New Zealand Native Orchids
Thelymitra carnea


Thelymitra carnea
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Plant: small, with thin flexuous stem. Leaf very narrow, almost cylindrical, inner face grooved.

Flowers: few, salmon pink, rarely cream or yellow. Apex of column bright yellow, fleshy, top open, unevenly crimped, column arms fleshy, without cilia, margins toothed. Anther cap prominent, blunt, yellow.

Flowering: September to November.

Habitat: open scrubland. Northland to Banks Peninsula.

Conservation: widespread, locally common.

Notes: early flowering with a distinctive flexuous stem and pink flowers with naked column arms. The yellow flowered form has been named T. imberbis but cannot otherwise be distinguished from the pink.

Key features: pink or yellow flowers, naked column arms, open, ragged column top.