Rosetted Greenhood Orchids |
plants with a rosette and a separate flowering stem |
Pterostylis alobula Habitat: lowland scrub and well lit forest. Northland to Banks Peninsula.Widespread, common. Key features: presence of rosette and flowering stages, very small flower, lateral sepals incurved at junction to give toothless look. |
Pterostylis trullifolia Habitat: lowland to montane, light scrub and forest. Northland to Nelson and Marlborough Sounds. Key features: presence of rosette and flowering stages, very small flower, lateral sepals rolled outwards at junction to give pouting look. |
Pterostylis alveata Habitat: lowland poor soils in hard beech, manuka and gorse. Wellington to Nelson, local, rare. Key features: small flower and large rounded first year leaves, thickened, jutting junction to sepals, broad petals. |
Pterostylis brumalis Habitat: in the immediate vicinity of the kauri. Northland to Waikato. Widespead, common. Key features: small flowered, plants with rosette stage, rosettes usually on a distinct stem. |
plants with a rosette producing a flowering stem | ||||||
Pterostylis puberula Habitat: under open scrub and sedges. Northland to Nelson; local, rare. Key features: small plant with a distinctive rosette, stubby flower and beady stem. |
Pterostylis tanypoda Habitat: montane grassland in short turf, often with Hieracium. Nelson southwards. Key features: plant with a basal rosette, presence of several small greenish flowers, very stout tepals, labellum callus points outwards. |
Pterostylis tristis Habitat: open grassland in short turf, often wetter areas or more shaded slopes, often with Hieracium. Marlborough to Otago. Key features: small plant with a basal rosette, several small, usually brownish, flowers, labellum callus pointed inwards. |
Pterostylis tasmanica Habitat: winter wet gumland scrub; often with sedges. Northland to Nelson. Local, rare. Key features: very distinct with the hairy, pendulous labellum. |
Pterostylis foliata Habitat: Lowland; grassland and open scrub, track sides and well lit forest or scrub. Waikato to Otago. Key features: basal rosette, long stem and broad curved dorsal sepal with blunt tip. |
Pterostylis nutans Habitat: clay areas beneath light scrub. Not currently known, last recorded near Taupo, Australian vagrant. Key features: medium sized flower turned upside down, broad-leaved rosette of undulation leaves. |
Medium Greenhoods | Greenhood Orchids Key | Large Greenhoods |