New Zealand Native Orchids
Pterostylis areolata


Pterostylis areolata
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Plant: medium-sized to 15 cm tall, often numerous. Leaves broad, grassy, 3-10 mm x 2-10 cm, may be shortly stalked and bunched in a semi-rosette or sessile and scattered up the stem.

Flowers: often tinged olive green, leaning forward, tip of dorsal sepal down turned, lateral sepals turned sharply back. Labellum prominent, in a wide gape, elliptic, the tip narrowly obtuse, flat or slightly constricted; stigma flat, oval.

Flowering: October to November.

Habitat: grass or light scrub, lowland to montane. Throughout South Is.

Conservation: locally abundant in swathes, not threatened.

Notes: one of the large flowered species but smaller than P. patens, P. subsimilis and P. australis.

Key features: down-turned tip to dorsal sepal, sharply recurved sepals, wide gape and broad leaves.