Spiranthes "Motutangi" Plant: 10 to 50cm high when in flower. Roots white, fleshy, slender and slightly tuberous. Several lanceolate leaves around the base of the flower stem. Several leaf bracts widely spaced up the flower stem. Flowers: Raceme of numerous flowers arranged spirally around the stem. Flowers 5-8mm long, tubular. Sepals and petals tinged dull pale pink. Labellum white with sides that often fold over each other to give a slipper-like appearance. Lower flowers wither as upper flowers open. Flowering: December - March. Habitat: Lowland. Amongst rushes in ancient Kauri wetlands. Northland. Conservation: Data Deficient. Notes: An undescribed species only recorded from swamps in the far north of the North Island. Key features: wetland plant, many spirally arranged tubular pink flowers, opening widely. |