Pterostylis emarginata Plant: Stem stout, erect, green, sometimes with a reddish tinge, 20-40 cm tall. Leaves: grassy, often keeled, 10 - 20 cm long. Flowers: large, 25 - 30mm tall. Dorsal sepal very long. Petals much shorter than the dorsal sepal. Lateral sepals diverge widely, tips very long and erect often tinged with orange or red. Labellum with a distinctive notch at the tip. Flowering: October - December. Habitat: Light forest and scrub. Waikato to Wellington. Conservation: Data deficient, scattered. Notes: Very similar to Pterostylis banksii. Named for the notched labellum. Key features: large flowered, widely spreading lateral sepals, distinctive notch at the tip of the labellum. |