New Zealand Native Orchids
 Microtis aff unifolia


Microtis aff unifolia
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Plant: to 25cm tall with numerous greenish-yellow flowers.

Flowers: 5 - 30 per raceme. Each 3-5mm in length. Green to yellow-green in colour. The flowers are more widely spaced than in Microtis unifolia. The labellum is oblong, as short or shorter than the petals and lacks the crisped edge of Microtis unifolia.

Flowering: December - January.

Habitat: Widespread in grassland, clay banks, and wetlands

Conservation: Not Threatened.

Notes: There may be more un-named species of Microtis in NZ as it is very widespread and common.

Key features: smaller and less robust than Microtis unifolia and flowering later, labellum lacks a crisped edge.