


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Plant: 40-60 mm tall. Leaf sessile 30-35mm long, oblong often with a short pointed tip. The flower held well clear of the leaf on a long, slender ovary.

Flowers: dorsal sepal extending well beyond labellum flecked in deep maroon. Labellum maroon outside, midlobe broadly trapezoidal, typically green with the upper edges of the labellum wings blotched maroon; normally covered in short hairs or raised tubercles. Tip blunt with a short point and often incurled. Labellum floor more or less horizontal.

Flowering: September to November.

Habitat: wet shady seepages, stream banks with good light; wet shady road cuttings. Whangarei south to Nelson and the West coast.

Conservation: common. Not threatened.

Notes: often shares habitat with in areas where these grow.

Key features: hairy midlobe, flower well above leaf on a long slender ovary and forward pointing auricles.