New Zealand Native Orchids
Earina autumnalis


Earina autumnalis
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Plant: stem stiff, unbranched, to 1m long, drooping, or upright if very short; covered with stiff, 4–10cm long, narrow, pointed leaves, planar in two rows.

Flowers: many, white, 5mm with a broad yellow-based labellum. Flowers on last year’s spike, upright, heavily scented.

Flowering: February to July.

Habitat: a common on trees and shrubs or sometimes on rocks or in scrub. Thrives in deep shade.

Conservation: very common, not threatened.

Notes: very distinct from E. mucronata and E. aestivalis with its short broad leaves and strongly perfumed flowers.

Key features: masses of strongly perfumed flowers on unbranched stems, leaves short and stout.