New Zealand Native Orchids
Thelymitra hatchii


Thelymitra hatchii
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Plant: stout, leaf stiff, upright. Stem with up to six flowers, pale to deep mauve. Column base dark reddish brown, top open horse shoe-shaped, notch at the rear. Top yellowish, rather ragged nobbly on the back. Cilia dense, usually yellow, sometimes white or pink.

Flowering: November to February.

Habitat: lowland to alpine grasslands, dry clay banks, in gravel, under scrub, forest margins. Whangarei southwards

Conservation: widespread, locally common, not threatened.

Notes: the stout upright leaf and horseshoe-shaped column make this quite distinct. T. concinna with crimson-pink cilia may is regarded as a colour form of T. hatchii although it is consistently smaller, with an leaf arching.

Key features: yellow topped horse shoe-shaped column top, dense white cilia.