New Zealand Native Orchids
Prasophyllum B


Prasophyllum "B"
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Plant: 20 to 50cm tall when in flower. Stem erect, tubular, dark green. Leaves rush-like, often over-topping the flowers.

Flowers: Up to 20 flowers. Each 1-1.4mm in length. Sepals and petals dark green with purple towards the centre. Lateral sepals at the top of the flower, long and well separated, tips acute. Labellum green, half the length of the lateral sepals. Dorsal sepal long, tapering to an acute tip. Ovary dark green with purple ribs.

Flowering: December - February.

Habitat: Montane to sub-alpine. Very moist soils and shallow water.

Conservation: Not Recorded.

Notes: An undescribed species. It prefers a wetter habitat at lower altitude and flowers later.

Key features: dark colour, petals and sepals long, slender and elegant.