New Zealand Native Orchids
Corybas darkie
  • Corybas darkie
    Corybas darkie
    Dip Flat - Upper Wairau River
    Photo: Eric Scanlen
  • Corybas darkie
    Corybas darkie
    Dip Flat - Upper Wairau River
    Photo: Eric Scanlen


Corybas obscurus Map Loading...

Plant: Heart shaped leaves.

Flowers: waxy deep red to blackish purple, dorsal sepal dark purple to green with dark blotches; long, blunt to subacute projecting well past the labellum wings. Lateral sepals often to 75 mm long. Labellum dark maroon often with greenish area around the tube aperture. Outer wing conspicuously hairy.

Flowering: October.

Habitat: seepages in elevated open beech forest, forest fringes and subalpine grasslands. Central North Is southwards.

Conservation: locally common, not threatened.

Notes: Central North Island plants have a more acute dorsal sepal and are slightly succulent and waxy, but they seem more delicate in other regions. Was tagged C. “darkie". Similar plants are widespread in lowland areas in podocarp forest and kanuka forest.

Key features: dark flower, dorsal sepal clmping down over the labellum top; frequent greenish area around the labellum tube aperture.