New Zealand Native Orchids
Earina mucronata


Earina mucronata
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Plant: stems to 1m long, unbranched, forming dense clumps, unbranched, long, drooping. Leaves grassy narrow 6-20 x 4-6mm, lacking a central groove, veins inconspicuous.

Flowers: creamy (sometimes white), to 8mm across, petals and sepals oval cupping around and obscuring a 2mm long column. Labellum orange, 3 lobed, the midlobe broad and bifid (giving a 4 lobed appearance) often with a drop of nectar below the labellum base. Light fragrance.

Flowering: September to December.

Habitat: a common epiphyte on trees, shrubs, rocks and clay under scrub, often with E. autumnalis.

Conservation: widespread and common, not threatened.

Notes: none.

Key features: flowers non or weakly scented on long unbranched stems, leaves narrow, spring flowering.