New Zealand Native Orchids

Large Grass-leaved Greenhood Orchids

Pterostylis cardiostigma

Habitat: lowland to subalpine, damp scrub and forest. South to Hokitika.

Key features: upright stance of reddish plant with leaves prominently clasping the stem, labellum poking out from the small aperture between the tepals, heart-shaped stigma.

Pterostylis australis

Habitat: mature lowland to montane moist scrub and open forest. East Cape southwards.

Key features: very large flower, short tips to the tepals, rather broad, rounded leaves.

Pterostylis banksii

Habitat: lowland to montane, damp scrub or well lit forest. Throughout.

Key features: very large, common, narrow, pointed leaves and long tips to dorsal and lateral sepals.

Pterostylis oliveri

Habitat: montane to sub-alpine, open scrub and low forest, often on limestone or marble. NW Nelson soth to Arthurs Pass.

Key features: large flower, strongly in-curled dorsal sepal, thin crinkly leaves.

Pterostylis patens

Habitat: lowland to montane open forest and scrub. East Cape to Westland.

Key features: large flower with recurved dorsal sepal rearward pointing lateral sepals and red tipped labellum.

Pterostylis humilis

Habitat: high rainfall montane and subalpine scrub and grassland. Central North Is to Westland.

Key features: alpine habitat, very stout flower, heart-shaped stigma.

Pterostylis venosa

Habitat: montane mossy forest, scrub and short grassland. Urewera southwards.

Key features: medium-sized flower above close-spaced broad leaves, stigma oblong, labellum furry, montane to alpine plants.

Pterostylis micromega

Habitat: lowland to montane wetlands, stream edges and bogs. Waikato to Nelson.

Key features: wetland habitat, large flower with large white areas and long smooth curve of the dorsal sepal.

Rosetteded greenhoods Greenhood Orchids Key Medium-sized Greenhoods