New Zealand Native Orchids
Pterostylis puberula


Pterostylis puberula
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Plant: small flowered slender to 7cm with rosette of trowel shaped leaves. Stem finely hairy with glistening beads.

Flowers: small, 10-15 m tall., Dorsal sepal very short, blunt leaving a narrow gape; petals quite broad, noticeably curved in section and unstriped. Lateral sepals with a small flat lobe folded inward at the junction and long, erect part rounded section above ending in blunt tips. Labellum short, not protruding.

Flowering: September to October.

Habitat: under open scrub and sedges. Northland to Nelson; local, rare.

Conservation: scattered plants in small widely separated colonies; critically endangered. North Cape to Nelson.

Notes: often with P. tasmanica. Closely similar to Australian plants of the P. nana group.

Key features: small plant with a distinctive rosette, stubby flower and beady stem.