New Zealand Native Orchids

Onion and Leek Orchids

Microtis arenaria

Habitat: sandy soil, dry gumland in scrub, dunes. Northland

Key features: hump-backed ovary and forked tip to the labellum.

Microtis oligantha

Habitat: montane to alpine open short grass turfs, or boggy areas, streamsides, lakesides.

Key features:few flowers with a squat labellum a large callus and almost straight, pendant lateral sepals.

Microtis parviflora

Habitat: lowland, open places; not common.

Key features: labellum long, tapering, usually strongly curled and not notched, margin plain.

Microtis unifolia

Habitat: lowland to montane; a wide range of open habitats, both native and pasture or garden, often in grass. Throughout

Key features: very ornamented labellum margins, single prominent basal callus.

Genoplesium nudum

Habitat: lowland to montane, poor damp soil, winter wet clays, often with sundews and sedges. Throughout.

Key features: leaf much shorter than the base of the flower spike, flowers maroon.

Genoplesium pumilum

Habitat: locally common in gumland scrub and winter wet clays, often with sundews and sedges. South to Nelson.

Key features: the leaf extends into the flower spike flowers dominantly creamy green.

Prasophyllum colensoi

Habitat: lowland to alpine open areas but most common in short alpine grassland. Throughout.

Key features: rather pointed tepals, grassland habitat, flowers often varying in colour within a population.

Prasophyllum hectorii

Habitat: sedgelands, in flowing or still water, often floating, its roots barely touching the peat.

Key features: very wet habitat, white, frilled labellum.