New Zealand Native Orchids
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Pterostylis australis
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Plant: large 10-25 cm tall. Leaves quite broad, rather flat, 4-25 cm x 10-15 mm and often undulate.

Flowers: large 25-50 mm tall. Dorsal sepal and lateral petals very shortly pointed. Lateral sepals long and spreading. Labellum tip arched, stigma long and oval.

Flowering: November to December.

Habitat: mature lowland to montane moist scrub and open forest.

Conservation: forms large swathes, common, not threatened.

Notes: Sometimes grows with P. banksii which is very similar, but distinguished by the very broad leaves, very flat top to the column wings and much shorter dorsal sepal tip than P. banksii. Some forms have strongly undulate leaves and very short dorsal sepal.

Key features: very large flower, short tips to the tepals, rather broad, rounded leaves.