New Zealand Native Orchids

Striped or Spotted Sun Orchids
Thelymitra nervosa

Habitat: clays, dappled or full sun; scrub or forest margins. Throughout.

Key features: spotted petals, rounded column top with a warty back.

Thelymitra ixioides

Habitat: well lit scrub or forest tracks, roadsides.

Key features: spotted petals, column top open ragged, tipped red or yellow.

Thelymitra cyanea

Habitat: lowland to montane bogs and damp ground. Throughout.

Key features: striped petals, curled naked, yellow column arms.

Thelymitra pulchella

Habitat: sea level to montane, wetlands, peat, damp scrub.

Key features: striped petals, column arms angular with few yellow cilia.

Domed topped Sun Orchids Sun Orchids Key Coloured Sun Orchids