New Zealand Native Orchids

Medium-sized Greenhoods

Pterostylis silvicultrix

Habitat: shaded forest, under Dicksonia fibrosa and restiad bogs.

Key features: Chatham Is species, large flowered, labellum, broad twisted at the tip, lateral sepals curled forwards.

Pterostylis montana (Hatch)

Habitat: forest, scrub, grassland, wetlands. Waikato southwards, widespread local.

Key features: lateral sepals taller than labellum and rolled, stigma elongate.

Pterostylis auriculata

Habitat: heavily shaded forest. Southland, common.

Key features: medium sized flower, broad arching leaves, lateral sepals flat below and above their junction but tips rolled, reddish.

Pterostylis areolata

Habitat: grass or light scrub, lowland to montane. Throughout South Is.

Key features: down-turned tip to dorsal sepal, sharply recurved sepals, wide gape and broad leaves.

Pterostylis irsoniana

Habitat: lowland to subalpine open scrub and forest. East Cape to Westland.

Key features: flower medium sized, prominently stripey and often highly coloured, labellum protruding with a curled tip ending in a callus.

Pterostylis irwinii

Habitat: damp ground in light scrub or forest often on fertile soils, limestone and volcanic. Central North Is to Nelson and Marlborough.

Key features: medium sized flower with straight lateral sepals crossing the dorsal sepal.

Pterostylis porrecta

Habitat: shaded forest floor, typically in areas of base rich rocks. Waikato to Southland.

Key features: small flower, lateral sepals hanging below the dorsal sepal.

Pterostylis agathicola

Habitat: lowland: common only in kauri forest or remnants. Northland to Bay of Plenty.

Key features: associated with kauri, medium sized nodding flower, upturned dorsal tip.

Pterostylis cernua

Habitat: Sphagnum moss, wet open forest areas and scrub. Westland.

Key features: medium sized, nodding flower, labellum dark green, protruding, with a central dark callus ridge.

Pterostylis paludosa

Habitat: lowland to montane peaty wetlands, bog loving. Waikato to Ruahines.

Key features: plants of wetlands. Small, pale yellowish plants, stout in leaf and flower, stigma heart-shaped.

Pterostylis graminea

Habitat: lowland to montane, light forest and scrub. Throughout.

Key features: relatively small flower on a slender stem and long, narrow, shiny dark green leaves.

Large Greenhoods Greenhood Orchids Key Rosetteded Greenhoods