New Zealand Native Orchids
Genoplesium nudum
  • Genoplesium nudum
    Genoplesium nudum
    Mangakahu Valley - Ongarue
    Photo: Eric Scanlen
  • 2
    Genoplesium nudum
    Tararua Forest Park
    Photo: Ian St George
  • 3
    Genoplesium nudum
    Western Lake Taupo
    Photo: Michael Pratt
  • 2
    Genoplesium nudum
    Tararua Forest Park
    Photo: Ian St George


Genoplesium nudum
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Plant: spikes to 12cm, break through near the tubular leaf tip.

Flowers: Up to 30 tiny dark red flowers, self pollinating and long lasting. Labellum margin fringed with cilia, callus cleft by a linear depression.

Flowering: January to April.

Habitat: lowland to montane, poor damp soil, winter wet clays, often with sundews and sedges. Throughout.

Conservation: few scattered plants in any locality, not threatened.

Notes: young plants look like Microtis but much slimmer. Pollinated plants can look ready to flower months after actually finishing.

Key features: leaf much shorter than the base of the flower spike, flowers maroon.