New Zealand Native Orchids
Corybas rotundifolius


Corybas rotundifolius
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Plant: leaf up to 3.5 x 3cm, thin, oblong-oval in shape. Flower held well above the leaf, 10-15mm long.

Flowers:a soft pink to red. Dorsal sepal pale, almost white. Labellum often striped with darker slightly raised veins. Labellum with a raised midline of pink or white inward facing calli, short near the apex, but much longer nearer the column. Petals and lateral sepals very short.

Flowering: June to August.

Habitat: scrub and light forest.

Conservation: scattered, local; not threatened.

Notes: flowers lacking red colouring occur.

Key features: short tepals and tubular labellum, dorsal sepal pale and not cleft at the tip.