Pterostylis tristis Plant: tiny to 10 cm tall, multi-flowered. Leaves yellow green or brownish, may be mottled. Flowers: up to 7, brownish or less often green 5-10 mm tall. Tepals broad pointed, lateral sepals incompletely fused, below the labellum. Labellum broad, oval with a basal callus that points inward, not forward. Flowering: October to January. Habitat: open grassland in short turf, often wetter areas or more shaded slopes, often with Hieracium. Marlborough south to Otago. Conservation: widespread, in small groups, not threatened. Notes: may occur with P. tanypoda which it resembles but flowers often brownish, though the defining difference is the inward pointing callus at the base of the labellum. First found in the Ruahine but not seen there for years. Key features: small plant with a basal rosette, several small, usually brownish, flowers, labellum callus pointed inwards. |